Updating your company's website: how, why?

Updating your company’s website: how, why?

The website is a showcase for the company, even when it does not carry out its activity online. This type of support allows it to obtain additional visibility, facilitate connections with customers and reach out to new prospects.

However, the image and visibility of the company can stagnate due to the obsolescence of its website. This is why regular updates are necessary. In some cases, a complete overhaul is recommended. How to carry out these updates, and what is its objective?

A company’s website: an online showcase

A study carried out in 2012 by the Association for the Development of the Digital Economy (Aden) revealed that 49% of VSEs and SMEs did not have a website, and that 31% declared that they had no plans for a website. The survey was carried out among 7,000 companies in France.

The change has not been strongly marked in recent years, since a new  Ipsos survey  for Google showed that 42% of French VSEs and SMEs had an “active” website in 2014. For comparison, the rate was 60 % in Great Britain for the same type of company (less than 250 employees).

However, the website offers several notable advantages for the company, even when its activity is not linked to e-commerce. Notably :

  • Show the know-how or values ​​of the company;
  • Relay the company’s commercial message;
  • Present innovative products or services;
  • Communicate towards prospects and customers.

Before putting its website online, the company must think about its communication strategy, but also about the technical solutions it will deploy. It is indeed necessary to plan regular updates in order to energize and secure this showcase.

Why update your website?

Several supports:

  • Promote good conditions for better referencing by updating the content offered on the website and adapting the support to changes in search engines;
  • Advantage the reading experience of an Internet user consistent with new browsing habits and by offering them new products regularly;
  • Avoid technical obsolescence by using obsolete media;
  • Guarantee optimal security by regularly correcting security vulnerabilities.

We can distinguish two types of updates to a professional site:

  • Putting content online. (the presentation of new products or services, or a news section);
  • The technical overhaul of all or part of the site. (the switch to “responsive design” so that the site is easily accessible on mobile, or the correction of a technically obsolete part of the site).

A global overhaul of the site may be necessary if it is no longer adapted to new techniques, cannot be properly secured or its navigation no longer meets current standards.

Currently, the next step is an update of your website, know that our  agency  can support you in updating your company’s website.

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