The RFID solution in Morocco to automatically and contactlessly trace your flows

The RFID solution in Morocco to automatically and contactlessly trace your flows

RFID technology and solution in Morocco allows companies in different professions and sectors (Industry, logistics, commerce, distribution, Agri-food, etc.) in Morocco, Algeria, the Caribbean, France and Reunion to save time in different operations, and improve productivity while guaranteeing security and traceability. Thanks to the possibility of memorizing, retrieving and automatically managing a significant amount of information that it must process through remote data. RFID tags make it possible to synchronize physical flows with information flows. Features: Simplification of inventory operations Information available in real time. Security of data exchange protocols. Better availability of items. Reduction of huge costs linked to merchandise recalls. Effective management of product flows. Identification of flights Traceability of operations. Fluid inventory management. RFID The tailor-made RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) solution in Morocco offered by ActiveIdentity services protects retailers’ profits, prevents theft and improves overall efficiency. – Retailers operate in an extremely competitive economic environment while having to keep up with increasing retail channels as well as ever-changing consumer habits. – Whether it is a fashion store, jewelry store, pharmacy or supermarket; Securing inventory, reducing shrinkage and optimizing employee productivity are the keys to business success. – We offer a full range of intelligent security and inventory solutions to help protect retailers and remodel everyday retail environment: • Maintain inventory accuracy • Reduce shoplifting, theft and supplier fraud • Protect your profits To be able to guarantee our customers the deployment of a reliable software solution, ActiveIdentity services has invested in performance tests of the majority of RFID technology equipment existing on the global market, which allowed us to choose and conclude partnership contracts with world leaders in technology in terms of RFID equipment and consumables (tags). Read More: What is RFID and how does it work?

Budget management software for businesses, How does it work?

Budget management software for businesses, How does it work?

To see things clearly and base your development on solid foundations, you organize your budget. In response to this need, budget management software in Morocco automates and makes the preparation and monitoring of budget execution more reliable. What is budget management software used for? The quality of the budget forecast determines the relevance of the organization’s strategic choices and its ability to allocate its resources wisely. The budget management process gives your company the ability to foresee the concrete consequences of a strategic decision, with two perspectives: An economic representation, measured in terms of return on investment. A financial representation, measured in financing needs. Budget management software optimizes your management through three levers 1. Managing company profitability Corporate budget management software allows the organization to better control its costs by identifying any load drift in real time. 2. The responsiveness of the organization Forecast budget software gives the company the means to decide quickly in the event of a change in environment thanks to visibility of parameters. 3. Decision making Budget management software makes it easier to share information between all decision-makers in the company. Validation flows and simulations contribute to cohesion. Each company is governed by its own dynamics and constraints. However, financial performance and the capacity for budgetary anticipation constitute challenges common to all companies. In addition to the generic functions expected of modern and efficient budget management software, Sage budget management  solutions  include valuable advanced functions to accelerate its development  Read More: Alkhadim – Accounting and budget management

Why You'll Need Debt Collection Software

Why You’ll Need Debt Collection Software

In strategy , mastery of space and time is essential whatever the field to which it applies. Whether in military or commercial strategy, the effectiveness of the actions undertaken fundamentally depends on the moment at which they are carried out. For this you will need time management and debt collection with debt collection software . The military art of great captains is based on their ability to apply force at a chosen location and at a precise moment which unbalances the adversary and allows victory despite numerical inferiority. Some battles were won or lost simply because one of the protagonists reached a strategic location a few moments before the other. Ulm, one of Napoleon’s most famous battles, was won almost without a single shot simply because the French troops were moving faster than the Austrian troops and were thus able to carry out a decisive encirclement maneuver. For this you will need time management and debt collection with debt collection software . In marketing and commercial strategy , success comes from the creation of an offer which corresponds on the different aspects of the marketing mix (price, product, advertising, distribution) to the needs of the market at a given moment, before competitors have positioned. In certain sectors such as telephony, progress is so rapid that a delay of a few months in the development of a project that promises great success renders it completely obsolete and unsaleable. On the other hand, we all remember innovative products released too early, that is to say before demand was really established, and which flopped.  Time is a key factor in the success of any action.  This is precisely the case regarding debt recovery actions in Morocco . To get paid, follow up on time! Firstly because in addition to the realities described above, customer follow-up is intrinsically linked to time. The purpose of recovery is to obtain payment of invoices on their contractual due date, which occurs at the end of the payment period applied to an invoice in relation to its issue date. Then, because to achieve the objective of being paid on the same day as the due date, the first reminder actions must be carried out before this date. If this is not the case, the goal can only be achieved by chance, which is not satisfactory. Finally, to be effective, reminders must be sequenced in a precise and dynamic manner. A debt collector who, following a reminder, grants his contact person two additional days to obtain validation of the payment must inform him that he will call him back after this period of 2 days and he must do so precisely at the time indicated. . In doing so, he gives information to his interlocutor about the seriousness of his follow-up. If the reminder occurs a week later, the information sent to the customer is a certain laxity in the management of reminders and that he may not be in a hurry to honor his commitment, All this with debt recovery software . Debt recovery performance Recovery performance is a mirror of what we put into it in terms of requirements and compliance with the recovery agenda. When the invoice is not paid on time, a follow-up the following day goes in the right direction. Wait two weeks and your buyer understands that they can wait at least two more weeks. Whatever you do, or not do, in collections, you educate your customers. Be flexible and lax and you educate them to pay you late; be professional and precise in the timing of reminders and you educate these same customers to pay your invoices with a vengeance! If the sequence of recovery actions must be carried out within a precise timing, the choice of the targeted interlocutor must, like the place of attack intended to destabilize the adversary in military strategy, be chosen judiciously. Indeed, nothing is less effective than following up with the wrong person. A doom and gloom, sterile and ineffective action, even harmful to customer relations, are all symptoms that are too often criticized by recovery services who consider recovery as a quantitative series of tasks. Finding the right contact person is an essential prerequisite for any effective action. Understanding the internal process of validation and payment of supplier invoices is also important. The larger the size of the customer, the more this understanding, and adjusting collection actions accordingly, is decisive in getting paid. The application of a recovery scenario is also essential in order to have progressiveness in the actions carried out, from the recovery before due date (very soft), then post due date (increasingly firm), to lead to pre-litigation. (sending a formal notice) then to litigation, while dealing as effectively as possible with any reason explaining the delay (dispute, etc.). Read More: How to implement a collection strategy in Morocco?

How to implement a collection strategy in Morocco?

How to implement a collection strategy in Morocco?

In a tense economic context, implementing a collection strategy in Morocco to reduce payment times is more essential than ever to secure the company’s cash flow. 1. Challenges of a recovery strategy in Morocco: freeing up cash Inter-company credit is   the primary source of financing for businesses. For the latter, it is therefore impossible to develop by only offering its partners  cash payment . However, granting  payment deadlines  must not conversely lead to cash retention or  excessive recovery costs  . Because one in four business failures is caused by  late payment , the creditor company must: monitor customer outstandings  ; implement a  balanced recovery strategy in Morocco. 2. Collection strategy: anticipate late payment An  anticipatory , transversal and sustainable  recovery strategy optimizes the recovery of receivables  ahead of the due date, even before unpaid debt  becomes apparent. This is pre-covering. Managing  customer risk  involves several actions: study of the solvency of prospects and customers; negotiation of  dissuasive commercial clauses  ; quality control of the  invoicing process  ; early management of disputes . Far from deteriorating  customer relations , getting customers used to a sales process that is both firm and open to dialogue will in fact project the image of a good manager and serious partner. Trying to facilitate compliance with the schedule in advance is a solution that is too often neglected. In the event of  proven payment default  , the  recovery strategy in Morocco  aims to obtain a payment commitment  from the defaulting customer, without sacrificing the  commercial relationship . 3. Gradual recovery strategy: from amicable recovery to legal recovery The pre-litigation phase aims to understand and resolve the reasons for  non-payment  : management of possible disputes; establishment of a  payment schedule  ; etc. The final stage of amicable recovery after  telephone and written reminders  and any visits, will be the  formal notice . Finally, if no solution emerges, the company will engage in a legal recovery process. Due to their cost, so-called long procedures will nevertheless only concern large debts. Certain accelerated avenues of action, such as an order for payment , will be possible for debts not giving rise to any serious dispute, that is to say whose existence is incontestable. These legal actions will aim to obtain from the judge an  enforceable payment title  which must itself be followed up by a bailiff. 4. Recovery strategy and outsourcing of customer risk management The company can decide to outsource  customer risk management  to different players: lawyer ; bailiff; collection companies  ; credit insurance companies . And this, from the  amicable recovery phase  or during the legal phase. Outsourcing recovery  will prove particularly interesting in the case of  foreign debtors . Alternative solutions such as the  mobilization of receivables  will make it possible to  transfer the customer risk  associated with a receivable to a third party, while optimizing its cash flow. Factoring also constitutes an essential short-term financing solution for certain companies. Although  invoicing software  allows you to  track the payment of your invoices and customer reminders  , they are insufficient when a  payment is unpaid . In this case it is necessary to resort to a finance and accounting solution  or a collection agency . In the first case, you will be completely independent in recovering your  debts, your invoices, or your unpaid rent . In the event of difficulty, specialized lawyers control the legal stages to speed up the proceedings. Contact us here for more information about this software.

