Updating your company's website: how, why?

Updating your company’s website: how, why?

The website is a showcase for the company, even when it does not carry out its activity online. This type of support allows it to obtain additional visibility, facilitate connections with customers and reach out to new prospects. However, the image and visibility of the company can stagnate due to the obsolescence of its website. This is why regular updates are necessary. In some cases, a complete overhaul is recommended. How to carry out these updates, and what is its objective? A company’s website: an online showcase A study carried out in 2012 by the Association for the Development of the Digital Economy (Aden) revealed that 49% of VSEs and SMEs did not have a website, and that 31% declared that they had no plans for a website. The survey was carried out among 7,000 companies in France. The change has not been strongly marked in recent years, since a new  Ipsos survey  for Google showed that 42% of French VSEs and SMEs had an “active” website in 2014. For comparison, the rate was 60 % in Great Britain for the same type of company (less than 250 employees). However, the website offers several notable advantages for the company, even when its activity is not linked to e-commerce. Notably : Show the know-how or values ​​of the company; Relay the company’s commercial message; Present innovative products or services; Communicate towards prospects and customers. Before putting its website online, the company must think about its communication strategy, but also about the technical solutions it will deploy. It is indeed necessary to plan regular updates in order to energize and secure this showcase. Why update your website? Several supports: Promote good conditions for better referencing by updating the content offered on the website and adapting the support to changes in search engines; Advantage the reading experience of an Internet user consistent with new browsing habits and by offering them new products regularly; Avoid technical obsolescence by using obsolete media; Guarantee optimal security by regularly correcting security vulnerabilities. We can distinguish two types of updates to a professional site: Putting content online. (the presentation of new products or services, or a news section); The technical overhaul of all or part of the site. (the switch to “responsive design” so that the site is easily accessible on mobile, or the correction of a technically obsolete part of the site). A global overhaul of the site may be necessary if it is no longer adapted to new techniques, cannot be properly secured or its navigation no longer meets current standards. Currently, the next step is an update of your website, know that our  agency  can support you in updating your company’s website.

Why a mobile application for your business?

Why a mobile application for your business?

The usefulness of a mobile application Nowadays, having a mobile application for your business is among the bases for expanding your business circle. Communication via the Internet is evolving at colossal speed as technology advances. A few years ago, the smartphone market was still floundering. Now, almost the entire French population is equipped, and almost 80% of internet connections are now made through a Smartphone. What result for your business communication? A website alone is no longer enough! From now on, your website must be ideally suited to mobile use, otherwise you risk losing most of your audience. Therefore, you are left with two alternatives: a mobile version and/or a mobile application. Now, we will explain to you the usefulness of having a mobile application developed for your business. Before going in-depth, it is important to remember web vocabulary, so that no one gets lost! It is therefore important to differentiate four notions: the website, the mobile version, the responsive version or the mobile application: The website Speaking of your business website, it is quite simply a classic site, designed for navigation on a large screen, from a computer. The website is generally essential today, because it allows you to communicate on the internet and share useful information with your customers and prospects with a mobile application for your business The mobile version The  mobile version  of a website is nothing more than a copy of your website, designed to fit the screen of a smartphone or tablet. This is often a simpler version, which allows you to consult the content quickly on a touch screen, from an internet browser. If your website does not have a copy in a mobile version or is not responsive, there is a good chance that it will be unreadable on a smartphone and therefore cause you to lose a large audience. Note that while a mobile version of a site is easier to develop than a responsive site, it is also more difficult. In reality, as a copy of your site, the mobile version is decomposable. In case there is an update, you will have to update the two versions of the site separately. Likewise, the links to the same content on your site or your mobile version will be different, which could lead to incompatibilities. A mobile version does not take into account the size of the screen on which it is viewed, which does not make it completely suitable for Smartphones and tablets. The responsive site With the development of the mobile web, we have seen the emergence of responsive websites more and more often. These are simply websites designed to automatically adapt to the size of the screen on which they are viewed. Very efficient, because they can adapt to any screen size, they remain quite limited for complex website projects. Creating a responsive website, however, remains one of the most popular ways to adapt a site for mobile browsing. This technique is in fact likely to eventually replace the mobile version. It is important to create a responsive website directly, rather than thinking about mobile compatibility after launching a site. The mobile application Unlike the mobile version, which is viewed from a web browser, the mobile application is like software that you can install on your smartphone. If your customers install your mobile application, they will be able to access its content immediately thanks to a logo on the menu of their phone. It is important to remember here that these notions can be completely additional. Even if internet browsing through a smartphone is more and more widespread, it is still inevitable to have a classic website. All you have to do is make a choice to create a responsive site or a mobile version for browsing on a smartphone. Having a mobile version of this same website will not prevent you from launching a mobile application. The objective of our article is to show you the importance of a mobile application, and to help you understand its challenges! The advantages of a mobile application Note that a mobile application is often more difficult to develop than a simple mobile version of a website. However, this difficulty is justified by numerous advantages of a Mobile Application: 1. Creates a relationship with your audience Downloading a web application is already a first alliance. Thus, you are convinced that everyone who has downloaded your Application is sensitive to your message and your products and services. Being directly present on your audience’s smartphone is already a big plus! 2. Simplifies access to your content To access your application, a customer will simply have to click on a logo. On the other hand, accessing a website or mobile site requires doing a Google search or even knowing a URL. By making your content easier to access, you are sure that your customers will consult it more often. 3. Send notifications Unlike a website, a Mobile Application allows you to send “push” notifications directly to your audience. Do you have important news to communicate? Do you want to launch a promotional campaign? Do you want to talk about a corporate event? Your application will allow you to send a notification to everyone who has installed it. 4. You can use all the opportunities that a smartphone offers Having a mobile application is also an opportunity to use new tools, such as geolocation. The possibilities are endless to make an Application a unique marketing tool, and the only limit is your imagination! 5. You can communicate about the launch of an Application Launching a mobile application can be the opportunity for a real communication campaign, which will allow you to make both your application and your company known. On the other hand, the launch of a mobile version of a website will no longer surprise anyone. 6. Give off a more serious image Now, most businesses offer a mobile version of their site. On the other hand, few companies have a mobile application developed. It is therefore both an opportunity to distinguish yourself from the competition, and to show a serious and professional image to your audience. Do you want to develop your mobile application? c2m  supports you throughout the process! Read more: Creation of

Best Online Business Management Software

Best Online Business Management Software

Best online business management software, why choose c2m? Whether you have just started a business or have already launched, it is essential to find the  right work tools  in order to be as efficient as possible. Many people’s first instinct is to use their usual software, such as Word or Excel. But it is often neither the most practical, nor the simplest, nor the most effective. It is better to use specialized management software in Morocco . Indeed, the latter present numerous advantages for  self-employed workers ,  small businesses  and  SMEs . In particular, they allow them to  save time and optimize business management . Discover all the  advantages of management software  as well as their different  functionalities  in this article.   The advantages of integrated management software Time saving The first advantage of  management software  is that it allows the company to  save time . Indeed, doing your business management (accounting, sending invoices, tracking expenses, managing customer data, etc.) is much easier and faster, if all these tools are gathered in the same place. In addition, you will save time, you will no longer have to enter the same data in several software programs. This can not only be very energy-intensive, but also very time-consuming. Data security Using online management software allows you to store your business data in a secure location and collect payments with complete peace of mind. Some  management software in Morocco  also allows you to add professional documents to an online space. You therefore have access, thanks to this software, to features that allow you to keep your documents safe, in a secure space accessible at any time. Professional documents No need to spend hours creating your own  quote templates   in Word! Commercial management software  often  allows you to create and send  professional invoices  and  quotes  . In addition, there is no longer any need to bother writing the  legal notices  required for this type of document: they are already included! All you have to do is add your logo, your contact details and your little personal touch. Teamwork When several people work on the same project, it can be complicated to organize and coordinate in order to complete the project on time. Business  management software in Morocco is then of great help. Indeed,  ERPs  are very comprehensive software that meet the majority of needs related to the management of a business, including  project management . This software makes it possible to assign tasks  to  everyone, monitor the progress of projects and share project-related documents with colleagues. All in order to facilitate  teamwork . Company Overview Another advantage of integrated management software is that it covers a large part of the company’s fields of activity and therefore allows you to have a strategic overview of the company. It is therefore very easy and very quick to see, at a glance, whether the company is in good health. In addition, some ERPs even offer more in-depth analyses. You will thus be able to have access to  analyzes  of your  sales  and your  cash flow . These  business analyzes  can help you make business decisions and steer your business in the right direction. Features offered in management software The tools offered in different management software vary, but we can generally find these features: Accounting:  The accounting function of management software allows you to manage your income and expenses. In addition, tracking your cash flow is also very practical for managing your liquidity. Invoices and quotes:  With online management software that includes invoicing features, you can, from your computer or mobile, send a quote or a personalized invoice to a customer or prospect. Project and task management:  The project management tool allows you to monitor the progress of projects using dashboards, divide it into tasks, assign an order of priority and a deadline to the latter and even to associate documents with it. Time management:  Time is money and all entrepreneurs know it! Management software can help you earn more. It allows you to count the time spent by you and your collaborators on each project in order to invoice the client for each minute of work. Finally, with a time management tool, you will be able to analyze the hours spent on each of your projects, in order to reorganize your schedule and become more efficient. Customer relationship management:  A CRM tool integrated directly into your management software, isn’t it practical? CRM allows you to gather all the information relating to your professional contacts in one place. Some CRM software even allows you to keep in touch with your customers, discuss and collaborate with them on a dedicated extranet space. Inventory Management:  This feature is handy for businesses that sell products. It allows you to manage your product inventory and easily adjust the names, quantities and prices of your items. Business reports:  Thanks to detailed analyzes of your accounting, your projects and the organization of your time, you will be able to highlight your strengths as well as areas for improvement to readjust, if necessary, your commercial strategy. How to choose the right management software? There are dozens of software options, it can be complicated to make a choice. However, before you even begin your quest for the  perfect management software  , you need to determine what features you need. Then, you must take into account the nature of your activity which can also influence your choice. If you have collaborators, you will probably need software that allows you to  collaborate with each other.  Finally, your choice will surely depend on your  budget , it is about finding the software that will best meet your needs at the best price. If there is one who has understood the needs of self-employed workers, small businesses and SMEs in terms of  management software,  it is Mr. Nadir Aboura. President of Onyris (a small company in the field of web development), in 2007 he was looking for software that would allow him to  efficiently manage his business , in order to save time  and reduce costs. As he couldn’t find any that met his criteria and needs, he created the  all-in-one management software with his team of web enthusiasts . If you still have difficulty making your choice, you can consult management software comparisons. Read more: How to Choose Your Business Management Software?

