Alkhadim – Training 2023

Alkhadim – Training 2023

The software allows users to follow all the stages of the PD one after the other, to follow the budget, its distribution, and to produce a multi-annual history of the PD in the establishment.

During this initial self-positioning, staff who re-evaluate (upwards or downwards) one of the items in the professional reference framework must justify it in the comments section for an evaluation. he must also indicate the priority points of professional development that he wishes to work on during the coming year (in connection with the complete evaluation).

manages all parts relating to personnel, budget management and training:   

          – Individual auto positioning

  • Entry/Modification of grids.
  • Personnel monitoring (consultation of personnel grids, entry of CDP remarks, filtering of results).
  • Global statistics.

       – TALIS survey

  • Handover companion (opening, closing).
  • Deployment of the TALIS survey (dynamic form).
  • Comparison of responses over several years.

       – Training

  • Enter/Modify training courses.
  • Validation of training registration requests.
  • Consultation of participants for each training.
  • consult staff training requests.
  • Validate or refuse training requests with a CDP remark.

       – Budget

  • Definition of the forecast budget.
  • Monitoring funded by PD element, by category, by staff, by year with budget use statistics.

         –  Evaluation of training

  • Evaluation companion (opening, closing).
  • Deployment of evaluation companion (dynamic form).
  • View the evaluation results for each training course.
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