Manage your warehouses with logistics management software?

Manage your warehouses with logistics management software?

In C2M we have  logistics management software in Morocco which allows us to organize and manage warehouses, in addition to logistics and distribution at the maximum level of requirements. Our technology helps increase productivity  ,  reduce  cost and  simplify  the margin for error.  For this, C2M has selected one of the best in its sector as a technological partner . The solutions for the storage and handling of goods in our facilities are based on the most advanced technologies and on the training that our highly qualified staff receives. Through  continuous improvement and recycling , C2M becomes your preferred logistics consultant. Our “  RF  ” (radio frequency) -based computer system   allows us to check merchandise upon receipt, organize it into batches,  optimize  space and manage  inventory  immediately and securely across the entire chain. of the logistics system. We operate through interfaces with transport providers and with our customers, to work quickly, efficiently and safely. Our main objective is to adapt our service to the customer’s requirements. The application dedicated to logistics management includes two distinct modules with logistics management software : – Monitoring the mechanical condition of machines and vehicles, with keeping individual files for each vehicle, and issuing alerts for the dates of interventions on each vehicle: repairs, oil changes, etc. – Monitoring fuel consumption, and linking it to vehicle mileage; – Monitoring of the movement of vehicles through the missions: Mileage, destinations, purpose of the mission, drivers, etc. – Geolocation of the brigade’s machines on a map to measure achievements. Read More: ALKHADIM – COMPUTERIZATION OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT

What is Human Resources Management? HRM

What is Human Resources Management? HRM

Human Resources Management in Morocco has evolved significantly since the time when the function was called Personnel Administration. It is no longer a question of administering but of managing the women and men of the company. Even if some still persist in using the term “Human capital”, those who make the company what it is are in no way capital that needs to be “managed”. The question is all the more sensitive today where the “digital revolution” is significantly shaking up working methods, relationships between employees and, more generally, management itself. And it is not the recent reforms of labor law which are part of a totally archaic vision of the company and its sociology which will help the HR department in its difficult task, to say the least. Let us also not count on the craze for supposed new management methods such as the “liberated enterprise” advocated. If the theme is a bestseller, the reality on the ground expects something much more than the “miracle recipes” that we have been bombarded with for many years now…Let’s take a closer look at HR Management, it has multiple aspects, all equally important than each other. The 6 themes Along these lines we will study the 6 main inseparable aspects, characteristics of this complex activity and essential to the implementation of the strategy and the management of performance. -1- Recruitment and integration managementHow to find, recruit and retain the most competent profiles which are sorely lacking? The performance of a company is above all directly dependent on the qualities of its employees, whether they are motivation, the capacity for innovation or the desire to work in a group. -2- Management of compensation The estimation of the fair salary is dependent on multiple parameters, not the least of which is the competition’s offer. -3- Career and skills managementIn a changing world, careers are managed over time. The current legends about the essential flexibility of employees who should not only change companies permanently but also jobs according to the needs of the latter are only legends. Read the article about skills management  with a focus on hidden skills. -4- Training management It must be a win-win game and respond to both the short-term skills needs of the company and the wishes of employees to build a solid career in the longer term. -5- Social management The company is a human organization, it is therefore confronted with all aspects of interpersonal relationships. We must also go further and build organizations that are more human and more proactive at the same time. It’s a win-win game within the company itself. For this, it is urgent to develop the autonomy of work groups and to facilitate team decision-making. -6- Performance evaluationCollective evaluation or personal evaluation? The type of evaluation conditions the management method.   To properly manage and organize your team, we offer Human Resources Management Software , contact us here for more information. Read More: Alkhadim – Human Resources Management

7 points to check for a well-indexed Mobile First site

7 points to check for a well-indexed Mobile First site: SEO Guide

7 points to check for a well-indexed Mobile First site: SEO Guide The global epidemic that is hitting us will have produced at least this good thing: Google has decided to postpone the transition of its index to “mobile-first” for a few months. If developers know what steps to take, Google has recently added a few. We are therefore going to go through all of this again to see what you need to check so that your site is correctly indexed. The difference between Mobile Friendly and Mobile First Since 2015, Google has favored websites that adapt to the screen format used by the Internet user. These sites, with responsive design, are considered “Mobile Friendly”. However, this does not mean that navigation is comfortable or that the user experience is pleasant. It very often happens that the display is difficult to read or that the download time is exceptionally long. This is explained by the fact that a “Mobile Friendly” site is very often designed AFTER the desktop version. However, there is a big difference between the navigation and usage standards between these two versions. “Mobile First”, on the contrary, prioritizes the creation of the mobile site before the desktop version. The design of a “Mobile First” site aims to offer mobile users an unforgettable experience. Companies can then adapt the latter to the desktop version or choose to offer a specific model for each medium. Why create a Mobile First index? If, until now, it was enough for your site to display perfectly on all screens to satisfy the search engine, today, Google is much more demanding! Since the rise of the mobile Internet, several developers have strived to offer different content and formats depending on the medium used by Internet users. After all, mobile users aren’t looking for the same experience as desktop users. Google therefore wants to reward companies that make the effort to promote the user experience on mobile. This is why the “Mobile Friendly” index gives way to “Mobile First”. Companies that want to maintain their SEO visibility on the search engine will therefore have to make some changes for a well-indexed Mobile First site… Points to check for a well-referenced mobile site Test structured data Structured data is useful to help this dear GoogleBot better understand the content of your pages. In addition, they allow you to highlight your pages in a sophisticated way in search results, most often in position zero, thanks to “  rich snippets  ”. If you use structured data on the “desktop” versions of your pages, you must have the same on the mobile versions, because with mobile first indexing, Google will only use the mobile version of your page for the indexing. Testing your pages in this regard can be tricky. We suggest testing structured data in general and then comparing it to the mobile version of the page. For the mobile version, check the source code when simulating a mobile device or use the HTML code generated with the mobile-friendly testing tool. Note that a page does not need to be mobile-friendly to be taken into account for mobile-first indexing. Check “noindex – nofollow” tags You must use the same directives in your robots.txt on both versions of your site. If you use “noindex” (or “nofollow”) on mobile, Google may not be able to index (or follow) the links on your page when your site is indexed mobile-first. Beware of “Lazy loading” In the same way that you must make sure not to block any resources, and you must also be careful about what you place in “noindex – nofollow”, you must allow Google to read what you gradually load on your page. Lazy loading is very common on mobile. However, avoid placing your main content behind this practice, by requesting user interaction (swipe, or click), because Googlebot will not trigger these interactions. Your content will not be indexed, your images will no longer be displayed in Google Images. Lazy loading should automatically load content when it should be visible on the screen. Do not block useful resources on mobile Some resources have different URLs on the mobile version: they are sometimes served on different hosts. If you want Google to crawl your URLs, make sure you don’t prohibit crawling with your robots.txt file. For example, blocking URLs for .css files will prevent Googlebot from rendering your pages correctly, which can hurt your pages’ search rankings. Likewise, blocking image URLs will (temporarily) disappear these images from Google Images. Speaking of pictures… Assign the same URLs to your images on desktop and mobile If your images do not have the same URL on the Desktop and Mobile versions, consider assigning them the same address, so as not to be deindexed, even temporarily. Besides, why don’t they have the same URL? You wouldn’t use smaller images to fit on a smaller screen by chance? If this is the case, this is a very bad practice: these low resolution thumbnails may be considered “poor quality” by Google which will consider them too small to be presented in Google Images. Speaking of Google Images… Optimize your alt text for Google Images The value of “alt” attributes on images is a great way to describe images to visually impaired users using “screen readers”, and to search engine crawlers. Without the “alt” attribute on your images, it’s much harder for Google Images to understand the images you’re using on your pages. Check the “img” tags in the source code of the mobile version of important pages on your website and verify that they have the appropriate “alt” attributes for the images you want to appear in Google Images. Tag your videos If your desktop version uses “VideoObject” structured data to describe your videos, congratulations! Just make sure the mobile version includes the same markup, with similar information. Finally, make sure to place your videos in an accessible location on the mobile version of your pages. Poorly tagged or poorly placed videos could harm the user experience, and therefore

