How to build an effective digital strategy? Guide

How to build an effective digital strategy? Guide

Digital is becoming a major issue for all companies. Chance has no place here, a real digital communication strategy must be put in place to  make the most of this new trend . In the long term, building a  digital marketing strategy in Morocco offers you the guarantee of improving your visibility and stand out in a competitive world. From auditing your activity and your competitors, through defining your objectives and implementing a  detailed marketing plan  : discover the different steps to developing a  digital marketing strategy  for your business.

What is a digital strategy?

Generate traffic, convert prospects, analyze customer behavior and build loyalty: to successfully achieve such objectives, companies must implement a real  digital marketing strategy . The latter is defined by a set of actions that will allow you to meet your objectives through digital tools and online marketing. Integrating into the general strategy of your company, the  digital strategy in Morocco is made up of several elements such as the creation (or redesign) of a website, the use of social networks, referencing, content creation… It It’s not enough to use a few random channels to have a  digital strategy  that has an impact. To be effective, it must be carefully studied upstream and subject to a thorough audit. This work will allow you to define clear objectives and a  relevant action plan  consistent with your  overall business strategy.

A prerequisite for establishing your digital strategy: analyzing your market

There is no  standard digital strategy  : to define an action plan adapted to your objectives, it is necessary to first analyze your market and your competitors.

Defining your target market

The SWOT analysis method   (which translates to SWOT in French) is an effective audit tool to help you clearly define your target market. To do this, the following elements should be analyzed:

  • Strengths  : your expertise, the location of your activity, the added value of your products or services…
  • Weaknesses  : your bad reputation, the quality of your products, lack of expertise or originality, etc.
  • Opportunities  : the development of your market, those that need to be exploited…
  • Threats  : new competitors, prices, innovative products or services, etc.

During this analysis, be realistic about your strengths and weaknesses and take into account your current situation and the future of your business. There is no need to develop analyzes that are too long and complicated: be concise, because your SWOT is above all an inventory of your environment.

Benchmark of your competitors and their digital strategy

Analyzing your business is not enough: to  develop an  effective digital strategy, you must observe the activity of your competitors. They have the same goals as you: their methods, means of communication and tools used must therefore be monitored. Look at what works for them, and identify the actions that have an impact. The objective is obviously not to copy them, but to be inspired by them, or even to do better. These elements will allow you to have additional avenues for your  marketing strategy.

Audit your current online presence and that of your competitors

Before investing in communication tools and campaigns, it is necessary to carry out an  audit of your current digital presence  . Where are you present on the Internet (social networks, sites, blogs, etc.)? Do you have good SEO, a social network that generates activity, a blog with recurring traffic, a responsive site? What content is broadcast? The quality of your online presence matters. Do not hesitate to call on experts who can audit your website (referencing, loading speed, etc.). These elements should not be neglected, because they will allow you to identify what you can improve and enrich your action plan. It is also a way to know more about your audience and what they are looking for (bounce rate, number of pages visited, etc.). Don’t forget to analyze your competitors’ online presence. As well as inspiring you to expand your visibility, it’s an ideal way to evaluate what’s working best and incorporate additional channels into your strategy.

Define who the targets of your digital strategy are

Before you want to communicate with your target, you must know them. Define your  buyer persona  : who is he? What are their needs and motivations? On which social network can I reach it (Facebook, Twitter Instagram, Linkedin)? Knowing who your customers are is essential: this will allow you to direct your marketing strategy in the right direction, and to prioritize the targets to reach.

Also read: Important Tips for Developing Your Digital Strategy

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