Increase your Performance With This Business Management Software

Increase your Performance With This Business Management Software

With commercial management and invoicing software, you accelerate and simplify your sales processes. Commercial management in Morocco becomes child’s play Functions for all your processes: Our commercial management software takes care of the different aspects of your invoicing. They help you optimize your inventory and reduce customer risk. They calculate your prices and guarantee product traceability. Safety and efficiency: Thanks to automatic backups of your data, you eliminate the risk of data loss from your commercial management and guarantee the continuity of your activity. A clear vision of your activity: Obtain your key figures in real time and calmly manage your activity with our management software. Use our analysis tools to study your costs, make decisions, improve your productivity and increase your margins. Tailor-made commercial management solutions: Standalone or integrated into one of our  ERPs , our commercial management software can be configured to adapt to the specificities of your business. They integrate with your existing information system. Our regular and automatic updates guarantee perfect compliance with your invoicing software. this is among the very important things for Business Management Software Personalized support: To help you fully exploit our commercial management solutions and concentrate on your business, our teams and partners offer you a wide range of additional personalized services to support you on a daily basis in your development: advice, installation, configuration, training, assistance in your business management. Read More: Free Business Management and Payment Software

Visibility in search engines and social networks

Visibility in search engines and social networks

Being visible in search engines is essential for every business. It is the first basis on which any website must work. The interest for a brand in exploiting the full potential of digital to develop its online activity and its visibility has become obvious. Digital is a set of “places” each allowing you to attract targeted visitors who have an appetite for your offers. We must therefore cultivate and develop our visibility in order to stand out in this context of infobesity. Visibility of course consists of being seen, but not necessarily everywhere at the same time, in the same way, in the foreground etc… nor by everyone. Each location has its own context to consider. We must approach it taking into account the rules that govern it (culture, type of users, way of communicating, etc.). SEO To stand out, we can consider these three approaches: Natural referencing Paid campaigns on search engines, such as with Google Adwords Announcements via social networks, example with Facebook Referencing your site therefore consists of positioning yourself in the most relevant and highest possible way to directly reach your potential customers. The preliminary study The point of establishing a visibility strategy is to determine how we will be able to exploit these possibilities. And for each, the approach that will be adopted. It will be important to have been able to clearly identify: Your targets Your competitors Search volumes for your products/services and on which key words and expressions SEO Audit: The SEO audit of your website is very efficient because it allows you to have a factual inventory of your positioning in search engines (competitors, key words and expressions). Natural reference: Seize the opportunities offered by good natural positioning in search engines. Facebook campaigns: Use the world’s #1 social network to target and capture a captive audience. Google Adword campaigns: Seize the potential of effective Adwords campaigns, for immediate visibility! Read more: SEO Service

With Alkhadim manage your business or establishment remotely

With Alkhadim manage your business or establishment remotely

 Complete software In addition to bringing together all the tools necessary for your business’s daily life, it is entirely adaptable to your activity. Private Service:  Business management  Management – ​​Archive  Management – ​​Check  Management – ​​Purchasing  Registry management  Management – ​​Budget  Stock management  Management – ​​Car rental  Management – ​​Remote declaration  Management – ​​Veterinarian  Management – ​​Hamam  Management – ​​Café/Restaurant  Management – ​​Fridge  Management – ​​Customer  Management – ​​Production Cash management Collection Management Public service: Management – ​​Civil status  Management – ​​Urban planning  Management – ​​Market  Management – ​​Recipe  Management – ​​Authorization You are convinced of the  benefits that project management software can bring to your activity  and your productivity. Many solutions appear every year. Choosing  the right tool  can therefore be  difficult .     Before you decide, it is necessary to ask yourself the right questions. What are your  needs  ? What  types of projects  and  tasks  do you carry out on a daily basis? How many  people work there simultaneously  and what is your  budget  ? What features do I need? A suitable solution ALKHADIM project management computer programs all offer  a common core of functionalities . But some have additional options. Don’t choose a version that offers the most capabilities for the lowest price. It is wise to  define what you need  and choose the one that will meet your expectations in a targeted manner. Opt for  a pleasant  and  tailor-made project administration solution . It will be less complex to use and your employees will use it more easily. Depending on the number of projects to be processed simultaneously, their type and the size of your teams, you can decide on different software,  free ,  subscription  or  open source . “Whatever it is, don’t think too big, just see.” Planning and monitoring your project portfolio These are  the basic capabilities  of a project management program. What working method do you use? Your project portfolio management software should match  your working methods . Many solutions are designed, for example, using the Agile method. Flexible, collaborative, transversal, it places the client’s needs at the center of a project’s priorities. This progresses step by step. It thus stands out from the classic partitioned technique operating in cascade. Project management software in local version or in the cloud? There are two ways to equip yourself. “On premise” or locally You are purchasing a project administration computer program that is  physically located on your premises . It is installed on your company’s servers or on your computer. Licenses, updates, maintenance are your responsibility. This solution is often more expensive than the next version. But, it has the advantage of not requiring an internet connection to work. In SaaS or on the cloud You can also have an application in SaaS mode, on the cloud. It is  hosted on external servers  belonging to cloud providers. You have access to your online tools from anywhere and from any media using a simple browser and an Internet connection. They are free or available on a monthly or annual subscription. You pay according to your needs. Updates  are made by the service provider . Maintenance and computer hardware purchase costs are reduced. Furthermore, more and more publishers are offering offline access to the project management program.

Creation and design of your website

Creation and design of your website

Do you want to create your site and don’t know where to go.. then you are in the best place, The first thing to do is website design. We design for you the website that will represent your activity. By being present on the internet, you increase your visibility opportunities and your efficiency. Your customers and new prospects must be able to find you and have access to the information they are looking for. So your site not only supports your business, but it also drives it. Websites can be grouped into 5 functions: represent you (called “showcase site”) sell your products ( online stores, e-commerce sites ) inform (blogs, news sites) share (social networks, forums) work ( web applications, intranet, extranet, etc. ) Whatever your project, we help you  develop a website that reflects your image. Create a tailor-made website : The purpose of a website can vary greatly. It is essential that it responds to needs that have been clearly identified. Support from an agency specializing in website development is therefore essential both for the expression of needs (to determine what you want to do), and for the management of the project (advising you on best practices). From the creation of your website from a technical point of view to its availability to the general public, C2M takes into account  your end users, their needs and behaviors  to help you build a unique website that supports your business commercial. In order to take ownership of your project, we discuss with you to  understand your challenges  and start building your site. Then, we determine a schedule for the different stages. Throughout these, you are involved in delivering a fully personalized site. Define your site’s goals: Any website is at the heart of a digital strategy, which is based on results principles. To maximize them, we intervene at the start of the project, but also on sites already made for site redesigns. This helps you define the objectives that your project must meet. Together, we define the targets your site is aimed at, the messages to be conveyed and the features that will be offered to Internet users. Your site must have a specific role and goals so that it is  useful and profitable for you . We also assume that it will evolve over time according to your commercial and marketing objectives, and build it so that it is  scalable . Steps for creating a website: Once the project is clearly defined, the creation of your website goes through 4 essential stages: the definition of visual identity (also called “web design”) web development (or programming) the integration of its content (adding texts, images, videos, etc.) putting it into production (or putting it online) Each website is unique . Don’t wait any longer to start designing your website, request a  free quote ! Case study: Creating a site is the culmination of a real journey. We invite you to discover this case study: The redesign of the Vins d’Alsace website to understand how we operate and the support we provide you.