15 Invoicing Software to Easily Manage Your Invoices

15 Invoicing Software to Easily Manage Your Invoices

Invoicing is an inseparable step from the administrative aspect of your activity or business. It is imperative to provide a legally compliant invoice to your customers, in exchange for the payments they make. This supporting document contains several information about you, your customers, as well as your services provided with billing management software .   To make your daily life as a freelancer easier, now offers  15 invoicing software to easily manage your business invoices .   1. Zervant     Zervant  is simple and free invoicing software, perfect for entrepreneurs and small businesses. It allows you to create and send professional invoices online in just 60 seconds.   Zervant offers several features allowing you to create quotes, sales invoices, receipts for invoices, electronic invoices (e-invoices), invoices with and without VAT, a customer and product database, deposit invoices as well as payment reminders.    The service is free for up to 10 customers, several premium subscriptions are also available with a 14-day trial period.   Zervant  also has a mobile app on Google Play and the Apple App Store   2. (100% free, forever)     The tool   allows you to create and manage your quotes, invoices and deposits with disconcerting ease. was designed by the team, the first networking platform for French-speaking freelancers for over 10 years. is 100% free, forever. It was developed with the sole objective of making it easier for freelancers to invoice. It is also perfectly suited to VSEs and SMEs, in particular respecting the mandatory criteria of the VAT anti-fraud law.   To allow maintenance of the site as well as regular updates of the service, only a few advertisements (very discreet) towards the platforms of the group are present.   Try the tool now  thanks to the “demo mode” activated by default each time you create an account, a good way to get started with the tool.   3. Sage Business Cloud     Sage Business Cloud  is a complete solution, used by many micro-entrepreneurs, which allows you to manage your invoices and your accounting at the same time. You can therefore edit purchase orders, enter payments, have an overview of your situation (balances, margins, deadlines, etc.). At the end of your financial year, the software provides you with a real accounting report.   Sage offers several versions suitable for each type of business. For micro-entrepreneurs, prices start from €9 excluding tax/month with a free trial.   With this offer you will be able to take advantage of mobile applications on Apple, Android and Windows Phone.   4. My AE     My AE   is invoicing management software, specially dedicated to micro-entrepreneurs. This is an online billing service, compatible with all browsers.   My AE allows you to manage customers, quotes, invoicing, purchases and many others. Despite an aging interface, everything is optimized to save you time.   The solution allows you to automate tasks, such as recurring invoicing for your services or entering your purchases.   The basic version, limited to 10 customers and €2,000 billing over 12 months, is free. The Premium plan is offered at €3 excluding tax/per month or €25 excluding tax for an annual subscription.   5. Sellsy     Sellsy  is an ultra-modern, aesthetic and very practical online solution. In addition to creating invoices and establishing quotes, it also offers the ability to schedule tasks.   The formula also includes the use of a complete CRM with pipeline management, lead scoring and even sales automation tools. You will also be able to manage your accounting using banking connections integrated into the solution.   The tool offers you available and free assistance. The subscription starts at €40 excluding tax/per month for annual billing or €50 excluding tax/per month billed monthly. This price includes use by 2 people. Additional users will be charged €25 excluding tax.   6. EBP     EBP   is invoicing management software that brings together a range of software to facilitate the management of your accounting, but also for the preparation of your invoices. The intuitive interface saves you time and drafting invoices is as easy as using word processing software.   The simplest version of the software, more than sufficient for freelancers, is offered at a fixed price of €139 excluding tax. A 30-day trial version is offered.   7. BillingsPro     Available on Mac, iPad and iPhone, the  Billings Pro application  (formerly Marketcircle) allows you to manage your invoices, contacts and projects in a single interface.   You can edit both one-off and recurring invoices, and set up payment tracking, to ensure reminders in the event of payment default.   A new time tracking functionality allows micro-entrepreneurs to save time by easily editing invoices with the time spent for each mission.   The application is accessible from $5 per month for a version very limited to 5 invoices per month. Otherwise you will have to pay $10 per month to have unlimited access to all the features.   8. Freelancer App     Freelancer App   is invoice management software that helps freelancers create invoices and quotes quickly and easily. It has the advantage of automatically adding information adapted to your activity, simplifying declarations, validating online quotes and managing reminders.   Are interface, “rustic” is nevertheless very ergonomic and functional to manage all needs quickly and easily.   The free version already allows you to create your invoices without limits. To benefit from pre-written emails, validation of online quotes with customer commitment and others it will cost you only €5 per month.   9. Iscriba     Iscriba  is invoicing management software and an online invoicing solution that promises to save you time on your invoicing thanks to an ergonomic interface that you can personalize.   The design of invoices is also customizable to give a professional look to your business. Finally, you can also automate certain actions to save even more time and devote yourself entirely to your main activity.   Please note that the management of personal data is ultra-secure.   On the billing side, Iscriba

Creation and development of mobile applications in Morocco

Creation and development of mobile applications in Morocco

Mobile application creation, C2M supports you in the creation and development of mobile applications for iPhone, Android and iPad in Morocco. The multiplatform Whether it is a unambiguous development aimed at a single platform or a cross-platform application, C2M will assist you in the entire application creation process   through the perpetual presence of a high-performance team and listens by supporting you in your choice decisions targeting IOS ,  Android , Windows… Mobile app design For the creation of mobile applications in Morocco, passion is behind our success, the hope of serving better and the satisfaction of a customer who feels supported and well cared for in our company are the main reasons that drive us. All our motivation is centered on this desire to create a connection from the first minutes, and because we are aware that a customer who feels comfortable expresses his needs as best as possible, we make this idea the key to success and prosperity of the project, this is the reason why support supervised and facilitated by our team brings your ideas to life. Please note that these are the ideas that inspire our team in any  unique mobile application design  , with a view to adorning your project with our knowledge in the field and possibly allowing you to tangibly admire your creation. Mobile application development At C2M, the  development of mobile applications  is far from being a simple question of lines, codes and technical elements to respect, it is also a desire to bring an appropriate application into the world through the use of a set of most inventive technological solutions which allow our team to personalize each application and ultimately deliver to the client an original product and thus avoid being overtaken by competitors… for the creation of mobile applications in Morocco . Design and ergonomics Everyone knows it, it is not enough to have a technically efficient application, aesthetic clothing is also a decisive element in attracting the general public. C2M leaves nothing to chance and exploits the creativity of its collaborators to offer you an original interface which combines elegant nuances with fluidity of use, we are not content with “look and feel” but we extend it to “Look, feel and touch”. Mobile advice Among the strong points of C2M for the creation and development of mobile applications in Morocco, is its consultative approach based on the provision of relevant advice in the field which it benefits to all its clients without exception: its consultants have already operated in very varied fields, luxury, Media, Gaming, Food, Music, Educational, Culture, Humanitarian…. And on very diverse issues (Serious Games, Brand Image, Catalog consultation, Augmented reality, Orders and reservations, Geolocation, Mobile loyalty programs). Strategy and performance After the completion of an  application  and at the time of its launch we implement a marketing strategy likely to reach your target to increase your returns from the first months of its birth, to ensure the sustainability of the application in an environment where competition rages. We are constantly reinventing our profession to better express our creativity at the mobile network level, choose your campaign and address best practices in terms of: rivalry, activation, retention and monetization. Mobile application maintenance. Once the design, development and integration phase is over, an essential step occurs: maintenance and monitoring. This is one of the steps generally neglected by service providers and a source of several inconveniences for the customer. So there’s no need to turn your head in all directions! Our professionals are there to set up detailed monitoring to ensure the proper functioning of the application to make it optimal over time. We are convinced that   high-quality mobile application maintenance  allows us to be recommended to your partners and to expand our fields of application. Read More: Creation of Mobile Applications in Morocco

