The stages of designing a website

The stages of designing a website

Over the past five years, a real revolution has occurred in the world of computing; this revolution is the explosion of the Internet, more particularly the foundation on which it is built: the Web, considered as a tool for communication, research/publication of information, Website Design and creation of new services.

Step 1: Take stock of your project

Objective:  This is about defining the reason why you want to create your website.
Selling online? Make a presentation of your company and your activities? Obtain new customers? Your answer will surely determine the price of your website!

Business model:  What are the ways to make money/customers with your site? Advertising, subscription, contact request, online sales, partnership. It is important to determine the economic model of your site to highlight your products, subscriptions, contact forms, advertisements, etc.

Targets:  If you have already thought about the business model of the site, you must have surely answered this question. Who is the target of your site?
Remember that you do not address a senior and a junior in the same way. Likewise, your speech to a company will be different from that for an individual or an association. Determining who your target will be will make it easier to highlight your pages and keywords for SEO.

Delivery time:  Do you have delivery requirements? A good website creation service provider often has a busy schedule, so you need to plan the design of your website as quickly as possible.
Online stores need SEO or advertisements to make sales. This referencing takes time: this time is to be expected.

SEO  : Do you need to make your site known? If you are not looking for new customers, there is no point in focusing on SEO. If, as in 90% of cases, you create your website to obtain new customers or to sell your products, visibility is essential.
There are many methods to generate traffic to your website:
– Natural referencing (Position of your site on search engines)
– Paid referencing (Essentially Google Adword campaigns)
– Partnership: exchange of links with the site of your partners
– Social networks: Like, Twitt, Google + and other exchange networks

SEO can double or triple the price of your website. So take the time to study the question with your service provider.

Step 2: Establish specifications

The drafting of the specifications allows those involved in the design of the website (Graphists, SEOs, Coders), to list all the tasks they will have to carry out, as well as the constraints they will face in carrying out their work. project. As part of a service provider – client relationship, the specifications must remain comprehensible and be able to be clearly understood by the client. Remember that the specifications arise above all from the client’s project/ideas.

Description of the graphics
Detail all the graphic and ergonomic ideas of the site. Color codes, logo, site structure, animations, etc. Everything that will be linked to the graphics of the project.

Description of pages
List all pages, sections and subsections. Present them with a short description. The goal is to show the client that you understood what they wanted on each page.

Technical description
Present all the functionalities that have not been listed with the presentation of your pages (contact form, slider, search module, etc.).

Step 3: Domain name & Hosting

Domain name optimization:  The domain name is of crucial importance for your future audience. To reserve your domain name, 2 options are available to you. Use your company name as your domain name so that your customers can easily find you on the web. This choice corresponds very well to companies wanting a presentation website.

If, on the other hand, your website aims to find new customers, you must choose a domain name identical to a Google search related to your activity. At Info Conception du site internet, for example, we build websites. The domain name was therefore ideal for Internet users to find us when they are looking for web professionals.

What to do if your domain name is already taken? Try a different spelling or domain. If you want to sell shoes online, try: /fr, fr, /com, etc… You will eventually find it.

If the domain name of your dreams does not seem available, you can also try to buy it, some are for sale for very affordable prices. So try to approach the owner for this purpose. Note that the older a domain name is, the more Google trusts it. This is really an asset for the natural referencing of the site. So consider repurchasing or purchasing a domain as soon as possible. Likewise, depending on your means, reserve a domain name for the longest period possible. If you think that your site will last for years, it is because you are sure of your project: Google will take into account your faith in your project.

Choice of hosting:
The choice of hosting will depend on the type of your website.

eCommerce: Online sales sites need a substantial SQL server and storage space that can cope with the numerous products and images present on the product sheets of this type of website. Count on €11.99 including tax for a “Performance” subscription with ovh for 500 GB hosting with a private SQL server.

Showcase Site: Showcase sites, unlike eBoutiques, do not need a lot of hard drive space or a large database. You can therefore reduce costs and opt for a “personal” subscription at €2.39 including tax per month for 100 GB hosting.

Site with a large audience: Sites with a large audience (> 25,000 visits per day) will require a dedicated web server. Prices vary depending on the technical capabilities of the machine. Between €85 and €1100 monthly at ovh. At this level, it will be good to consult a web expert to guide you in choosing your dedicated server.

Read More: How to Host a Website in Morocco?

Step 4: Graphic Design

This step is the specialty of the web designer, during this process the graphic designer will create the visual of the website. This step visually concretizes the client’s expectations and gives a real impression of the progress of the project. Graphic models are generally created with Adobe Photoshop software. Once the graphic files are finished, they are sent to the integrator for web integration.

This process is delicate because the graphics team must physically represent the client’s ideas. The aesthetic must meet the expectations of the customer, of course, but also of the Internet user. Do not hesitate to ask the web designer for advice on the ergonomics of the site.

Step 5: Development

Only now do programmers come into play!

HTML CSS integration
First of all, the web integrator. Its role is to transform your graphic models into an HTML page.
This process is carried out via programming lines in CSS and HTML. The CSS determines the colors and the HTML language will structure the pages.

The animations on your site are generally created during this step (Drop-down menu, Carousel, etc.). Your web integrator will also be responsible for making your website compatible with tablets and smartphones.

Interaction with the database
If your site needs to store information (member account, online store , etc.), it needs a database.
Interaction with the database is done via other development languages ​​such as PHP or ASP.

This part is not necessary for small static sites (the local bakery), but becomes essential for a bed and breakfast site with visibility on reservations, for example.

Note that contact forms are generally developed in PHP.

Step 6: SEO

Your site is finished, congratulations. But besides you, who knows it exists?

There are 2 types of SEO. Free referencing (natural referencing) and paid referencing (see Google Adwords).
In this step we will only talk about natural referencing.

And it is among the best website design tools.

Natural referencing is quite simply the race to come out first on the search engines.
This area is that of SEOs who will perform optimizations of your HTML programming and your content (texts, images). The goal is to make your site stand out as high as possible in search engine results.

This step is decisive for improving the audience of your website.

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