
What is a communications agency?

The mission of the communication agency is to guide & support an advertiser (company, community, association, etc.) in its commercial approach by means of a communication strategy which aims to promote the image of the advertiser with its target audiences: customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, etc.

It is a company that orchestrates internal and/or external communication on behalf of its clients.

Internal communication :

It aims to unite staff with the company’s objectives, for example: the website, an intranet, monthly magazines, a company newspaper, etc.

External communication :

It aims to promote the image of the company to the targeted audience, for example: the website, social networks, business cards, a commercial brochure, etc.

The clients of a communications agency can be businesses, communities, liberals or even associations. The clients of a communications agency are not always advertisers. Global communications agencies manage the entire budget and communications needs of their clients.

A communications agency listens to its clients, it begins by integrating a series of parameters: the sector of activity, the objectives, the competition, the budget, etc.

Once all these parameters have been analyzed, it proposes a communication strategy. After a few discussions and validation from the client, the communications agency sets up a communications plan. Next comes the dissemination of the message(s) and the measurement of the performance of the communication action.

vision of communication by c2m

The different communication agencies

“Communication Agency”  has become an expression used for all agencies working in all areas of communication, advertising and marketing.

There are two main families of communication agencies:

  • Global communication agencies 
    They advise their clients in all their communication, they work in both advertising and direct marketing. France has two global communications agencies of international scope with Publicis and Havas.
  • Communication agencies with expertise in one or more areas
    Communication has many activities and specialties, some agencies have specialized in specific areas. Global agencies often use specialized communications agencies.

The following terms are also used and typed into Google to find communication agencies:

  • communications company,
  • communications company,
  • Advertising agency,
  • advertising agency or pub agency,
  • communications company,
  • communications agency,
  • communications agency,
  • communication box,
  • multimedia agency,…
The activities of a communications agency - c2m

Specialized communications agencies

Communication brings together a wide variety of activities and certain agencies specialize in:

  • Advertising:  the advertising agency advises advertisers and carries out visual and/or auditory advertising campaigns on their behalf.
  • The media:  the media agency advises advertisers on media planning choices, it plays an agent role in the procedures for purchasing advertising space.
  • The Web:  a  web agency  specializes in creating and updating websites. It brings together skills in development and graphic art. Its role is to offer you a web solution adapted to your project. Digital agencies, for their part, cover all the communication needs of a company on the Internet.
  • Print:  a print agency specializes in communication distributed on paper: business cards, leaflets, flyers, commercial brochures, etc.
  • Marketing:  a marketing agency defines all the actions aimed at studying and influencing the needs and behaviors of consumers. There are many techniques: web marketing, remarketing, content marketing, inbound marketing, permission marketing, etc.
  • Press relations and public relations:  the press relations agency takes care of its client’s press relations. Public relations brings together methods and techniques used by interest groups such as states, political parties, unions, businesses, etc.
  • Events:   the events agency specializes in the design and organization of events intended for professionals and individuals. (weddings, trade shows, fairs, previews, etc.)

The missions of communication agencies

A communications agency supports and advises its client to promote their image to targeted audiences:

  • Customers and prospects,
  • Partners and suppliers.

The main missions of the communications agency are:

  • To support your client in implementing their communication strategy to enhance their image and develop their notoriety,
  • To implement communication actions aimed at the targeted audience,
  • To offer effective communication supports and techniques in a minimum of time.

Why use a communications agency?

A communications agency brings you its expertise in the different communication professions, it also brings you:

  • Analysis of your external and internal communication,
  • Developing your communication strategy,
  • The design and implementation of your communication plan,
  • Management and monitoring of production  (visual design, layout, integration, development, publication, promotion, etc.),

A communications agency listens to its client with the aim of offering them solutions based on their needs and their budget. She understands her marketing issues   and advises and supports her client on all aspects of their communication.

To conclude, using a communications agency allows you to:

  • Benefit from expert communication advice with a guaranteed result,
  • Benefit from support and monitoring of your communication actions,
  • Save time and therefore money.

If you need to communicate, discover the activities and achievements of our  agency .

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