The Best Online Invoicing Software in 2024

The Best Online Invoicing Software in 2024

Are you looking for online invoicing software that fits your business and your budget? Here are the Best Online Invoicing Software in 2020. We have selected for you software adapted to different statuses (self-employed, companies), different professions (freelancers, craftsmen, service companies, liberal professions, etc.). Compare and choose the invoicing software that best suits your needs and your legal status. Find out how to choose the best invoicing software with our detailed guide. Quickbooks: complete online management software for VSEs and SMEs and the self-employed Why we selected it Quickbooks is online invoicing and management software suitable for freelancers, VSEs and SMEs. Bank synchronization, invoice recognition and the cash flow and turnover monitoring table allow you to monitor your daily activity. We therefore appreciate being able to: Many features 100% online software Bank synchronization Freebe: software dedicated to freelancers Freebe is quote-invoice software for self-employed freelancers. We appreciate the bank synchronization and the possibility of making URSSAF declarations automatically. Very comprehensive quote & invoicing software 60 days FREE with code INDE60 Integration with your bank Evoliz: complete management software for VSE-SMEs and self-employed people Evoliz is simple invoicing software that has been on the market since 2011. Rather complete, it allows you to manage quotes, invoices but also accounting in a customizable and collaborative interface. Suitable for independents, VSE-SMEs but also associations. 100% French, customizable, scalable and collaborative Complete management tool Automated processes Tolteck: online invoicing software dedicated to building craftsmen Why we selected it Tolteck is invoicing software dedicated to craftsmen, whose specific functionalities (material models, works, etc.) have already enabled it to convince more than 14,000 craftsmen who use it on a daily basis to manage their activity. Accessible on all devices Accessible even offline Very simple and effective Henriri: free online invoicing software it is published by the Rivalis company, a specialist in executive support. A good choice if you are looking for free, certified and ad-free invoicing software. Be careful though, Henriri still cannot be used on smartphones. Henriri is a good invoicing software, but it is clearly not as good for accounting management. We therefore note the absence of bank synchronization, management of expense reports, management of supplier invoices, etc. Those who wish to combine invoicing management and accounting management under a single tool will have to turn to more comprehensive software. To do this, do not hesitate to take a look at our comparison of the invoicing software that we have had the opportunity to test for the moment. Why choose online invoicing software? When you are an entrepreneur, invoicing is an integral part of the daily management of your business, whether you like it or not… The tools to manage your management and particularly invoicing are numerous, and it is sometimes difficult to know which one to choose. and how to optimize this task. In our opinion, online invoicing software has many advantages. Save time on invoicing Reducing the time spent on invoicing to be able to concentrate on your core business is the first advantage. Most online quote and invoice software allows you to save time thanks to: automation of administrative procedures (URSSAF declaration, VAT, etc.) process automation: sending documents by email, automatic reminders of unpaid debts, etc. quote and invoice models already available (and customizable) the possibility of creating product/service catalogs, customer/contact lists synchronization with the bank to automatically generate expense/revenue records Secure your data By choosing online software you benefit from backup of your data on secure servers. Compare invoicing softwareFind the invoicing software suited to your status and budgetCOMPARE Online invoicing software offers the ability to access multiple accounts from different computers. Thus, an employee or your accountant can also consult and work on the same shared tool. Work from anywhere A computer, tablet or mobile and an internet connection is all you need to create quotes and invoice online. So you can connect from anywhere in the world, from any computer. This will particularly suit nomadic entrepreneurs.  Respect standards and laws This is the last advantage of using online invoicing software, and not the least. To best meet market needs, invoicing software must comply with the latest legal obligations. Thus, they will always comply with the latest standards, such as the anti-VAT fraud law for example. The quote and invoice models contain the mandatory legal information, the accounting documents are generated in accordance with the latest recommendations or obligations, etc. This saves you from having to worry about these questions. On the other hand, this software has the advantage of performing updates automatically. You therefore always benefit from the latest version of the software, without having to download anything. What are the alternatives to online invoicing software? Using an Excel spreadsheet is still quite common, especially for entrepreneurs less attracted to new technology. However, this manual work often involves errors, wasted time and archiving difficulties. On the other hand, with the latest legal standards, particularly in terms of VAT, some of you are obliged to use software approved by the State. You may also be tempted to use quote templates, invoices, purchase orders, etc. found on the internet or even a paper biller. However, there is no guarantee that these models comply with current standards. So at your own risk! If your business documents do not comply with legal requirements, you will have no recourse during an audit. Finally, there is also invoicing software to download. Although they generally offer the same features as online invoicing, they also have disadvantages: Obligation to download updates manually, or even download/purchase the latest version of the software Used in local version, that is to say only from the computer on which it is installed. Read More: The Best Free Invoicing Software

The Best Free Invoicing Software

The Best Free Invoicing Software

Are you looking for free invoicing software to save time creating your quotes and invoices without breaking the bank? Do you want to leave Excel or your traditional biller aside to limit invoicing errors and improve your professional image? So don’t wait any longer, and let yourself be guided to choose the best free invoicing software! To help you, we have separated them into 2 categories: those for everyone, and those reserved for self-employed people. Before going into detail, let’s mention the limitations that we have observed with free invoicing software: Free software isn’t really free . As the saying goes, “when it’s free, you’re the product.” Beyond some hidden costs, most companies that provide free tools do so to sell you other services or include advertising. The sales pressure you will experience varies from one tool to another, but keep this in mind when making your choice. Free today does not necessarily mean free tomorrow Support is often limited (or non-existent) To avoid these problems, it may be wise to invest in a paid tool, which is why we present here the best free invoicing software, but also some paid (but inexpensive) and more complete alternatives, which you can also try it for free for at least 30 days, or even more… The Best Free Invoicing Software (For Everyone) For this selection of software, we focused on those with at least one 100% free version, and excluded those which offer free trials, but which become paid after a certain time (sometimes 7 days, sometimes 30 days ). Henry Henriri is the first free invoicing software in our selection. It is published by the company Rivalis, a specialist in supporting managers for more than 20 years in France. This is reflected in the presence of numerous activity monitoring dashboards (in addition to the classic quote and invoicing functionalities). A good choice if you are looking for certified , free, online invoicing software  with no usage limits and no advertising. Be careful though, Henriri still cannot be used on smartphones. I run my business Je Pilote (or Je Pilote Mon Entreprise if you prefer the long name) is a free quote and invoicing software with no usage limits. This software is aimed at self-employed people, small businesses and startups, associations… All statuses seem accepted! It therefore deserves its place in our selection of the best free invoicing software, especially if we consider all the management features to which you will also have access for free (because yes, Je Pilote is much more than a simple invoicing tool): Accounting, cash flow monitoring, dashboards, VAT management. This is the free (and simple) invoicing software offered by the founders of the freelance platforms, and to freelance users of their services. is nevertheless open to everyone, without limits, and for all statuses (self-employed, SASU, EURL, etc.). Rather easy to use, it allows you to quickly create quotes, invoices and credit notes online and even has a “dashboard” functionality that allows you to monitor your activity. Only downside: advertising (rather discreet) for the sites of the group. The alternatives To continue this list of free invoicing software, let’s cite some also free alternatives that we have considered: Zervant: free invoicing software for up to 10 clients only. Kafeo: quote and invoicing software to download, free in its basic version Gestan: the Standard version (download) of the management software is free and includes a quote and invoice module. VosFactures: the free version is limited, but the software is complete and simple and worth the few euros per month of the first version. Let’s finally finish with two interesting alternatives: Quickbooks and Evoliz. Of course, they are not free (from around €10 per month), but the investment will allow you to access more management features (accounting, cash flow monitoring, expense reports). The monthly time savings that you free up for your activity quickly make the few euros spent each month profitable, and you are guaranteed to have a long-lasting solution and support present from A to Z. Compare invoicing softwareFind the invoicing software suited to your status and budgetCOMPARE The best free invoicing software (for self-employed) As a self-employed person, you are lucky. Your accounting is simplified, and good free self-employed invoicing software also allows you to generate revenue and expense books most of the time. ILoveTax Funny name for invoicing software (especially free)! In any case, ILoveTax offers free unlimited quotes and invoices, and a dashboard. However, you will have to pay €3 per month to access the banking connection and simplified accounting. Kolirys The latest arrival on the market of free invoicing software for micro-businesses, Kolirys is published by a Lyon company. We haven’t had the opportunity to test it yet, but Kolyris has some arguments to please, at least on paper. It is in fact certified as compliant with the anti-VAT fraud law, and offers functionalities that go beyond simple invoicing (scheduling management, customer management, accounting, etc.). Tiime AE Developed by the company Tiime, Tiime AE is free invoicing software intended for self-employed people only. At Tiime AE, no usage limits, and some valuable features such as monitoring VAT thresholds and contributions. For consultants or freelancers with a different status (EURL, SASU, EI), the same company is currently developing Tiime Invoice, but the application (web and mobile) still lacks some features (notably the possibility of saving services) . myAE: invoicing software for micro-enterprises and associations, free for up to 10 customers/suppliers and 10 suppliers and €2,000 in invoicing over 12 floating months myAE: unlimited quotes and invoices, reminders included, but no technical support in the free version Let’s also end this section with one of the best choices for self-entrepreneurs in 2020: Freebe. Freebe is certainly paid, but our readers can test it for free for 90 days with the code INDE90. If after your trial you continue, it costs only €7 per month for a very advanced management tool, without limits, and dedicated especially to self-employed people. Do the calculation yourself,