Free Commercial Management and Payment Software

Free Commercial Management and Payment Software

How to choose free commercial or payment management software? Choosing a good free business management software in Morocco or payment is essential whether for a small or large business. The choice of free or paid accounting is vast and it is often complicated to choose the right software. When choosing software, it is essential to target your needs before making your purchase. It is important to question the size of your commercial activity as well as your own needs and skills using commercial management software. This is why  C2MSYSTEM  has put in place an important choice of downloading free management software in Morocco or commercial payment in order to facilitate your research. C2M.. BEST DESTINATION FOR YOUR MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE , GUARANTEED. Monitoring the entire commercial cycle  : prospecting – sales – purchasing – stock Enriching your customer relationships Rigorous management of your stocks whether your items are serialized, batched, graded or nomenclatured. Optimizing your purchases sky commercial management software  also offers simplified management of your customers and suppliers. You will be able to check their contact details as well as their solvency via a link to the Info-greffe service. In addition, you will have a wide range of project management tools at your disposal to calculate your turnover, your progress, profitability or even the achievement of objectives. The software also provides the means to monitor the status of purchases and stocks in real time. sky free commercial management software  in Morocco is quite quick to learn and rather intuitive. ALKHADIM is a software solution designed to create and manage commercial documents. Thanks to it, you will be able to prepare quotes, orders, delivery notes and invoices, ideal for simplifying the management of your business as much as possible but also for developing your activity. Thanks to ALKHADIM, you will be able to monitor your profitability and monitor your activity using dashboards. Read more: QuTips for optimal stock management

Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet in Morocco: Pitfalls to Avoid, How to Choose Your Subscription

Satellite Internet in Morocco is a new high-speed Internet satellite solution in Morocco to meet the growing needs of Moroccan individuals and professionals. The solution offers an unrivaled Internet experience in terms of connection quality thanks to the satellite. For all those excluded from broadband (end of xDSL line, forgotten about 4G, etc.), satellite internet access represents a possible alternative. On the other hand, it is not always easy to find your way in the jungle of offers – it is an understatement – ​​and conditions. Before taking the plunge, here are the things to know. In Morocco, an overwhelming majority of residents benefit from Internet access via xDSL, fiber optic or cable, but not everyone can take advantage of it in good conditions. Until 2022 or better days, the satellite appears to be a solution to take into account in order to obtain “good speed”. In the last census, at the end of 2017, less than 100,000 subscribers subscribed to it, very often because it was the only solution. Because this technology is not without imposing some limits: current offers do not exceed 30 Mb / s (theoretical maximum), have quota, have a significant ping, require equipment and a clear view, etc. The opportunity for us to make a great comparison of what the different operators offer and the conditions they impose on their customers. But before that, let’s start with a few reminders on how this solution works. Two problems: very high latency, shared bandwidth Satellite subscriptions are all based on the same principle: the customer must install a satellite dish in his home, which is then used to send and receive data via a satellite. For its part, the satellite connects to a transmitting station on the ground, itself connected to the Internet. In practice, when you seek to access a site, your request is transmitted by your satellite dish, which sends it to a ground station and the latter takes care of retrieving the page. The station then sends the data back to the satellite, which transfers it to your satellite dish so that it finally arrives on your computer … a journey of more than 140,000 km each time you request it (around 3.5x around the Earth). One of the main problems with the satellite stems directly from this (very) long journey: very high latency. It takes at least 240 ms for a signal to go back and forth between Earth and the satellite. Indeed, those used for the Internet are geostationary (that is to say, they are always in the same position in the sky) and are located at approximately 36,000 km above sea level. 240 ms represents the time necessary for the light to cover the 72,000 km round trip. The minimum latency is therefore around 500 ms (two round trips), but in practice the average is rather around 700 ms according to the different ISPs. While this does not usually pose too many problems for surfing, the same is not true for network games and other remote desktop solutions, which require a weak ping. Moreover, satellite ISPs generally explain that they advise against their offers for uses such as network games. Another important point to take into consideration: the satellite bandwidth is shared between all users and is not infinitely expandable. We are not only talking about subscriptions for individuals, but also professionals and television services that use a satellite. ISPs therefore explain that the theoretical maximum speed can be lowered when the satellite is heavily used by all customers. The companies that manage the satellites have also put in place a “fair use policy” in order to prevent that the speed can be limited in case of high demand. The data is often limited, sometimes with “fair use” Thus, there are almost no unlimited offers, with one exception – SkyDSL – but at the price of strict conditions and sometimes very difficult to understand (we will come back to this). As a result, the packages offered by ISPs for the general public generally vary between 2 and 100 GB (download and upload included). Some ISPs, on the other hand, do not deduct your consumption at night (generally between 0h and 6h). This period can for example be used to download games or updates of several GB and thus consume a significant part of your package. If some operators cut the connection once your quota is reached, others opt for a different approach with “fair use” – that is to say a reduced speed – exactly as in mobile telephony. A majority sells recharge packs with additional GB. In short, you will have to pay according to your use, which is generally not the case on landlines in France. Three satellites above our heads ISPs can currently only rely on three satellites covering all or part of metropolitan France. They act as distributors with commercial agreements with one or more satellite managers like Eutelsat, SES and Avanti, which do not offer direct subscriptions to the general public. Launched in 2010 and operational since 2011, KaSat by Eutelsat is the main satellite providing Internet in France. It offers a total bandwidth of more than 90 Gb/s. Individuals can obtain speeds of 22 Mb/s in reception and 6 Mb/s in transmission. But it is (almost) saturated. To the point that Eutelsat had stopped marketing consumer offers for a year in a third of the country, before relaunching them. It largely covers the old continent and is accessible everywhere in mainland France and Corsica. For its part, SES launched the Astra 2F satellite in September 2012. It is not only dedicated to satellite Internet in Morocco and also offers television services. The speeds for individuals are 20 Mb/s in reception, but only 2 Mb/s in transmission. Again, it covers all of mainland France. Finally, a last operator launched at the end of 2016: Avanti, via its Hylas 2 satellite. This allows you to climb up to 30 Mb / s in downloads and only 2 Mb / s in uploads, but it does not cover all France. About a third of the metropolitan area is eligible (mainly in the east). A coverage

