SEO Audit: How to Analyze My Website?

SEO Audit: How to Analyze My Website?

Whether you want to improve your website or more broadly your visibility on the internet, take the time to do an SEO audit. In other words, an inventory of your SEO and your visibility in Google, YouTube and other search engines. Here are 5 important analyzes to analyze my website and improve your SEO.

Step 1: Performance Analysis

The first step is to use  Google Analytics  to observe the evolution of your traffic, the time spent on your website or your blog and the bounce rate. Beyond these three KPIs, pay attention to the URLS (fixed pages or blog posts) that performed the best. This web content should inspire your next creations and actions.

Step 2: keywords and positioning

The heart of SEO is the keyword, that is to say a user query that corresponds to your activity, your product or your brand.

Example  : I am a real estate agency in the north of Lyon. My keywords will be “real estate agency Lyon”, “buy apartment Lyon”, “rent student studio Lyon”, “how to sell my apartment”, “copro trustee in Lyon”…

To develop a complete list of searches and associated keywords, use the  Google Ads keyword planner . Check if you are well positioned on these keywords (in the first 3 search results for a given keyword).

If this is not the case, rework your content or create web content around your keywords (press releases, blog articles, videos, etc.).

Step 3: Check Metas

Check that basic optimizations have been made on all pages of your website/blog. Starting with the metas:

  • The meta title: the title of your content, visible on the search engine
  • The meta description: the short paragraph that summarizes the content

Let’s add to these two fundamentals a series of important optimizations:

  • A URL that will include the keywords
  • A text that will exceed 500 words and include keywords
  • Headings: H1, H2, H3…
  • An internal and external network
  • From alt text to images
  • Microdata or enriched data

If you have WordPress, use the  Yoast plugin  to make these optimizations.

Step 4: Responsive, duplicate and loading time

A website that displays poorly on a smartphone or that loads slowly will necessarily be penalized. Quality content is of no use if the page supporting it is non-responsive and loads in more than 3 seconds (in 3G). Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights  gives an idea of ​​loading speed. For responsive, use  Search Console .

Another big factor in deindexing (at least poor positioning): duplicate or too close content. Each page of your website should be unique. Tools such as  SiteLiner  spot duplicate sentences, phrases and paragraphs…

Step 5: Backlinks and off-page SEO

Backlinks or inbound links play a central role in your SEO. The  Ahrefs tool  allows you to analyze the nature and quality of the links that lead to your website. The relevance, authority and diversity of these links determine the quality of the backlinking.

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