seo for website

SEO for Website: The Complete 2024 Guide to Winning the Search Game

Table of Contents   Introduction Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results pages, thus attracting more organic traffic. By optimizing various aspects of your site, you can improve its ranking on search engines like Google. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into a wide array of SEO strategies and best practices to help you enhance your website’s performance in search results. These techniques are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to elevate your online presence. We encourage you to implement these strategies as we navigate through this guide. By doing so, you will be better equipped to outperform competitors and secure a prominent position in the highly competitive digital realm. 1. Conducting Keyword Research for SEO Rankings Keyword research is a critical step in optimizing your website for search engines and improving your online visibility. Understanding user intent and targeting the right audience with relevant keywords can significantly impact your SEO rankings. Here are some key points to consider: Significance of keyword research Keyword research allows you to identify the specific words and phrases that users are searching for, helping you tailor your content to meet their needs. By understanding user intent, you can create targeted content that resonates with your audience and improves your chances of ranking higher in search results. Recommended tools There are several effective tools available for keyword research, such as Semrush, Mangools, and Moz’s Keyword Explorer. These tools provide valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and related keywords, enabling you to make informed decisions when choosing the right keywords for your website. Discovering long-tail keywords Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that have lower competition but higher search volume. These keywords can be valuable in attracting highly targeted traffic to your website. By incorporating long-tail keywords into your content strategy, you can increase your chances of ranking well for niche topics and capturing relevant organic traffic. Example of success To illustrate the impact of proper keyword research, consider a website that was struggling to gain visibility in search results. After conducting thorough keyword research and optimizing their content accordingly, they were able to climb the search rankings and achieve higher organic traffic. This example highlights the importance of keyword research in driving SEO success. Remember, effective keyword research is a continuous process that requires monitoring and adapting to changing trends and user behavior. By staying up-to-date with the latest keyword research techniques and utilizing the right tools, you can optimize your website for SEO rankings and improve your overall online presence. 2. How Can SEO Benefit Your Website? Explain the significance of keyword research in understanding user intent and targeting the right audience. Keyword research is essential for understanding the language your audience uses when searching for information, products, or services online. By identifying the right keywords, you can align your content with the specific needs and interests of your target audience. This enables you to create relevant and valuable content that resonates with users, ultimately driving organic traffic to your website. Recommended tools for effective keyword research Utilizing tools like Semrush, Mangools, and Moz’s Keyword Explorer can provide valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and related keywords. These tools enable you to identify high-potential keywords that align with your business objectives and audience preferences. Methods to discover long-tail keywords with low competition and high search volume Long-tail keywords are highly specific phrases that tend to have lower competition and higher conversion rates. Through thorough research and analysis, you can uncover these valuable long-tail keyword opportunities that allow you to target niche audiences and enhance your overall SEO strategy. Example of how proper keyword research helped a website climb the search rankings For instance, a local bakery used keyword research to identify long-tail keywords related to specialty desserts. By optimizing their website content with these targeted keywords, they significantly improved their visibility in local search results, attracting more qualified leads and increasing overall customer engagement. 3. Why is SEO Important for Websites? Understanding User Intent and Targeting the Right Audience Effective keyword research is crucial for understanding what users are searching for and aligning your content with their intent. By targeting the right keywords, you can attract relevant traffic to your website. Recommended Tools for Keyword Research Tools such as Semrush, Mangools, and Moz’s Keyword Explorer provide valuable insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords, helping you make informed decisions about your SEO strategy. Discovering Long-Tail Keywords Long-tail keywords with low competition and high search volume present valuable opportunities to capture niche audiences. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results. Real-Life Example Consider a scenario where a website implemented a comprehensive keyword research strategy, identified untapped long-tail keywords, and optimized its content accordingly. As a result, the website experienced a significant increase in search rankings and organic traffic, demonstrating the direct impact of effective SEO practices. 4. Doing Topic Research for Audience Relevance When it comes to SEO, it’s not just about targeting the right keywords, but also aligning your content with the interests of your target audience. Thorough topic research is essential to ensure that your website provides relevant and valuable information to your visitors. Here are some approaches you can use to conduct topic research: Competitor Analysis Analyzing the content of your competitors can give you insights into what topics are resonating with your target audience. Look at the type of content they are producing, the engagement it receives, and the keywords they are targeting. Leveraging BuzzSumo BuzzSumo is a powerful tool that allows you to discover trending ideas and popular content in your industry. By analyzing the most shared content, you can identify topics that have the potential to attract a large audience. Utilizing Google Search Google itself is a valuable resource for topic research. Use related search queries at the bottom of the search results page to explore different angles

How to have the best Linkedin page?

How to have the best Linkedin page?

Certainly registration is one thing, but to  differentiate yourself  or rather get yourself noticed and thus obtain a denser network, optimizing your profile is very important. We give you some tips for this. So How to have the best Linkedin page? 1. Write a relevant headline This is what should catch the eye of the person viewing your profile. Never say that you are available or looking for this or that position. You must demonstrate what  skills you are prepared to offer  to a company or what advice and services you are able to offer to your potential clients. Keywords   will be what determines your visibility on the social network . Examples: Seller representing placier in equipment for miller Chartered accountant for small and medium-sized businesses Web marketing specialist applied to early-stage start-ups in the Montreal region etc. 2. Post an eye-catching photo Appearance is important on Linkedin, absolutely put a  profile photo , some recruiters don’t even bother to look at profiles without a photo. An American teleshopping show showed that  19% of recruiters only looked at the photo . In addition, your photo must be  professional , but not too serious, you are there to  show your personality  too! 3. Create a summary that suits you What we advise you to do is to make your summary like a  story-telling . That is to say romanticize your journey a little. Show that each professional experience and training has a  logical sequence  and that all this leads you to apply for this job or that is why your company sells this service. Additionally, write in the  first person singular , it is more direct and more personal. 4. Use the multimedia available to you Linkedin offers you the possibility to add videos  , photos  and  links  for  your summary, your professional experiences or your training, so don’t wait any longer! This is the best way to illustrate and make your information  attractive  and  arousing interest . You can insert a URL link for your internship thesis or your final thesis, the articles you have published, photos of your diplomas, videos of oral exams won, projects you have carried out , etc. The goal of a Linkedin profile  is to insert all the relevant information that shows your abilities and sets you apart, so  don’t try to recreate your classic CV. 5. Create a business page First of all, inform your employees if you have any, and  your company logo will appear in their “professional experience” section . Inform your customers by inviting them to join the Linkedin page. Thanks to this you will obtain a certain  visibility . Content is king on a business page , so bet everything on the  quality of the posts  you publish, even if it means having only one post each week, rather than publishing something every day that will not attract anyone’s attention and will keep you away from your target. If you succeed in this, you will have every chance of  getting follow-ups . 6. Get Recommendations The recommendations concerning you will have the role of establishing your skills, your expertise and this will reassure you about the reliability of your profile. You can obtain them from your former university professors, work colleagues or former employer by simply asking them. Getting  10 recommendations  would be ideal for your profile. 7. Change your page to multilingual Do you have potential clients abroad, do you aspire to an international career? A feature on Linkedin allows you to  change your profile  to as many  languages  ​​as you want. Instead of having a profile only in English or a profile where you alternate between English and French, this option will be very useful for you to be  understandable by everyone  around the world. If you have done all of this, a bubble next to it will tell you the strength of your profile based on the information you have inserted. The objective would be to have an expert level demonstrating the  quality  of your Linkedin page. What mistakes to avoid on a Linkedin page? 1. Remove your old jobs In a classic CV, you choose the professional experiences that will be useful for the next position you aspire to. On Linkedin,  think differently . Even the simplest jobs, such as cashier and summer jobs, etc., can show  your perseverance  and  ability to bounce back . You don’t know what qualities an employer or client wants from you. So, list all your experiences, you will surely be surprised by the expectations of your interlocutors. 2. Wait until you are offered the right opportunity Many users create a profile and just wait for someone to contact them. However, this is the best way to fall into the oblivion of Linkedin profiles. Update your profile regularly , share and like articles that interest you and join groups that suit you. Groups are profile communities sharing general characteristics or working in equivalent or complementary fields. This will allow you to interact with them, get help in a specific area and perhaps expand your professional network . 3. Making grammar and spelling errors Where a classic CV and your Linkedin page meet is  the expression . Although it is a social network, it is professional; so, don’t take it lightly if you sign up. Making mistakes can happen, but not proofreading is intolerable in the professional sphere. Your grammar as well as your spelling must be  impeccable , the seriousness of your profile depends on it. So, don’t be afraid to  ask someone in your family or a friend  to proofread you. For those who have great difficulty with spelling, the paid software  Antidote  will be your best friend for this. Be careful not to fall into one of the  7 deadly sins of the entrepreneur! The extra advice Register even if you are a student Are you a student and you have the ambition to eventually become an entrepreneur? You will therefore surely need  resource people , people from whom you could ask for expertise. This goes through your network, so to not lose contact, register now, your teachers are surely already registered. What’s more, during your studies you will surely have  internships to complete , a Linkedin profile will be  an undeniable advantage  compared to other students. Finally, when you mention your training, your universities generally have a “school” page on Linkedin. This creates a  community of former students  and we all know the weight of sponsorship and support networks between students of the same university or business school. Read More: How to Deploy an Effective Social Media Strategy?