Discover the Best Project Management Software

Discover the Best Project Management Software

Managing a project can quickly become very complicated. If you manage a lot of projects at once or work with several stakeholders, it will be very easy to lose track if you are not organized. We have selected for you the Best Project Management Software that will allow you to organize your projects with your partners, your teams or your customers. Free project management software Asana This tool has a very clear interface. It avoids the pitfalls of a gas factory and goes further than simple management of tasks to be done. Ergonomics is favored by the construction in three parts: project, task list and details (notes, attachments, etc.). Features: drag and drop prioritization addition of very simplified task management of members affected by a self-completed task keyboard shortcuts for navigation, task creation, etc. tag system integrated search impressive fluidity of the interface Price: Very complete free version Website:  https://asana.com/fr Bitrix24 Among the Best Project Management Software , More than 5 million companies use this collaborative platform. The reason for its success is due to its many features. A project management tool, it also presents itself as a CSR, a CRM and offers an HR system and a customer contact center. Features: Telephony tools (management of incoming and outgoing lines, call routing, IVR, number rental, etc.) Communication tools (chat, voicemail, audio and video conferencing, VoIP phone calls, etc.) Task management and event planning Knowledge base, wiki Price: Free (up to 12 users but some features are limited) then €69, €99 or €199/month Website:  https://www.bitrix24.fr/ Bubble Plan Bubble plan is a French online planning and project management tool. It offers very graphic and intuitive planning using drag & drop. It is easy to handle and the projects are understood quickly and efficiently. Communication, accounting, project, document and employee management, it is a very complete solution that is attracting more and more organizations. Features: To-do lists Gantt chart Collaboration tools (sharing, document storage, chat, comments, notifications, etc.) Price: Free for 1 user and 1 project then €16/month or €12/month/user Website:  https://bubbleplan.net Trac It is quite close to Redmine and will also be used more specifically in the context of IT project management with its version management. Features: Milestones Tasks Project and sub-project management Roadmap Activity log Gantt chart Wiki Document Manager Version management Price: Free,  BSD License Website:  http://trac.edgewall.org In the style of Redmine and Trac, we also find  Project pier ,  Clocking it  and  Myclientspot . Trello Instead of listing tasks grouped by Milestones, Trello (Atlassian) differs from its competitors by “just” presenting task lists like a post-it board. Everything is very visual. This simplicity, which is a little disconcerting at first, turns out to be quite effective in the context of collaborative projects. Within a task, we will then find what it has in common with other project management applications: description, comments, assigned members, attachments, etc. In use, we therefore create display panels in which we insert lists, inside which we add the tasks, to finally associate them with different members of a team. Simple, right? Features: Billboards Task management To-do lists Comments Timeline Let us point out that this method of organization is not new and was already found in other solutions such as  Kanban Tool  or  Smartqweb . Price: High-performance free version then from $10 or $20 per month depending on needs (unlimited tables per team and features relating to administration and improved security). Website:  https://trello.com Google Docs Google Docs is a collaborative application clearly focused on creating, sharing and using documents, spreadsheets and online presentations. Its strong point is being able to guarantee 99.9% service availability (it’s a Google product after all!) while offering telephone assistance in the event of a critical problem. But its particularity is also to allow collaboration within the same copy of a document. The different versions are of course all recorded so that they can be found again if necessary. Features: Creation of documents, spreadsheets… Real-time document sharing Document access control Presentations Price: Free Website:  https://docs.google.com Freedcamp Among the Best Project Management Software , here is Basecamp’s free alternative. It will be particularly aimed at small businesses, freelancers and students and allows, among other things, to socialize projects. Features: Project template To-do lists Online collaborative discussion Milestone management Permission management File management Importing basecamp projects Email and SMS notifications Price: Free Website:  https://freedcamp.com Zoho projects The online project management tool is suitable for small, medium and large businesses. It offers 4 basic modules: Tasks & Milestones, Documents, Project Calendars and Meetings & Forums. It is possible to add additional features as needed. The interface is very intuitive. Features: Document management Calendar Cat Powerful collaborative functions allowing, for example, organizing meetings, taking notes and staying in touch with colleagues. Time tracking, invoicing, intranet collaboration area and bug tracker (all optional) Price: very complete free version for up to 5 users and 2 projects, then €25/month (10 users and 10 projects), €50/month (15 users), €100/month (20 users), €150/month (25 users). Website:  https://www.zoho.com/projects Paid project management software Basecamp With more than 15 million users, it is one of the most popular collaborative project management tools and will suit you whether you are a freelancer, small or large company. Among its many features, it allows the management and secure storage of project-related documents. Features: Managing projects, tasks and comments Creation of project templates Calendar Time tracking File management Email notifications Integrated messaging Mobile app Price: $99/month Website:  http://basecamphq.com See also above Freedcamp. Redmine Created by Jean-Philippe Lang and developed in the Ruby programming language,  Redmine is an Open Source project management application . It supports MySQL, PostgreSql and SQLite databases. The large community of developers working on this solution offers numerous plugins that can be added to Redmine to make it respond to needs that may be more specific or that might actually be lacking. Features: Project, sub-project and task management User rights management Forums Historical Roadmap Activity log Gantt chart Wiki (with  Textile syntax ) Document Manager Versioning (SVN, CVS, Git, Bazaar and Darcs) Price: Open source Website:  http://www.redmine.org Wrike Wrike is used by more than 18,000 organizations worldwide. It is a cloud-based workplace software that combines project management, communication and collaboration. It is very simple to use. It adapts to the needs of teams of all sizes and can be suitable for developers as well as marketing, creative

Project Management Software

How to Choose Project Management Software?

You are convinced of the  benefits that project management software in Morocco can bring to your activity  and your productivity. Many solutions appear every year. Choosing  the right tool  can therefore be  difficult . Before you decide, it is necessary to ask yourself the right questions. What are your  needs  ? What  types of projects  and  tasks  do you carry out on a daily basis? How many  people work there simultaneously  and what is your  budget  ? What features do I need? A suitable solution Project management computer programs all offer  a common core of functionalities . But some have additional options. Don’t choose a version that offers the most capabilities for the lowest price. It is wise to  define what you need  and choose the one that will meet your expectations in a targeted manner. Opt for  a pleasant  and  tailor-made project administration solution . It will be less complex to use and your employees will use it more easily. Depending on the number of projects to be handled simultaneously, their type and the size of your teams, you can decide on different project management software, free  , subscription  or  open  source . “Whatever it is, don’t think too big, just see.” Planning and monitoring your project portfolio These are  the basic capabilities  of a project management program. After having identified the stages and tasks of your project, you can, using this comprehensive tool,  define  and  organize its feasibility over time with an intelligent schedule . It will allow you to divide your project into phases, to integrate milestones and the different stakeholders, to assign tasks to each team, to control the dependencies between them, to estimate the available equipment, the deadlines to be respected, etc. From then on, you can easily  monitor the progress of your project , view delays, distribute the workload within your teams in real time based on the progress of the missions, etc. To have at a glance an idea of ​​the progress of the work and the distribution of tasks, the software offers  Gantt charts  or a Kanban system. These basic capabilities are essential and meet the needs of all users, whether a small, medium or large business. However, devices that do not have additional capabilities are mainly suitable for personal projects or small structures and teams with a reduced number of users. The missions managed are relatively simple. These  devices are often free or very inexpensive . A complete collaborative tool A project portfolio management program can be  collaborative . It  then facilitates  and  promotes teamwork . A single platform accessible to all employees centralizes all information relating to the project. It allows you to share and store documents, offers instant online exchange solutions such as comments or chat, but also alerts and notifications, knowledge sharing with a forum and wikis, etc. This platform can also be opened to the outside. Service providers and customers can  then have secure access  to useful information in real time and exchange with teams. More advanced options Some project portfolio management applications  incorporate more specific capabilities . They respond to more complex needs and often involve a large number of employees. Here are some possible options: resource ,  budget  and  inventory management  customer relationship management reporting telephony HR A system integrating existing tools Your teams are used to working on a daily basis with certain tools ( messaging ,  ERP ,  CRM ). Project management software can integrate with the existing information system and business applications in production. In SaaS mode, this will be thanks to APIs. What working method do you use? Your project portfolio  project management software should match your working methods . Many solutions are designed, for example, using the Agile method, widely used in France. Flexible, collaborative, transversal, it places the client’s needs at the center of a project’s priorities. This progresses step by step. It thus stands out from the classic partitioned technique operating in cascade. Project management software in local version or in the cloud? There are two ways to equip yourself. “On premise” or locally You are purchasing a project administration computer program that is  physically located on your premises . It is installed on your company’s servers or on your computer. Licenses, updates, maintenance are your responsibility. This solution is often more expensive than the next version. But, it has the advantage of not requiring an internet connection to work. In SaaS or on the cloud You can also have an application in SaaS mode, on the cloud. It is  hosted on external servers  belonging to cloud providers. You have access to your online tools from anywhere and from any media using a simple browser and an Internet connection. They are free or available on a monthly or annual subscription. You pay according to your needs. Updates  are made by the service provider . Maintenance and computer hardware purchase costs are reduced. Furthermore, more and more publishers are offering offline access to the project management program. Read also: The list of the best project management software and online collaborative tools. Choose a freemium, paid, subscription, open source option? You will find freemium project management programs on the market   which sometimes have limited resources. A paid version may be more efficient and tailor-made. Most of the time, you  will have to subscribe to an annual  or  monthly subscription . Furthermore, an open source device allows your developers to adapt it perfectly to the specific needs of your organization. Is your software safe? In order to secure information relating to your projects and your clients, be sure to ensure that the project management software offers you solid guarantees in terms of  confidentiality ,  protection  and  integrity of your data . It must comply with GDPR rules   : Hosting on French territory, in private cloud or “On premise”, data encryption, server security system, etc. You must take these criteria into consideration before making your choice. Test your future software It is important that you can  thoroughly test your future  project management program. The trial period must be long enough to understand it. Take the opportunity to address many questions. Is the interface  intuitive  ? Are the features suitable for  daily project management  ? Are the teams satisfied and do they know how to use it? The project management computer program should not be a rigid framework. It must  fit your working method  and  meet the needs of your organization . An ideal solution exists for all configurations. For its deployment to be successful, however, it is necessary to support change. To be sure you make the right choice, you can call on specialists. Tell us about your organization and let’s start exchanging ideas! Read More: Discover the Best Project Management Software

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

Customer Relationship Management  (CRM)  software  – is a customer database that allows a company to have a clear and constant vision of its customers and future customers (prospects). It therefore represents all the tools that make it possible to identify prospects  , then  process ,  analyze  and  retain  customers. The aim is to subsequently ensure  personalized follow-up , offering the best possible quality service.     This tool therefore makes it possible to place the customer at the heart of the company, by listening to them and having better  knowledge  of their expectations and needs. It also allows you to better  target  your customers, optimize your working time while  increasing  the company’s  responsiveness and boosting its productivity . Why use Customer Relationship Management software (CRM)? Increase customer satisfaction  Be  more efficient  in commercial procedures (by better managing your after-sales service, by being more responsive and intervening at an appropriate time), Have  greater proximity  to the customer by developing a special relationship with them (by recording their preferences, their birthday for example, etc.), Develop your  competitiveness  by providing more services and personalized advice. Increase business profitability Increase sales  through targeted actions on defined segments of your customers and prospects (Ex: retain your customers through specific offers based on each customer population), Optimize the profitability  of sales, marketing and customer service investments through better calculation of return on investment, Have a  clear vision  of commercial activity to optimize processes (report on sales, monitoring of sales representatives’ appointments, progress of objectives, etc.), Save time  by automating recurring tasks (monitoring automatic results, automatic follow-up to customers, etc.). Improve internal organization Agenda shared between employees (tasks to do, events, etc.), Centralization  and sharing of all customer data (all important customer information is classified in the same place and easily accessible), Structuring information  and business processes. You have a structured customer file with relevant information that can be used for marketing actions (e.g. paper mailing, e-mailing, phoning, etc.), Keep the history  of your customer data (Ex: if a salesperson leaves, you do not lose information and you can easily transfer current files to their replacement). Read also: How to Choose Your Business Management Software?

choose purchasing management software

How to choose purchasing management software?

