Important Tips for Developing Your Digital Strategy

Important Tips for Developing Your Digital Strategy

We can see that that year, nearly 70% of 40-59 year olds surveyed said they had made  online purchases , which represents more than half of the population! With the continued evolution of digital technology, the retail industry has undergone profound changes. By 2023,  22%  of retail sales will be made through e-commerce. To continue to exist, points of sale will have to develop a global digital strategy.

Focus on 5 techniques and important advice to develop your digital strategy and use digital marketing as the spearhead of your business!

1. Embrace multichannel marketing

With multi-channel marketing, the customer retention rate increases up to  89% . Additionally, these loyal customers spend  13%  more on purchases. What is multichannel marketing for retailers? It’s about connecting online and in-store shopping experiences. The goal is to provide a consistent experience throughout the buyer’s journey.

The omnichannel approach relies on customer journey mapping to identify touchpoints that can make the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.

Retailers must encourage an integrated approach to shopping, both online and in-store. Take the example of customer service. Consumers can visit the store if they are looking for an immediate solution, or benefit from online or chatbot support. In both situations, the message must remain of the same quality. There should be no inconsistency between different channels.

In addition, a complaint started via one point of contact must be able to continue on another. Are you thinking about integrating a chatbot into your website? Estimate the price of its creation for free using our simulator!

2. Integrate voice search

According to a study conducted by Econsultancy, only 6% of retailers identify voice as an interesting opportunity in their sector.

However, voice speakers are increasingly present in consumers’ homes. Moreover, 40% of users use it to make purchases ( 50%  will be equipped by 2022). The reason ? Voice search offers an easy, fast and convenient experience.

Retailers should now optimize their website for voice search via:

  • The use of conversational keywords adapted to search intentions.
  • Optimizing product descriptions for different stages of the purchasing process

3. Link point of sale and e-commerce

To improve the fluidity of the customer experience in the retail sector, focus on click-and-collect!

The principle remains simple: customers buy on your e-commerce site and physically come to pick up the items in your store.

This additional service allows your customers to have more flexible times to pick up an order. Furthermore, almost half of customers who opt for click-and-collect make an additional purchase when they go to the store. A must to increase your sales!

4. Use social networks to target your catchment area

Social networks offer very advanced targeting features! These allow you to easily reach consumers who are likely to purchase your products. So enjoy it !

Take the example of a store that sells wedding dresses in Paris. With Facebook, Instagram or even Pinterest, this business can target a relevant audience, such as women aged 24 to 40, engaged or interested in marriage. Obviously, since the store is located in Paris, the merchant can geolocate the advertising so that it is only displayed to women living in the capital.

5. Develop an app

Developing the digital presence of a retailer involves creating a mobile application. 83%  of users appreciate a customer experience that combines retail and mobile app.

An application allows consumers to:

  • Select the products of their choice
  • Save their favorite products
  • Chat with a customer advisor
  • Stay informed of news and promotions
  • Order their favorite products directly

Benefits that are reflected in your turnover and your customer loyalty rate.

Read More: Strategies for Learning Business Management

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