Effective ways to make yourself known for free

Effective ways to make yourself known for free

Standing out from your competitors and the millions of companies present on the internet is not easy. Improving your visibility, however, remains essential if you want to acquire new customers. You also don’t need to spend too much money on promoting your business, as there are inexpensive or even free ways to get it out there. Thanks to the  online marketing techniques  that we are going to present to you, with effective ways to make yourself known for free, your results will increase at high speed, the traffic on your site will increase significantly, and this without paying anything. 1- Create and update your blog You’ll be too busy in the early stages of starting your business, but when you find your stride,  consider starting a blog . Indeed, the blog turns out to be a particularly useful and effective way to make yourself known. It allows you to develop  your company’s natural referencing  , and thus position yourself on terms related to your activity. Thanks to a blog, you will be able to appear in the first results of search engines. Position yourself on keywords related to your activity and write content on this subject. Subsequently, the Google algorithm will spot you and position you favorably. With a simple search, an Internet user can read your article, learn about your offer and become a prospect. It’s up to you to convert him into a customer. Creating your blog is an important, even essential, step in the marketing development of your business. Indeed, it allows you to publicize your products and services free of charge and to a wide audience. It communicates to your prospects and customers how you stand out from your competition. Regularly updated,  your blog must be relevant, interesting and current.  You can write your articles alone and use content sharing software to delegate this task to you. Blogging is a free way to make yourself known for free and to develop yourself, but it can also be time-consuming. Do not hesitate to seek professional support and train yourself on this subject. Effective ways to make yourself known for free The blog has the double advantage of seeking new prospects and consolidating the relationship with your current customers by  sharing your expertise with them . In addition to this, it allows you to show your customers that you are still as active as ever. In addition to giving them relevant information, the blog can reassure them. Conversely, a poorly populated blog can be a sign of decline in your business. If not, avoid reposting this image and focus your efforts on your  content strategy . Providing information to your customers means communicating and being interested in them. You will not only market your product or service, but also provide help to your customers and more generally even to Internet users. Through the human aspect of your business,  you will build connections that will improve your brand image . Sharing your knowledge with your customers helps them understand difficult concepts and creates interaction. 2- Optimize your SEO SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to all the techniques and processes that contribute to positioning a site or a web page in search engine results, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing for example. The main objective of a search engine is to  find the web page that best answers a user’s query. The query corresponds to the keywords used by the Internet user when doing a search (examples: “online management software”, “how to make an invoice”, “advice for beginner entrepreneurs”, “easy tarte tatin recipe”, etc.). Google is the world’s leading search engine. Strengthening the SEO of your site and blog is essential. There are many free eBooks and downloadable documents on the web to help you develop your SEO. We also have an article on how to create a well-referenced professional website on this subject in partnership with Orson, the online website creation platform. Your site and your blog need good SEO to be seen by the greatest number of Internet users. By investing a little of your time, you can have a site placed at the top of search engines, all without spending a penny. Different approach techniques for carrying out your SEO are available to you. First, establish a content strategy as seen in the previous point. Positioning yourself on diverse themes by using keywords and writing dense content allows the Google algorithm to spot you. Another way to improve your natural referencing is to increase your domain authority (DA). Known as domain authority in French, this is a rating used to judge the strength of a site in the eyes of Google. This rating ranges from 0 to 100. The higher it is, the stronger your site is considered. To allow this rating to increase, in addition to a content strategy, set up backlinks. These are inbound links. Multiply partnerships so that other sites point to you. Google will spot these links and your SEO and DA will increase. These strategies certainly take time to implement, but they can be very effective in the long run. 3- Use social networks Social networks are an aspect of your strategy that should not be neglected. These platforms appear to be one of the best ways to make yourself known. In continuing to promote  your blog articles , social networks play a major role. Indeed, it is these platforms that will allow simple Internet users to take an interest in your content and generate leads for you. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or even Instagram, your content is shared with the whole world, that makes you want it, right? Whatever your activity, you will be able  to reach your target  through social networks. Studies have shown that they are used as much by young people as by an older population, and that a large majority of people have one or more accounts on social media. So, by bringing together a community around your business you will make yourself better known. More than beneficial, the functioning of social networks is miraculous. Take the example of Facebook. A person who is a member of your community appreciates one of your posts and likes or shares it, their friends who were not aware of your business will discover you and you benefit from increased notoriety. On social networks, your visibility and notoriety can therefore

Best Social Media Strategy for Small Business: The Guide

Best Social Media Strategy for Small Business: The Guide

Social media is now part of many companies’ strategies. We all have a more or less positive idea of ​​social networks, but establishing a better social media strategy is necessary in order to choose the right platforms and set the right objectives to reach your target audience. Let’s find out together how to create quality content and define an effective and relevant social media strategy. 1. For which media to establish a strategy and how to proceed? You probably already have accounts on different  social networks and applications , but you have not yet defined your  social media strategy.  The latter is particularly important and must be thought through carefully. First, study  each of your accounts.  Social networks provide  statistics on clicks, views and shares for each professional page . Comments, opinions, shares and the number of likes will be the main criteria that will enter into your decision-making. Analyze their effectiveness (number of subscribers,  likes,  your publications VS engagement rate) to take an initial inventory of your online presence. The most important thing is to define the objective and role of your social networks. Do you want to develop your notoriety, generate traffic to your website, build your image? Asking yourself these questions is necessary to get your message across as best as possible, depending on the desired objective  . Depending on your needs and the results of your analysis, you will then have to ask yourself the question:   “Which social network best suits my needs?” . If you are not yet registered on social networks, first look at what your  direct competitors are doing . Identify industry leaders. Look at how they do it and what media they position themselves on. Replicating their strategy can be a good way to get started and enter the multitude of networks that exist. Afterwards, you can of course establish your own strategy. Standing out from the competition on the web can only be positive. To do this, you will need to ask yourself questions. Should you publish the same content on different social networks? Should I hire a  community manager  ? Should space be left for Internet users’ freedom of expression? The answers to these questions will allow you to make the right strategic choices. You must keep in mind that the choice of networks on which you position yourself depends above all on your audience. You need to establish a sort of  socio-demographic  (age, gender, place of residence, income, etc.) and  psycho-graphic  (center of interest, lifestyle) table of your target clientele. This segmentation will allow you to better understand your target. Once you have determined your typical customer, find out which social networks your business will be most influential on. To help you in your choice, you will also need to evaluate the strengths of the social media selected to highlight the most relevant and those that are most consistent with your activity. The goal remains to create a closer bond with your prospects in order to make them love your business and ultimately convert them into customers. Finally, look at the different accounts of brands you like and observe how they manage their social media accounts. Even if it is not the same field of activity as that of your company, take note of their strong points, because they have nevertheless managed to seduce you! 2. Plan the actions of your web strategy You now have a more precise idea of ​​your use of social networks and that of your competitors. You took a critical look, drew inspiration from their strengths and identified prospects for improvement. Your strategy is established, but now it’s time to look at the more technical side of the process. Do you want to direct  traffic generated  by social networks to your own website? Do you want to sell directly on social networks? On the contrary, do you just want to make your business known to your target market? These are questions that you must ask yourself and the c2m team offers you examples of actions. Put a link to your site under a posted photo. Traffic is redirected directly to your site. This strategy allows you to gain prospects and build customer loyalty. Create Facebook actions   by sharing information on the key area of ​​your business. Create an active fan community around your business. Make yourself known and benefit from the “buzz” effect on social networks, by creating interactive and fun marketing actions, to create buzz on Twitter  for example. Telling a story and arousing emotion in your readers is a strategy that pays off. Highlight the entrepreneurial side of your business. Share your expertise and experience through  story telling. All these actions on social networks will allow you to gain customers. Through your presence and constant and interesting publications for the targeted audience, your visibility and your number of sales will increase. 3. Create a process Your strategy is established and it is now time to  create a publishing schedule.  Computer tools allow you to plan your publications in advance and publish your posts on several media simultaneously. Buffer, Hootsuite, and many other tools will help you organize your posts and automate the process. It’s important to  keep your readers’ attention  and  cultivate their impatience . Try to post between two and three times a week to build a real connection with your community. The main question you need to think about will be the publication dates of the articles. Regularity  will be the key to your  popularity  on different social networks. Remember that your content must be of quality, because publishing regularly will not be relevant if your content does not attract the attention of your community. 4. Adjust the shot Once your campaign is launched, you will not have to monitor its progress and its impact, positive or negative. It’s not enough to push lots of articles headlong. You need to   analyze your own publications , in the same way that you analyzed those of your competitors in the first step. The ideal will be to periodically evaluate your performance . This can be done weekly, monthly or quarterly. It’s up to you to determine your pace and the quantity of publications published. Analyze reactions, the time at which your  posts  generate the most interaction and which content is the most popular to be able to correct and develop your presence on social networks. Even if you only have a small audience at the start, gradually adjusting your content and your strategy according to their reactions will allow

