Morocco launches the MoroccoTech brand

Morocco launches the MoroccoTech brand

With Minister Ghita Mezzour, proud to present our solutions
#moroccotech  #software  #rfid  #c2m  #alkhadim

Morocco has just launched this Friday the MoroccoTech initiative ,  the national brand for promoting the Moroccan digital sector, supported by the ministry responsible for digital transition and administrative reform, in close collaboration with the Federation of Technology. information, telecommunications and offshoring (APEBI), and in partnership with the Moroccan Agency for the Development of External Investments (AMDIE), the Digital Development Agency, the General Confederation of Enterprises (CGEM), the Association of Information Systems Users in Morocco (AUSIM) and the Technopark, a startup incubator located in the Casablanca metropolis.

Morocco launches the MoroccoTech brand

MoroccoTech aims, on the one hand, to position Morocco as a digital destination of choice internationally, and on the other hand, to create a global dynamic that will benefit all Moroccan ecosystems in their digital transformation. This initiative, resulting from a “public-private” partnership approach, is the result of a mobilizing and unifying movement of the different actors in the Moroccan digital ecosystem.

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The Morocco Tech launch ceremony was chaired by Ghita Mezzour, Minister Delegate, in charge of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, in the presence of Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Inclusion of Small Business, employment and skills. It was marked by the mobilization of several public and private actors who joined forces to initiate this new identity of the Moroccan technological scene. Eminent national and international personalities from the digital, economic, academic and institutional worlds also participated in this event.

“This day is a celebration of digital Made in Morocco,”  declared Ghita Mezzour during her speech which also focused on Morocco’s determination to establish itself as a regional digital hub, through the Morocco Tech brand, in particular by promoting its assets as a “tech destination”.

The inauguration day of Morocco’s new digital brand was punctuated by numerous interventions relating to strong measures in favor of the development of digital in the country: mode of governance of the brand, financing opportunities, talent pool available the kingdom…

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