Adopting the best purchasing management software is a determining factor for your business. With a solution adapted to your needs, simplify your purchasing process, improve your customer satisfaction and increase your productivity as well as your margins! So How to choose purchasing management software? Here’s a risk often underestimated by business leaders: some  outdated purchasing management systems  can hinder the development of your activities. The growth of your business must lead you to provide new solutions for managing  your purchases  in order to support its growth. This is why many solutions exist today, from traditional spreadsheets to software dedicated to purchasing management. Here’s how to choose and take advantage of these new opportunities. We have 3 essential criteria to take into consideration in order to choose the  best purchasing software  for your business: Compatibility with your  current accounting and management tools  to make your work easier The ability of the software to be dynamic in order to optimize current purchases  and anticipate future purchases The  clarity of the information  transmitted so that it is directly useful and usable by the company Having purchasing management software is a strategic issue for your company in order to best support the growth of your activities. It is a simple and immediately operational solution to increase your margins, improve your customer relations and develop your activities. To choose the right purchasing management software? Many solutions such as Alkhadim – Purchasing offer you business purchasing management software with real-time monitoring, reconciliation and automatic categorization of expenses by client, by project or according to their nature as well as accounting integration of all orders placed.

Existing purchasing management software on the market?

Existing purchasing management software on the market?

More than 82% of  buyers  (source:  2015 purchasing decision survey  ) use Excel to design their order tracking tables and plan their needs. An inexpensive and easy-to-use solution, Excel is not the solution that suits all businesses. Indeed, this solution has several disadvantages: Suitable when the number of suppliers and products is limited, Excel is poorly designed when  your purchasing management  becomes more complex You are forced to create the entire architecture for managing your purchases yourself instead of taking advantage of an IT solution entirely designed by a team of qualified professionals to capture, update and share your information Excel seems suitable for very small businesses whose  purchasing process  remains simple. Beyond that, it represents more of a handicap to the development of the activity, creating a lack of visibility and gaps for the proper functioning of your  purchasing policy . The supply of  purchasing management software  is booming following very strong demand from many companies: These are complete tools allowing you to centralize all of your data They facilitate their consolidation They offer simple solutions for updating and sharing data 32% of companies say they use  purchasing management software  today, a figure that is growing very quickly. Ultimately, they allow you to obtain a clear and precise vision of your  purchasing policy  in order to meet your needs and those of your customers. In just a few clicks, you will know precisely each product you have, its recipient, current stock, supply status, monitoring the performance of each buyer or comparing it with demand from your customers. It will also allow you to locate elements that can be improved in your purchasing policy. Some solutions go even further by offering: Automatically collect information about your supplier  To launch online calls for tenders E-procurement tools allow your customers to directly choose the products they want online

Implement Purchasing Management Software in Morocco

Implement Purchasing Management Software in Morocco?

Businesses must continually adapt to competition, and cannot raise prices disproportionately to increase margins. There is a very simple solution to achieve this:  purchasing management software in Morocco. The purchasing policy requires a real protocol in order to meet the needs of the company and its customers. According to Synapscore (2015), improving the performance of the  purchasing process  is one of the 3 most important priorities for  administrative and financial managers. Thanks to purchasing management software in Morocco : reduce the time spent internally targeting the right suppliers reduce the time spent on putting together calls for tenders reduce the time spent on administrative and commercial procedures reduce the time spent tracking orders It is truly a  strategic solution  directly conferring numerous advantages for your business: A gain in productivity for your employees who will be able to concentrate on other tasks with higher added value An increase in your margins without increasing the prices of your products Direct growth in your profits By delegating these unattractive and rewarding tasks, you allow your employees to focus on the core of your business. Appropriate IT tools are best suited to optimize the  performance of your purchases  and therefore increase that of your business! Read also: Alkhadim – Purchase

Data processing and entry

Data processing and entry

By entrusting the offshore outsourcing of your needs to  C2 M ,  you  ensure that you benefit from the skills of true experts in the field of data processing and entry on the French-speaking market. We have been able to develop know-how and methods to support you effectively in the outsourcing of your projects. Our mission is to offer our expertise to our clients to enable them to remain focused on their core business and develop their competitiveness. Whether it is to manage your one-off or recurring needs in data entry, data processing, or database management, do not hesitate to consult us. We offer our clients a full range of services and guarantee the quality of the services provided. We also have cutting-edge infrastructures to support you in the outsourcing of your data entry and processing projects in Mauritius. With our management teams, our  optimum technical resources  and our  confidentiality clauses  now part of our daily life, your processes whatever they may be are in good hands. Your expectations will always be met according to your criteria,  within the required deadlines  and above all within  your budgetary objectives . Our primary objective is to  build customer loyalty , knowing that in this area, requests are in most cases one-off, but most often recurring. We must therefore offer  an impeccable service ,  exceeding the customer’s expectations , hence the  creation of a modular process  which includes: One project manager per operation A unique face to face A quick understanding of your needs and transcribed into a contract Live monitoring of the progress of your production via secure access Free advice on optimizing your process (increasing the speed of execution = reducing the cost of Several types of detailed reports available Possibility of adding or reducing the workforce in a very short time Possibility of doing a test phase before signing the contract For more information, contact us here

cahier des charges

How to Create a Specification for Your Website?

The  specifications  are a valuable tool when you are about to start a project. Whether you plan to launch  your website , a  mobile application,  do a  redesign,  or any other  digital project , establishing specifications is the first essential step in a successful project. To help you master writing it at your fingertips, we explain in this article  what a specification is , what is its use and what are the different types ( functional specification  and  technical specification). technical charges ). We also offer our  specifications model , to help you write yours. Do not neglect this step because of the writing time that it can represent: it allows you to  gain efficiency  later, to clearly outline the outline of the project, to anticipate difficulties and to avoid errors. Specifications: definition What are specifications? The specifications are a document which defines the framework of a project as a whole. The  needs ,  objectives , constraints,  expected functionalities  , deadlines and budget are formalized in the most precise way possible. Used internally or externally, it can become contractual in the case of a service signature, and it is obligatory in the case of a  call for tenders . What is a specification for? The specifications allow: to  think about your goals  and define them. You will then be able to determine the elements that must be present to respond to them; to define the priorities  of the project  ; to help your interlocutors  give you the best advice ; to estimate the budget and the deadlines  necessary for the successful completion of the project. Concretely, the specifications will serve as a  basis for planning  and managing the project. Who should write specifications? Ideally, the specifications for a project should be written by the company that initiated it. This can be the  project manager  or the project owner and this makes it possible to: better  reflect the corporate culture  and its values ​​than an external person, to stay  as close as possible to the needs  of the end user. Do not hesitate to surround yourself with experts who can advise you, but also to collect information from end users, because they will, after all, be the ones who will use the solution. If, however, you use an  external service provider  , such as a  web agency , to produce your specifications, you will only have to validate the different elements and ensure that the scope is well covered. How to create specifications? Step 1: functional analysis Before starting to write the  specifications , a preliminary functional analysis must be carried out. It first makes it possible to clearly identify the need, and then translate it into functionalities. To do this, we recommend two easy-to-use tools: the  horned beast  and the  octopus diagram . The horned beast The horned beast helps define the need by answering these questions: Who is the product or service useful to?  It’s the end user. What is it effective on ?  We are talking here about the environment. What purpose ?  This is the need. Let’s take a simple example, a bedside lamp: it provides a service to its user; it affects the brightness of the room; its purpose is to illuminate the room. Once the need is defined, we can deduce the  functionalities . The octopus diagram This tool will help us to deduce the functionalities necessary to meet the previously defined need: the  main functions  (FP) which directly respond to the need; constrained functions (   FC) which meet secondary needs which may be linked to ergonomics, aesthetics, price or environmental impact. Let’s continue with the example of the bedside lamp. The different functions can be defined as follows: FP1: illuminate the user’s room; FC1: do not dazzle the user; FC2: offer a modern and pleasant design; FC3: be easy to use; FC4: have a competitive price; FC5: do not consume too much energy. Here’s how to model them with the octopus diagram. Step no. 2: the functional specifications The  functional specifications  aim to outline the contours of a project. It allows you to define the needs that the future product will have to meet, in terms of functionalities. It will subsequently be transmitted to serve as a basis for the technical specifications, which translate the  functional needs  into  technical specifications  . Very often, the functional and technical specifications are found in the same overall document, but they can also be written separately. Step 3: the technical specifications The technical specifications emphasize the technical part of the project.  It translates functional needs  into technical requirements, and highlights the different constraints. This document is essential to the work of developers, in order to maximize the chances of meeting their needs precisely. Specifications: example Here is a  specifications template  in 10 steps: Presentation of the company, Project display, Target, Competition, Graphic and ergonomic charter, Budget allowance; resource envelope, Completion deadlines, Functional Specifications, Technical specifications, Appendices. This example of specifications must of course be adapted according to your project and its complexity. 1. Company presentation This first part allows you to quickly describe the company so that the external service provider clearly understands the identity of its client: activity area, core business, flagship products or services, interlocutors. It is not necessary to be exhaustive, it is enough to list the essential information about your company so that a person can understand in a few lines  its reason for being  (its  why ). 2. Presentation of the project the context What needs should it meet? Why did these emerge and how? Who will this be useful to? The aim here is to make people understand the ins and outs of the project, so that all those involved in it understand the issues and work to respond to them as best they can. goals The same type of project can hide different intentions and objectives. This is why it is essential to know them in order to move in the right direction and make the right decisions. A good goal is a SMART goal: Specific (clearly defined), Measurable (quantifiable), Achievable (necessary resources available), Realistic (relevant), Temporally defined (set a deadline) © Inbound value the perimeter Does the project concern a company? A group ? Is the impact regional, departmental, national or international? Does it involve the use of several languages? existing elements Here, you can include existing elements useful for the production: previous versions,  models , presentation documents, domain name, etc. the scope of the project Knowing the scope of the project allows you to make  informed  and better decisions. We will not offer

