Business creation in Morocco – Why Invest in Morocco?

Business creation in Morocco – Why Invest in Morocco?

Many existing factors and the systems that the kingdom has put in place to support the country’s development can stimulate business creation in Morocco. Morocco is benefiting from the tailwinds of overall economic growth, and it makes sense to take advantage of the country’s situation to do business.

The factors that favor entrepreneurship in Morocco are above all the cost of labor. With competitive salaries well below those in Europe, Morocco can boast of having true, well-trained professionals who tend to be proactive. By calling on ANAPEC, you can hire an intern whose integration contract exempts you from social and employer contributions for 18 months. Business creation in Morocco has also benefited from a decentralized economic policy, making the region more responsible for development. The company’s shift toward sustainability involves protecting the country’s natural resources while equitably distributing growth across the country.

In order to attract foreign investments, Morocco has acquired advantages in terms of foreign trade and taxation through the creation of free zones. Investors benefit from a preferential customs regime. Mainly located in the Tangier region, a real commercial crossroads between Europe and Africa, these free zones often multiply to allow the storage, processing or circulation of goods. LeMaroc has also asserted its position in the ICT market by creating the Casablanca Technoparc, a vector of social development and job creation. This tech park is a start-up incubator, a training center, a relay center for international companies and, without a doubt, the largest technological showcase in the country.

To encourage investors to turn to Morocco, the government has created attractive tax regulations at several levels. In order to further encourage domestic or foreign investors and stimulate business in Morocco, Morocco provides subsidies to certain investment projects that meet prescribed criteria. The establishment of the Investment Promotion Fund makes it possible to reduce the costs linked to the creation of a business, by covering 20% ​​of the costs linked to the purchase of land and the costs linked to professional training. If you want to start a business, industries such as tourism, automotive, high-tech, aviation, food processing and offshoring are booming. In addition, many specialized organizations and companies are ready to help you turn your ideas into projects.

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