Manage your warehouses with logistics management software?

Manage your warehouses with logistics management software?

In C2M we have  logistics management software in Morocco which allows us to organize and manage warehouses, in addition to logistics and distribution at the maximum level of requirements.

Our technology helps increase productivity  ,  reduce  cost and  simplify  the margin for error. 
For this, C2M has selected one of the best in its sector as a technological partner .

The solutions for the storage and handling of goods in our facilities are based on the most advanced technologies and on the training that our highly qualified staff receives. Through  continuous improvement and recycling , C2M becomes your preferred logistics consultant.

Our “  RF  ” (radio frequency) -based computer system   allows us to check merchandise upon receipt, organize it into batches,  optimize  space and manage  inventory  immediately and securely across the entire chain. of the logistics system.

We operate through interfaces with transport providers and with our customers, to work quickly, efficiently and safely.

Our main objective is to adapt our service to the customer’s requirements.

The application dedicated to logistics management includes two distinct modules with logistics management software :

– Monitoring the mechanical condition of machines and vehicles, with keeping individual files for each vehicle, and issuing alerts for the dates of interventions on each vehicle: repairs, oil changes, etc.

– Monitoring fuel consumption, and linking it to vehicle mileage;

– Monitoring of the movement of vehicles through the missions: Mileage, destinations, purpose of the mission, drivers, etc.

– Geolocation of the brigade’s machines on a map to measure achievements.


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