ALKHADIM - Commercial

Why you will need online business management software

Commercial management refers to the unified management of all sales processes such as: quotes, invoicing, customer receivables and supplier management. It is planning and organization software, at the heart of the company’s activity, straddling customer relations and operations. What is business management software? Definition Commercial management software is professional solutions that promote  unified management of points of sale. It is also called ERP Retail or point of sale. It can manage different functions of a retail store and allows all businesses to optimize their activity chain from stock to issuing invoices:  Management of  invoices  and  purchase orders Management of  delivery notes Purchasing  and  sales management  Monitoring customer payments  and reminders Management of suppliers  and purchase prices All these modules allow you to continually work on up-to-date data. How it works ? Commercial management solutions are made up of  modules . You access an interface online and carry out actions related to each module to which you have subscribed: Invoicing management  to create quotes and invoices, send them to the customer and archive them.  Customer and supplier relationship management  to view customer and supplier debts, contracts, send reminders, etc. Purchasing and sales management and inventory management  to track production flows and manage inventory in real time. Financial management  to track your organization’s financial flows and interact with your accountant. These solutions are  interoperable  with your internal information system in order to optimize certain processes: Enrich your CRM with the latest requests from your customers, payment information, etc. Automate the sending of invoices to your accounting tool so that it records the associated accounting entries Etc. What are the main features of commercial management software? Retail management software allows   professional and secure sales management. Point of sale management software provides   an overview of the commercial activity of the point of sale or network.  To address the functionalities of these SaaS management solutions, we can detail the main modules. Billing management Using  customizable models and blocks , you create your quotes, invoices, down payments, purchase orders, delivery notes, etc., and send them to your customers.  On each invoice, you can apply  personalized rates ,  sales  and other  promotions . You can also save recurring promotions and apply them with a single click. The invoicing tool centralizes all your invoices and ensures flawless traceability. Some tools have a  collaborative space  where your customers and suppliers can view a history of transactions carried out. Commercial management software complies with regulatory obligations regarding electronic invoicing (security and confidentiality). Customer and supplier relationship management Point-of-sale software stores your customers’ business history  : quotes, paid, unpaid and pending invoices.  You can also  categorize your customers  : To build loyalty operations for the best customers To control outstanding amounts or apply restrictions To obtain a statement of customers awaiting payment or billing Etc. You manage all your customer receivables and can schedule  automatic reminders . Concerning your suppliers, you manage the payment deadlines specific to each one directly in the tool. Purchasing, sales and inventory management Online, you  manage your stocks in a just-in-time manner  : Supplies  : definition of minimum and maximum stocks to be respected, definition  of a purchasing quantity, choice of supplier, etc.  Stock movements: entries, exits ,  transfers Inventory valuation according   to the accounting method of your choice: CUMP, FIFO, LIFO In real time, view stocks and perform excellent stock management, access the price catalog charged by your suppliers and optimize order management.  Cash register management can   concern a point of sale or, on the contrary, be deployed in a network of stores. It also allows the sales manager and management to obtain statistics: periodic sales by item/category, average basket, best seller, best items by store, etc. This IT solution can be interfaced with EBP commercial management software. The data from your purchases and sales is automatically transferred to your accounting tool to be recorded in your accounts. Organizational management Commercial management tools are central to the commercial and strategic management of your company (from VSEs, SMEs to large companies).  Analysis tools allow you to view  key performance indicators  ( KPIs ) in real time: Cost structure analysis Invoiced and prospective turnover, cash flow Deliveries in progress and delays Amount of customer receivables and supplier debts Etc. A  dashboard  allows you to produce tailor-made KPIs in order to improve the productivity or margins of your company, for example. Your business data is backed up and secured in a cloud. Who uses retail software? Commercial management tools are transversal. They are used by the different functions: Salespeople   and sales assistants to produce quotes and invoices Purchasing and logistics  managers  to  manage company stocks Accountants  to  record accounting online Financial managers to   carry out a financial diagnosis of the company Etc. Finally, the   company manager uses the tool to develop the strategic management of his organization and develop his activity. Why use business management software? Commercial management software is a powerful configurable tool for managing a business. However, they have some disadvantages. Benefits Reduction in the cost of processing information: saving time (simplification of administrative tasks) and responsiveness Reduction of the risk of error linked to multiple entries Tools that centralize data from different divisions and enable cross-functional sharing Collaborative spaces with suppliers and customers Clear, detailed and current vision of business operations Just-in-time inventory management Interoperability with internal accounting tools Disadvantages Solutions which can turn out to be very expensive if you are looking for a tailor-made tool Versatile solutions that do not replace the use of specific tools in large structures (inventory management, procurement, invoicing, etc.) Tools that are not suitable for all businesses: a service business does not need an inventory management tool for example Free business management software Bitrix24 OpenConcerto Oxygen  Commercial management solutions for start-ups Sky Evoliz Sage 50cloud Sellsy Business management tools for SMEs Axonaut Cegid Celge EBP Quickbooks Sage 100cloud Salesforce Oxygen

