Digitalization: Marketers rely on technology to cope

Digitalization: Marketers rely on technology to cope

In the “all-digital” era, marketing professionals and creatives are turning more than ever to new technologies to manage their growing content creation needs.

The brand’s digital transformation dynamic has indeed accelerated considerably over the past year. In France, 92% of marketing and creative leaders surveyed in Bynder’s 2021 Brand Status Study said they have noticed a sharp increase in demand for digital content from businesses, a higher number to that of the other countries surveyed. Although 22% believe that their company has completed the digital transformation, 60% are more nuanced and mainly report that the digital plan is accelerating. This increase means the marketing team must manage more content and data. These companies appear to have been able to keep up overall, especially through recycling, as 53% of respondents responded that their companies reuse their content multiple times in different ways.

Automation so you don’t get overwhelmed

Despite their confidence in the future and business, almost a third of respondents prioritize digital content management and optimization. Half of respondents say their company intends to increase technology budget to address these challenges. Marketing automation solutions, software that supports the automation of tedious and repetitive tasks in social networks, email or promotions management, occupy a leading position. Fifty-eight percent of respondents reported confidence in their potential to facilitate the creative process. Next came project management tools and content management tools, which were praised by almost half of the expert groups.

Experiments, questions and recruitment on this year’s program

In 2020, the increase in demand for digital content in France is mainly linked to the visual effects of social networks. Twenty-three percent of respondents agreed that in the transition to “all-digital,” achieving their core goals is one of their top concerns. 45% of people hope automation will allow them to focus on experimentation through agile marketing.

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