Visibility in search engines and social networks

Visibility in search engines and social networks

Being visible in search engines is essential for every business. It is the first basis on which any website must work.

The interest for a brand in exploiting the full potential of digital to develop its online activity and its visibility has become obvious.
Digital is a set of “places” each allowing you to attract targeted visitors who have an appetite for your offers.
We must therefore cultivate and develop our visibility in order to stand out in this context of infobesity.

Visibility of course consists of being seen, but not necessarily everywhere at the same time, in the same way, in the foreground etc… nor by everyone.
Each location has its own context to consider. We must approach it taking into account the rules that govern it (culture, type of users, way of communicating, etc.).


To stand out, we can consider these three approaches:

  • Natural referencing
  • Paid campaigns on search engines, such as with Google Adwords
  • Announcements via social networks, example with Facebook

Referencing your site therefore consists of positioning yourself in the most relevant and highest possible way to directly reach your potential customers.

The preliminary study

The point of establishing a visibility strategy is to determine how we will be able to exploit these possibilities.
And for each, the approach that will be adopted. It will be important to have been able to clearly identify:

  • Your targets
  • Your competitors
  • Search volumes for your products/services and on which key words and expressions

SEO Audit:

The SEO audit of your website is very efficient because it allows you to have a factual inventory of your positioning in search engines (competitors, key words and expressions).

Natural reference:

Seize the opportunities offered by good natural positioning in search engines.

Facebook campaigns:

Use the world’s #1 social network to target and capture a captive audience.

Google Adword campaigns:

Seize the potential of effective Adwords campaigns, for immediate visibility!

Read more: SEO Service

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