WordPress is one of the most used open source software in the world. Therefore it is important to be vigilant and protect it as best as possible. A hacker can use data however he wants! Know that WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world! It has been installed over 76.5 million times. ESSENTIAL SECURITY SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR WORDPRESS SITE 1. Keep your WordPress updated This will allow you to secure WordPress effectively, believe me! And yes, it seems simple, but only 22% of WordPress sites use the latest version! Between us, who has never been lazy not to update their site? If you want to have a clean and virus-free website, it's a must! WordPress incorporated auto-update in version 3.7, however, it only works for small security updates. So, major updates must be done manually to secure WordPress! 2. Use Less Common Login Information Are you using admin as your WordPress admin username? If your answer is yes, know that it will be easier to hack you. So now change the username! (read this guide -in English- if you don't know how to do it) You can also create a new Administrator account with a different username and delete the old one. If you prefer this method, follow these simple steps: Access the WordPress Dashboard Go to the Users section and tap Add . Add a user to WordPress Create a new user and assign them an Administrator role. Add a user to WordPress Re-login to WordPress with your new username. Return to the Users section and delete the Admin user. Remove admin user from WordPress A good password is the key to effectively securing WordPress. It is much more difficult to force a password that consists of numbers, upper and lower case letters, and special characters. Tools like LastPass and 1Password can help you create and, above all, manage complex passwords! 3. Enabling two-step authentication Two-step verification allows you to keep WordPress as secure as possible. As the name suggests, it adds another step that you will need to complete to log in. It is very likely that you already use it to access your emails, your bank or any other account containing sensitive information. So why not use it on WordPress? Although it may seem complicated, today there are simple solutions to use this two-step verification. All you need to do is install a 2-step authentication app (on your phone for example) and set up WordPress. You will find a detailed guide on enabling WordPress two-step authentication here -in English-. 4. Disabling PHP Error Reporting PHP error reporting can be useful if you're a web developer and want to make sure everything is working correctly. However, showing errors publicly is a major security breach! You need to fix this ASAP! Rest assured, you don't need to be a coder to disable PHP error reporting for WordPress! Many hosting providers will offer you the option to disable error reporting in the control panel. If it doesn't offer this, simply add the following lines to your wp-config.php file. You can use your FTP client or File Manager to edit wp-config.php . error_reporting(0); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); That's all ! Error reporting is now disabled 5. Don’t use cracked WordPress plugins “If it’s free, you are the product” The same goes for a majority of pirated software! If you want to secure WordPress and use it especially for professional purposes, use what you pay for! There are thousands of pirate plugins and themes on the Internet. Users can download them for free from various Warez or torrent sites. Unfortunately, most of them are infected with malicious links or blackhat SEO. If you want a healthy site, stop downloading cracked plugins because you will end up paying more for a seasoned developer to clean up your website! 6. Scan WordPress with anti-virus Hackers often use vulnerabilities in themes or plugins to infect WordPress with malware. Therefore, it is crucial to scan your blog frequently to secure WordPress! There are many extremely well-coded plugins for this use! WordFence is the plugin that stands out. It is easy to use and complete! It offers manual and automatic scanning options as well as many different settings. You can even restore modified/infected files in just a few clicks. And on top of that, it's free and open source. So, hurry up and install this plugin! Other popular WordPress security plugins: BulletProof Security – unlike WordFence, which we described earlier, BulletProof will not scan your files, but it will mainly provide you with a firewall and additional database security. The good thing about this plugin is that it will be configured and installed in just a few clicks! Sucuri Security – this plugin will protect you from DDoS attacks, it will keep a blacklist, scan your website and control your firewall. If it detects something, it will notify you by email. Google, Norton, McAfee – all these engines are included in this plugin to give you maximum security. 7. Migrate your WordPress site to more secure hosting This may seem like strange advice, but statistics show that over 40% of WordPress sites have been hacked due to security vulnerabilities in the hosting accounts themselves! This is also very important advice if you want to secure WordPress! This statistic should make you reconsider your current hosting choice and migrate your WordPress site to more secure hosting. There are a few key facts to consider when looking for new accommodation: If it is shared hosting, make sure that your account is isolated from other users and that there is no risk of just one of the websites infecting all the others on the server. It should make automatic backups. It must have a server side firewall and antivirus. 8. Back up as often as possible Secure WordPress with a backup Even the biggest websites are hacked every day despite their owners spending thousands to secure WordPress. Even if you have good habits and complete the other tips in this article, it is still crucial to back up your site regularly. There are several ways to create a backup. For example, you can manually upload WordPress files and export the database or use your host's backup tool. But you can also use backup plugins. The most popular WordPress backup plugins are: VaultPress BackUpWordPress BackupGuard You can even automate the backup process and store your WordPress backups in Dropbox. 9. Disabling File Editing As you may know, WordPress has a built-in file editor that allows editing PHP files. Although this feature is very useful for developers, it can also be fatal! If the attacker gains access to your admin board, the first thing he will look for is this same editor. It will trash all your files and it will be the end of your site. Some people (like us) disable this feature completely to secure WordPress. It can be disabled by editing the wp-config.php file and including the following line of code: define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ) Yes, as you see, with just a few lines of code, we can better secure WordPress! IMPORTANT If you want to re-enable this functionality, use your FTP client or your host's file manager and remove this same code from the wp-config.php file. 10. Remove unused themes and plugins To have better security on WordPress, clean up your WordPress site and remove all unused plugins and themes. Hackers often look for disabled and outdated themes and plugins (even official ones!) and use them to access your dashboard or send malicious files to your server. By removing plugins and themes that you have stopped using (and may have forgotten to update), you will reduce the risk of WordPress hacking. 11. Use htaccess to its full potential The .htaccess file is necessary for WordPress links to work correctly. Without correct rules in that same .htaccess file, you would get a lot of 404 errors. This may seem complicated, I admit. But rest assured, everything has been done for you! Few users know that .htaccess can be used to secure WordPress. For example, with .htaccess you can block PHP access to specific folders. The examples below show how to use .htaccess to secure WordPress IMPORTANT Before making any changes, it is strongly recommended to backup the .htaccess file and keep a copy of it, just in case. You can use your FTP client or File Manager for this. Prohibit access to the WordPress Administrator area The code below will allow access to the administration area to certain IP addresses only (yours?). AuthUserFile /dev/null AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "WordPress Admin Access Control" AuthType Basic order deny,allow deny from all allow from xx.xx.xx.xxx allow from xx.xx.xx.xxx You need to edit XX.XX.XX.XXX and replace it with your IP address. You can use this website to find out your current IP. If you use more than one connection to manage your WordPress site, be sure to include any other IPs you use (feel free to add as many lines as you like). However, do not use this code if you have a dynamic IP address. Disabling PHP execution in certain folders Hackers like to upload backdoor scripts to the WordPress download folder. By default, this folder is used to download media files only. So it should not contain PHP files. You can easily disable PHP execution by creating a new .htaccess file in /wp-content/uploads/ with these rules: deny from all Protect the wp-config.php file The wp-config.php file contains basic WordPress settings and MySQL database details. So it is the most important WordPress file. This is why it is the main target of all WordPress hackers. However, you can easily protect this file using .htaccess rules: order allow,deny deny from all With these few lines you have just significantly improved the security of WordPress! 12. Change the Default WordPress Database Prefix to Avoid SQL Injections The SQL database contains and stores all the information your site needs to function. As a result, it becomes a prime target for hackers and spammers who then execute automated code and perform SQL injections. When installing WordPress, most people don't bother to change the default database prefix which is wp_ . According to WordFence , 1 in 5 WordPress hacking cases are due to SQL injections. Since wp_ is the default setting , attackers will choose to target this value first. In this step, we will briefly explain how you can secure WordPress against such attacks. Changing the table prefix for an existing WordPress site IMPORTANT! Since we're talking about WordPress security, make sure to back up your MySQL database before continuing. Part 1 – Changing prefix using wp-config.php Using your FTP client or File Manager - in English - open your wp-config.php and look for the $table_prefix value. Changing prefix tables in wp-config You can add numbers, letters or hyphens. Save your changes and move on to the next step. In this tutorial, we will use wp_1securite2_ as our new table prefix. In your wp-config.php file , also look for your database name, so you know which database you need to modify. define('DB_NAME' Change database name in wp-config Part 2 – Updating all database tables Now you will need to update all entries in your database to secure WordPress. To do this we will use phpMyAdmin! phpMyAdmin on the Hostinger CPanel Navigate this to the database you searched for in Part 1. Enter phpMyAdmin on Hostinger A typical WordPress installation has 12 tables. Each must be updated. Please note that you can do this quickly in the SQL section of phpMyadmin. Access the SQL section of phpMyAdmin We will use SQL queries to speed up the process. Indeed, you like me don't want to spend hours updating the tables manually! Use the following syntax to update all tables in your database. RENAME table `wp_commentmeta` TO `wp_1securite2_commentmeta`; RENAME table `wp_comments` TO `wp_1securite2_comments`; RENAME table `wp_links` TO `wp_1securite2_links`; RENAME table `wp_options` TO `wp_1securite2_options`; RENAME table `wp_postmeta` TO `wp_1securite2_postmeta`; RENAME table `wp_posts` TO `wp_1securite2_posts`; RENAME table `wp_terms` TO `wp_1securite2_terms`; RENAME table `wp_termmeta` TO `wp_1securite2_termmeta`; RENAME table `wp_term_relationships` TO `wp_1securite2_term_relationships`; RENAME table `wp_term_taxonomy` TO `wp_1securite2_term_taxonomy`; RENAME table `wp_usermeta` TO `wp_1securite2_usermeta`; RENAME table `wp_users` TO `wp_1securite2_users`; Some WordPress themes or plugins may create additional tables in the database. In case you have more than 12 tables in your MySQL database, add the rest to the SQL queries manually and run them. For example : RENAME table `wp_tabledevotreplugin` TO `wp_1securite2_tabledevotreplugin`; Where you will replace table of your plugin with… the table created by it! Part 3 – Verification options and usermeta tables Depending on the number and type of plugins installed, some values ​​in your database will need to be updated manually. To do this you will need to execute SQL queries to look for these values ​​in the wp_1securite2_ options table and the wp_1securite2_ usermeta table . For the options table , you will need to run: SELECT * FROM `wp_1securite2_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE '%wp_%'; For the usermeta table , you will need to run: SELECT * FROM `wp_1securite2_usermeta` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE '%wp_%' When you have obtained the results of the SQL query, you simply need to update all the values ​​from wp_ to wp_1securite2_ (in our example) and you will be done. In the usermeta table you will need to modify the meta_key value , while in options the option_name value will need to be modified. Change meta_key in phpMyAdmin Changing the table prefix for a new WordPress site If you plan to install new sites under WordPress, there will be no need to carry out this tedious process. You can simply change your table prefix to secure WordPress during installation: Changing table prefix on a new WordPress installation Congratulations ! You have successfully increased WordPress database security!