7 false thoughts about social media for self-employed people

7 false thoughts about social media for self-employed people

It’s up to you to decide which social networks you prefer to communicate about your small business and what is the best strategy to adopt to achieve your marketing objectives. Now is the time to enlighten yourself about the myths and false thoughts you may have on social media. So, here are the 7 false thoughts on social media for self-employed people 7 false thoughts to discard on social media 1. Facebook, you can find anything there This is a preconceived thought of this social network. Of course you can find anything and everything there, but there are business pages, Facebook groups intended to promote a site or a brand or even help and advice groups between entrepreneurs. All of this can provide you with   significant support and visibility for your small business! Facebook can then be of great use to you. Facebook is a place of exchange where interaction between businesses and customers  is easy. You can inform them directly, read articles that will be useful for your problem and benefit from sponsorship between small businesses to  gain visibility . 2. Social media is just for the week Your person affiliated with marketing where you yourself only work during the week, from Monday to Friday, however Internet users are  active 7 days a week  ! You could have more success in your communication strategy if you used social networks and if you publish activities on weekends as well. We’re not telling you to work overtime, but you can  schedule  social media  posts automatically using software like Buffer  or  Swello . 3. Social media generates no net profit In addition to the visibility gained on social media, you can create engagement with the people who follow you, i.e. your community! These media bring you prospects who seem to be interested. If you can convince them, they will become customers and therefore buy your products. Social media are therefore a good way to  make yourself known, gain customers, and by extension increase your turnover . Subsequently, these new customers will recommend your company, your product or your service. It is therefore a  virtuous circle  and you have to be patient with this type of promotion, but it bears fruit! Examples: Companies that use  Twitter  have  twice as many prospects  on average as those that don’t use it, Companies with more than 1000 followers on Twitter get  6 times more traffic  to their site, 45% of marketers emphasize that  social media generate leads  with lower acquisition costs compared to other channels, 62%  of businesses using Linkedin for marketing have acquired customers through this channel, 52%  of businesses using Facebook for marketing have acquired customers through this network, 44%  of businesses using Twitter for marketing have acquired customers through this medium. We invite you to enrich your reading by continuing with this article to find out how to create and optimize your Linkedin page effectively. 4. I need someone young to take care of web marketing First of all, there is no need to hire an extremely young person to take care of this marketing aspect. Your employee must have a  minimum of experience ,  knowledge  and  skills  in the field. Being registered on social networks since the age of 12 does not mean mastering its subtleties. In addition, the target that the company wishes to reach is surely a  mature audience  that is receptive to the proposed offer. Someone older may be able to better understand customers’ expectations as well as their fears of social networks. Hire someone based on creative criteria, a relevant analytical mind and interpersonal skills. 5. Social media is just for young people First of all, a quick summary of the  different generations  that you are likely to meet Generation ​ Generation Y:  born between 1980 and 1995, person who grew up at the same time as the development of the Internet, questions what exists, revolutionizes the market, has nerve and is multitasking. Generation Z:  born between 1995 and today, person permanently connected, technology is an extension of their personality, physical space is doomed to disappear. These people will have to question themselves because the school model and the reality of the market are diametrically opposed. This is what the generations encountered on the market are succinctly described. You will therefore be more likely to think that Generation Z will be the ones who are the most active on the network, but that is a  preconceived thought  ! Here are some figures that will fool you: 40%  of active users on Facebook are over  35 years old 52% of Internet users aged 55-64 have joined a social network 93%  of American adult Internet users are on Facebook 6. Google+ is useless Among the 7 false thoughts on social media for self-employed people! Certainly it is not the most used social network, compared to Facebook. But its great strength for professionals is its  capacity in SEO , i.e.  natural referencing  on Google search pages! By publishing an article on  Google+ , if it is liked and shared it will be automatically referenced in Google searches according to its popularity and the keywords it contains. Contrary to this, articles published on Facebook do not increase your natural referencing, they only allow you better visibility. 7. Social media replaces a business blog The blog should be the  central point of your  communication campaign . The blog attracts, converts and transforms your visitor traffic. Social media in no way replaces a website specific to your business. Social media allows you to have a visible community of fans and you must use them to continually make referrals to your  internet blog  ! You now know everything you need to know about social media and can make the most of this  extraordinary  , constantly evolving tool ! So, stay connected!

How to Deploy an Effective Social Media Strategy?

How to Deploy an Effective Social Media Strategy?

Of all communication channels, social networks have become essential for brands. It is not only an informal way to speak to your audience, but also a source of information on consumer behavior, so how can you deploy an effective social media strategy ? Being present on social networks is not enough: to attract customers and retain your audience, you will need a real Social Media strategy. Here are our 5 tips for  a successful SMO strategy  ! 1. Carry out a diagnosis It is not possible to define a relevant strategy without a prior diagnosis. The web audit includes the analysis of your  online  presence as well as your competition (benchmarking). Observe your competitors: what are they doing? What are their successes and failures? What are the best practices in your sector? This analysis serves to identify your own strengths and weaknesses to act accordingly. 2. Define your goals Next, you must define objectives that are both relevant and achievable. The  SMART method  is ideal! Your objectives must be clear, realistic, measurable… Examples of objectives that are not: capturing and retaining new customers, winning leads, retaining customers, increasing site traffic, developing awareness of your brand, improving your e-reputation, modifying the image of the brand… All this lacks precision! 3. Choose your actions To deploy an effective social media strategy, choose the network(s) most relevant to your brand. Don’t spread yourself too thin because you won’t keep up the pace! Unless you have a whole full-time SMO team. Prioritize quality over quantity. Content with high added value will have more impact than three posts without anything useful. Be authentic and unleash your creativity to stand out from your competitors. Social networks are not a business blog: let go! Attracting the attention of Internet users is not easy. Creating content for social media requires investment. Pay attention to adapting content to each network. Indeed, the platforms have their own language and their particular codes. Avoid duplicating the same post on all platforms. Additionally, consider media advertising. Ads on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn allow you to precisely target your audience. 4. Develop your schedule Once you have defined the type of audience, the editorial line and the media on which to broadcast, you will be able to establish the editorial planning which will guide the creation of content and ensure their coherence. Developing an editorial calendar will give you a framework to follow. 5. Don’t forget performance indicators (KPIs) KPIs are essential for measuring the impact of an action and the relevance of your strategy. Whatever goal you set, it needs to be quantified. For example: acquisition of 20 leads per month, gain of 10 followers per month, 100 shares per post, 1000 more views by the end of the month or 50,000 likes on the next video… Read More: How to install the Facebook pixel to target your ads?

SEO Audit: How to Analyze My Website?

SEO Audit: How to Analyze My Website?

