the CRM software market

the CRM software market

Figures:  Between 2017 and 2018, the revenues of CRM software publishers increased by 15.6% to $48.2 billion, when all business software recorded an increase of 12.5%. And it is Cloud offers that are growing the fastest (20%), representing 72.9% of CRM spending.

But CRM solutions are also those which recorded the strongest growth over the period at just over 15%. In comparison, the global business software market grew 12.5% ​​to $193.6 billion in 2018.

And if the CRM market therefore continues to grow at a sustained pace, this is even more true for cloud-based or SaaS offers. Thus, 72.9% of expenses devoted to CRM last year were in SaaS mode. Gartner already predicts that this share will reach 75% in 2019.

“Cloud growth declined slightly in 2018, but remains strong at 20% and significantly higher than the overall growth rate of 15.6% for CRM,” nevertheless notes Julian Poulter, senior director analyst at Gartner. For comparison, the increase in cloud-based CRM was 27% in 2015.

Salesforce undisputed leader  – Thanks to the dynamic adoption of the cloud, the number one CRM recorded nearly 24% growth in 2018, generating 9.4 billion in turnover thanks to its customer relationship management offers .

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