How to Secure a WordPress Site? The Ultimate Guide

WordPress is one of the most used open source software in the world. Therefore it is important to be vigilant and protect it as best as possible. A hacker can use data however he wants! Know that WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world! It has been installed over 76.5 million times. ESSENTIAL SECURITY SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR WORDPRESS SITE 1. Keep your WordPress updated This will allow you to secure WordPress effectively, believe me! And yes, it seems simple, but only 22% of WordPress sites use the latest version! Between us, who has never been lazy not to update their site? If you want to have a clean and virus-free website, it’s a must! WordPress incorporated auto-update in version 3.7, however, it only works for small security updates. So, major updates must be done manually to secure WordPress! 2. Use Less Common Login Information Are you using  admin  as your WordPress admin username? If your answer is yes, know that it will be easier to hack you. So now change the username!  You can also create a new Administrator account with a different username and delete the old one. If you prefer this method, follow these simple steps: Access the WordPress Dashboard Go to the Users section and tap  Add . Create a new user and assign them an Administrator role. Re-login to WordPress with your new username. Return to the Users section and delete the Admin user. A good password is the key to effectively securing WordPress. It is much more difficult to force a password that consists of numbers, upper and lower case letters, and special characters. Tools like  LastPass  and  1Password  can help you create and, above all, manage complex passwords! 3. Enabling two-step authentication Two-step verification allows you to keep WordPress as secure as possible. As the name suggests, it adds another step that you will need to complete to log in. It is very likely that you already use it to access your emails, your bank or any other account containing sensitive information. So why not use it on WordPress? Although it may seem complicated, today there are simple solutions to use this two-step verification. All you need to do is install a 2-step authentication app (on your phone for example) and set up WordPress. You will find a detailed guide on enabling WordPress two-step authentication here -in English-. 4. Disabling PHP Error Reporting PHP error reporting can be useful if you’re a web developer and want to make sure everything is working correctly. However, showing errors publicly is a major security breach! You need to fix this ASAP! Rest assured, you don’t need to be a coder to disable PHP error reporting for WordPress! Many hosting providers will offer you the option to disable error reporting in the control panel. If it doesn’t offer this, simply add the following lines to your wp-config.php file. You can use your FTP client or File Manager to edit  wp-config.php . error_reporting(0); @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); That’s all ! Error reporting is now disabled 5. Don’t use cracked WordPress plugins “If it’s free, you are the product” The same goes for a majority of pirated software! If you want to secure WordPress and use it especially for professional purposes, use what you pay for! There are thousands of pirate plugins and themes on the Internet. Users can download them for free from various Warez or torrent sites. Unfortunately, most of them are infected with malicious links or blackhat SEO. If you want a healthy site, stop downloading cracked plugins because you will end up paying more for a seasoned developer to clean up your website! 6. Scan WordPress with anti-virus Hackers often use vulnerabilities in themes or plugins to infect WordPress with malware. Therefore, it is crucial to scan your blog frequently to secure WordPress! There are many extremely well-coded plugins for this use! WordFence  is the plugin that stands out. It is easy to use and complete! It offers manual and automatic scanning options as well as many different settings. You can even restore modified/infected files in just a few clicks. And on top of that, it’s free and open source. So, hurry up and install this plugin! Other popular WordPress security plugins: BulletProof Security  – unlike WordFence, which we described earlier, BulletProof will not scan your files, but it will mainly provide you with a firewall and additional database security. The good thing about this plugin is that it will be configured and installed in just a few clicks! Sucuri Security  – this plugin will protect you from DDoS attacks, it will keep a blacklist, scan your website and control your firewall. If it detects something, it will notify you by email. Google, Norton, McAfee – all these engines are included in this plugin to give you maximum security. 7. Migrate your WordPress site to more secure hosting This may seem like strange advice, but statistics show that over 40% of WordPress sites have been hacked due to security vulnerabilities in the hosting accounts themselves! This is also very important advice if you want to secure WordPress! This statistic should make you reconsider your current hosting choice and migrate your WordPress site to more secure hosting. There are a few key facts to consider when looking for new accommodation: If it is shared hosting, make sure that your account is isolated from other users and that there is no risk of just one of the websites infecting all the others on the server. It should make automatic backups. It must have a server side firewall and antivirus. 8. Back up as often as possible Even the biggest websites are hacked every day despite their owners spending thousands to secure WordPress. Even if you have good habits and complete the other tips in this article, it is still crucial to back up your site regularly. There are several ways to create a backup. For example, you can manually upload WordPress files and export the database or use your host’s backup tool. But you can also use backup plugins. The most popular WordPress backup plugins are: VaultPress BackUpWordPress BackupGuard You can even automate the backup process and store your WordPress backups in Dropbox. 9. Disabling File Editing As you may know, WordPress has a built-in file editor that allows editing

What is the best price for digital software or a website?

What is the best price for digital software or a website?

Today, anyone can create a website, but what is the best price for digital software or a website? For this new article, the C2M team looks at the cost of a digital project. Many people wonder how, for the same initial request for a digital project, prices can vary so much. First of all, know that this does not depend on the goodwill of the service providers. Indeed, many criteria come into play to be able to determine a price. In reality the price is one of the components of the service, but for a precise comparison you must look at all the services that are included. Now, let’s focus more precisely to enlighten you. THE MAIN CRITERIA FOR SETTING THE PRICE OF A DIGITAL SERVICE: As we will see in this article and as you may know, there are many decision criteria in a project. They allow you to determine whether the price proposal made to you corresponds to your request. To enlighten you further, the c2m team shares its expertise in terms of digital services. THE TYPE OF SITE: First of all, let’s start at the beginning. First, what type of site or software do you really need? To begin with, know that there are a multitude of them and know that they each have their own specificities. Our experts offer you a non-exhaustive list of the main types of sites and/or software: Showcase site: this is a simple site whose aim is to give the Internet user useful information about a company (products, services and contact details). It can also provide access to a form. It allows you to be present on the Internet. E-commerce site: designed especially for professionals, the E-commerce site allows you to offer your customers an online product store. It offers the following services in particular: placing products online, accounting management, commercial research, order tracking, customer service and online payment. Mobile site: This is often a simplified version of your website specially designed for mobile and tablet viewing. Its advantages are: fast loading and optimized use for browsing on a small screen. Do not confuse with a Responsiv Design site which is a website that adapts to the size of the screen. Intranet/Extranet: for companies, it is the ideal tool to optimize management and production. These sites are specifically dedicated to businesses. Intranets/Extranets are of great interest because they make it possible to simplify actions and internal communication. Blog: It is one of the main web communication tools. It allows you to strengthen your online reputation and improve your natural referencing. Another important point, the blog allows you to transmit all types of useful information such as news, specific themes or even mood posts. SAAS software: just like intranets/extranets, SAAS software is an essential tool for a company. In particular, they make it possible to optimize salary resources, simplify management (accounting, invoicing, etc.) as well as sales. Tailor-made site: if in all the existing possibilities you do not find what you are looking for, it is certainly because you need development specific to your project. For this, digital engineering companies offer you tailor-made site design 100% in line with your requests. THE LEVEL OF CUSTOMIZATION: Digital services are a bit like fashion. In addition, there is ready-to-wear (classic) and haute-couture (tailor-made) at different prices. The same is true for your project. On this principle, you can opt for choosing a “classic” product. Your site will then certainly be based on a content management tool (CMS). This solution is often quicker and less expensive to implement but it will be less scalable and not very customizable. If you have a specific idea and specific features in mind, it is best to go with a tailor-made site. Indeed, although often longer to develop and therefore more expensive, the tailor-made site is specially designed to perfectly meet your needs. As you will have understood, the choice of the level of customization is an important component of the price offered by the service providers. THE LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY OF THE DIGITAL PROJECT: Some will say that this is obvious, but very often clients do not realize the level of complexity of certain projects. Everyone will agree that a One-Page site (text and images) is easier to create than a site with a multitude of pages. But it is also necessary to take into account the functionalities and interconnections necessary to make the project a reality. In fact, each additional feature is additional development time for the service provider’s team. In this case, if you want a One-page site full of complex features, it is likely that it will cost you more than a site with a large number of pages containing only text and visuals. THE QUALITY LEVEL: Once these different criteria have been defined, you will have to make a choice about your service provider. Why choose this agency rather than another or a Freelancer? By what type of service provider will deadlines be best met? Here are some questions you are probably asking yourself. But don’t lose sight of the fact that you need to call on an experienced team. Remember to consult his references. You can also ask about the team structure to know who will work on your project. You will notice that quality comes at a cost. But which do you prefer? A cheap sloppy site or a more expensive quality site? THE LEVEL OF SERVICE BEFORE/DURING/AFTER: After that, to definitively narrow down your choice, it is essential to take into account the general management of your project. Providing you with a specific contact person who centralizes all phases of the design is a guarantee of quality of service. This simplifies communication between you and your provider. Choose a team that is proactive, who advises you and supports you in your project. Also think about what comes next. Once your site or software is online, do you want specific monitoring from your service provider? Do they offer you maintenance services? THE COMPANY’S MARGIN: Here we are ! The crux of the matter is money. When receiving quotes for an IT service, many say that agencies and/or freelancers make a huge margin. Probably because it is difficult to realize how much time it takes to develop a project. Obviously the company you use will