Whether you want to improve your website or more broadly your visibility on the internet, take the time to do an SEO audit. In other words, an inventory of your SEO and your visibility in Google, YouTube and other search engines. Here are 5 important analyzes to analyze my website and improve your SEO. Step 1: Performance Analysis The first step is to use  Google Analytics  to observe the evolution of your traffic, the time spent on your website or your blog and the bounce rate. Beyond these three KPIs, pay attention to the URLS (fixed pages or blog posts) that performed the best. This web content should inspire your next creations and actions. Step 2: keywords and positioning The heart of SEO is the keyword, that is to say a user query that corresponds to your activity, your product or your brand. Example  : I am a real estate agency in the north of Lyon. My keywords will be “real estate agency Lyon”, “buy apartment Lyon”, “rent student studio Lyon”, “how to sell my apartment”, “copro trustee in Lyon”… To develop a complete list of searches and associated keywords, use the  Google Ads keyword planner . Check if you are well positioned on these keywords (in the first 3 search results for a given keyword). If this is not the case, rework your content or create web content around your keywords (press releases, blog articles, videos, etc.). Step 3: Check Metas Check that basic optimizations have been made on all pages of your website/blog. Starting with the metas: The meta title: the title of your content, visible on the search engine The meta description: the short paragraph that summarizes the content Let’s add to these two fundamentals a series of important optimizations: A URL that will include the keywords A text that will exceed 500 words and include keywords Headings: H1, H2, H3… An internal and external network From alt text to images Microdata or enriched data If you have WordPress, use the  Yoast plugin  to make these optimizations. Step 4: Responsive, duplicate and loading time A website that displays poorly on a smartphone or that loads slowly will necessarily be penalized. Quality content is of no use if the page supporting it is non-responsive and loads in more than 3 seconds (in 3G). Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights  gives an idea of ​​loading speed. For responsive, use  Search Console . Another big factor in deindexing (at least poor positioning): duplicate or too close content. Each page of your website should be unique. Tools such as  SiteLiner  spot duplicate sentences, phrases and paragraphs… Step 5: Backlinks and off-page SEO Backlinks or inbound links play a central role in your SEO. The  Ahrefs tool  allows you to analyze the nature and quality of the links that lead to your website. The relevance, authority and diversity of these links determine the quality of the backlinking. Read More: Understanding RFID Technology

Important Tips for Developing Your Digital Strategy

Important Tips for Developing Your Digital Strategy

We can see that that year, nearly 70% of 40-59 year olds surveyed said they had made  online purchases , which represents more than half of the population! With the continued evolution of digital technology, the retail industry has undergone profound changes. By 2023,  22%  of retail sales will be made through e-commerce. To continue to exist, points of sale will have to develop a global digital strategy. Focus on 5 techniques and important advice to develop your digital strategy and use digital marketing as the spearhead of your business! 1. Embrace multichannel marketing With multi-channel marketing, the customer retention rate increases up to  89% . Additionally, these loyal customers spend  13%  more on purchases. What is multichannel marketing for retailers? It’s about connecting online and in-store shopping experiences. The goal is to provide a consistent experience throughout the buyer’s journey. The omnichannel approach relies on customer journey mapping to identify touchpoints that can make the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. Retailers must encourage an integrated approach to shopping, both online and in-store. Take the example of customer service. Consumers can visit the store if they are looking for an immediate solution, or benefit from online or chatbot support. In both situations, the message must remain of the same quality. There should be no inconsistency between different channels. In addition, a complaint started via one point of contact must be able to continue on another. Are you thinking about integrating a chatbot into your website? Estimate the price of its creation for free using our simulator! 2. Integrate voice search According to a study conducted by Econsultancy, only 6% of retailers identify voice as an interesting opportunity in their sector. However, voice speakers are increasingly present in consumers’ homes. Moreover, 40% of users use it to make purchases ( 50%  will be equipped by 2022). The reason ? Voice search offers an easy, fast and convenient experience. Retailers should now optimize their website for voice search via: The use of conversational keywords adapted to search intentions. Optimizing product descriptions for different stages of the purchasing process 3. Link point of sale and e-commerce To improve the fluidity of the customer experience in the retail sector, focus on click-and-collect! The principle remains simple: customers buy on your e-commerce site and physically come to pick up the items in your store. This additional service allows your customers to have more flexible times to pick up an order. Furthermore, almost half of customers who opt for click-and-collect make an additional purchase when they go to the store. A must to increase your sales! 4. Use social networks to target your catchment area Social networks offer very advanced targeting features! These allow you to easily reach consumers who are likely to purchase your products. So enjoy it ! Take the example of a store that sells wedding dresses in Paris. With Facebook, Instagram or even Pinterest, this business can target a relevant audience, such as women aged 24 to 40, engaged or interested in marriage. Obviously, since the store is located in Paris, the merchant can geolocate the advertising so that it is only displayed to women living in the capital. 5. Develop an app Developing the digital presence of a retailer involves creating a mobile application. 83%  of users appreciate a customer experience that combines retail and mobile app. An application allows consumers to: Select the products of their choice Save their favorite products Chat with a customer advisor Stay informed of news and promotions Order their favorite products directly Benefits that are reflected in your turnover and your customer loyalty rate. Read More: Strategies for Learning Business Management

Strategies for Learning Business Management

Strategies for Learning Business Management

Leading a team is often  a tiring and demanding experience . Fortunately, there are many techniques to make managing a team much simpler and more rewarding. So here are the strategies for learning business management in Morocco. As you build a team for your project, you’ll begin to see the best ways to help, what goals to set, and how to communicate effectively with others. These strategies improve over time, but there are some steps you can take to speed up the process. Simplify your management strategy  with these team management tips that will help you develop talent, lead your team, and achieve better results. Don’t allow yourself to blindly rush into a project without first examining ways to develop a united group of teammates. Here are some team management tips that will make your job easier. 1. Hire the right people Finding the right members for your team can be difficult , but it’s crucial to the productivity of your project. When hiring candidates, get to know them one-on-one to better understand their talents, skills and strengths. This will allow you to make informed decisions when adapting positions and responsibilities, to properly learn business management in Morocco. 2. Set achievable goals Each member of your team should know what they are trying to achieve on a daily basis. Without clear, concise goals, your team will miss deadlines or forget tasks. Set goals as a team and also discuss individual goals with each person to confirm you are all on the same page. 3. Establish a team mission While your team should have day-to-day goals, you should also have a long-term goal that you are all trying to achieve. Open a discussion with your team members to share your ideas or suggestions on this topic. Use this feedback to  set a team mission  for you all to work towards each day. 4. Be more efficient Tasks and responsibilities can easily get abandoned when multiple people are working on the same project. Effective team management ensures that each team member has a workload that matches their skills and keeps them engaged. Often, this can mean bringing several people together to collaborate on certain tasks, to properly learn business management in Morocco. In addition, you can try to use many things such as  remote transmission software  or even  online calendars  which will allow you to better organize your structure. 5. Maintain open communication Keeping communication channels open is essential to ensure the success of any project. Using a tool like  Toggl Plan  can help your team know deadlines, individual tasks and allows them to discuss the details of those tasks with each other. These capabilities allow your project to run smoothly and avoid overlapping responsibilities or missing deadlines. 6. Manage time wisely Project managers tend to feel like there are never enough hours in the day, making effective time management a central part of any project. Avoid time-wasting activities, such as excessive meetings, personal use of social media, and other distractions.  Instead, keep your team’s priorities under control with numbered lists and definitive calendars. Discover 20 time tracking software to better manage your time, to learn business management in Morocco. 7. Discuss teamwork in performance reviews Accountability is essential to maintaining an effective work environment, which is why  you should hold performance reviews at least once a year . As part of these reviews, discuss each person’s contribution to the team and the extent to which they remain involved. Praise them for their positive contribution and discuss ways to improve any shortcomings. 8. Provide feedback Sincere praise is a source of motivation and dynamism for your team members. As part of your performance reviews, give honest feedback and constructive praise . Also, give them the opportunity to give you feedback on your leadership tactics to ensure you are doing everything right. necessary as a manager. 9. Solve team problems Unfortunately, teams can disagree from time to time, which makes resolution an important aspect of your job. These issues don’t always resolve themselves, so there may be times when you need to step in and help the people involved find a solution or compromise . Avoid large group problems by resolving conflicts immediately. 10. Be enthusiastic about projects All good managers know that a good mood is contagious to those around them. There will be times when the work will be arduous or particularly difficult . Find ways to maintain a positive attitude within your group by hosting competitions or offering additional incentives. 11. Do your part and more Team management is not about pointing fingers and simply instructing others to do all the work.  Particularly when deadlines are approaching or the workload is falling behind, you need to be available to step in and provide the necessary assistance. Your team members will have more respect for you because they will see your efforts, which will push them to work harder as well, to learn business management in Morocco. 12. Host team building events Your group should be a team both in and out of the office.  While they don’t need to be best friends, organizing team-building activities such as volunteering, happy hour, or even a laser tag night can significantly improve rapport within of the team. These types of events help your team see themselves in real-life scenarios, making it easier to communicate and work with each other. Need team building ideas? Find 6 team building activities to unite your team 13. Encourage your team Your team should feel appreciated for all the work they do, and it’s your job to ensure they have that sense of accomplishment. Motivate your group with short pep talks or individual pep sessions to boost team morale . 14. Maintain a positive atmosphere in the office Whether it’s hanging motivational quote posters around the office or having “Donut Day” once a week, find ways to make your teammates happy. Foster a positive work environment by complimenting and recognizing people who excel in their role. 15. Celebrate victories Your team has set goals and a mission to accomplish. Whenever these goals are met or exceeded, you must be ready and available to reward your team’s work . Host a team party or find ways to honor