What is the best price for digital software or a website?

What is the best price for digital software or a website?

Today, anyone can create a website, but what is the best price for digital software or a website? For this new article, the C2M team looks at the cost of a digital project. Many people wonder how, for the same initial request for a digital project, prices can vary so much. First of all, know that this does not depend on the goodwill of the service providers. Indeed, many criteria come into play to be able to determine a price. In reality the price is one of the components of the service, but for a precise comparison you must look at all the services that are included. Now, let’s focus more precisely to enlighten you. THE MAIN CRITERIA FOR SETTING THE PRICE OF A DIGITAL SERVICE: As we will see in this article and as you may know, there are many decision criteria in a project. They allow you to determine whether the price proposal made to you corresponds to your request. To enlighten you further, the c2m team shares its expertise in terms of digital services. THE TYPE OF SITE: First of all, let’s start at the beginning. First, what type of site or software do you really need? To begin with, know that there are a multitude of them and know that they each have their own specificities. Our experts offer you a non-exhaustive list of the main types of sites and/or software: Showcase site: this is a simple site whose aim is to give the Internet user useful information about a company (products, services and contact details). It can also provide access to a form. It allows you to be present on the Internet. E-commerce site: designed especially for professionals, the E-commerce site allows you to offer your customers an online product store. It offers the following services in particular: placing products online, accounting management, commercial research, order tracking, customer service and online payment. Mobile site: This is often a simplified version of your website specially designed for mobile and tablet viewing. Its advantages are: fast loading and optimized use for browsing on a small screen. Do not confuse with a Responsiv Design site which is a website that adapts to the size of the screen. Intranet/Extranet: for companies, it is the ideal tool to optimize management and production. These sites are specifically dedicated to businesses. Intranets/Extranets are of great interest because they make it possible to simplify actions and internal communication. Blog: It is one of the main web communication tools. It allows you to strengthen your online reputation and improve your natural referencing. Another important point, the blog allows you to transmit all types of useful information such as news, specific themes or even mood posts. SAAS software: just like intranets/extranets, SAAS software is an essential tool for a company. In particular, they make it possible to optimize salary resources, simplify management (accounting, invoicing, etc.) as well as sales. Tailor-made site: if in all the existing possibilities you do not find what you are looking for, it is certainly because you need development specific to your project. For this, digital engineering companies offer you tailor-made site design 100% in line with your requests. THE LEVEL OF CUSTOMIZATION: Digital services are a bit like fashion. In addition, there is ready-to-wear (classic) and haute-couture (tailor-made) at different prices. The same is true for your project. On this principle, you can opt for choosing a “classic” product. Your site will then certainly be based on a content management tool (CMS). This solution is often quicker and less expensive to implement but it will be less scalable and not very customizable. If you have a specific idea and specific features in mind, it is best to go with a tailor-made site. Indeed, although often longer to develop and therefore more expensive, the tailor-made site is specially designed to perfectly meet your needs. As you will have understood, the choice of the level of customization is an important component of the price offered by the service providers. THE LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY OF THE DIGITAL PROJECT: Some will say that this is obvious, but very often clients do not realize the level of complexity of certain projects. Everyone will agree that a One-Page site (text and images) is easier to create than a site with a multitude of pages. But it is also necessary to take into account the functionalities and interconnections necessary to make the project a reality. In fact, each additional feature is additional development time for the service provider’s team. In this case, if you want a One-page site full of complex features, it is likely that it will cost you more than a site with a large number of pages containing only text and visuals. THE QUALITY LEVEL: Once these different criteria have been defined, you will have to make a choice about your service provider. Why choose this agency rather than another or a Freelancer? By what type of service provider will deadlines be best met? Here are some questions you are probably asking yourself. But don’t lose sight of the fact that you need to call on an experienced team. Remember to consult his references. You can also ask about the team structure to know who will work on your project. You will notice that quality comes at a cost. But which do you prefer? A cheap sloppy site or a more expensive quality site? THE LEVEL OF SERVICE BEFORE/DURING/AFTER: After that, to definitively narrow down your choice, it is essential to take into account the general management of your project. Providing you with a specific contact person who centralizes all phases of the design is a guarantee of quality of service. This simplifies communication between you and your provider. Choose a team that is proactive, who advises you and supports you in your project. Also think about what comes next. Once your site or software is online, do you want specific monitoring from your service provider? Do they offer you maintenance services? THE COMPANY’S MARGIN: Here we are ! The crux of the matter is money. When receiving quotes for an IT service, many say that agencies and/or freelancers make a huge margin. Probably because it is difficult to realize how much time it takes to develop a project. Obviously the company you use will

Telecoms: Details of the new law

Telecoms: Details of the new law

The ANRT has published a summary of the legal revisions which have marked the telecommunications sector since Law 24-96. Law 121-12 is applicable from March. After the adoption of the new telecoms law by both houses of Parliament and its publication, the sector regulatory agency saw the need to consolidate all of the revisions that were made to Law 24-96 in a single text. Even if the agency takes care to mention that “this text cannot in any way replace the original versions of the laws published in the BO”, the regulatory body insists on the need to provide the sector with a legal and regulatory in perfect harmony with the treaties and international arrangements to which Morocco subscribes, “capable of encouraging private initiatives to extend postal and telecommunications networks and services to the entire territory”. The consolidated version of the law which was produced by the agency aims to define the legal framework governing telecommunications networks which can be operated by private persons holding a license, which will be granted by decree. The contributions of the new legislation It is the new article 7 of the law which puts an end to the rules which have prevailed since the legal revision of 2001. Thus, operators of alternative infrastructures can rent or transfer excess capacity to a public network operator which they will be able to dispose of, “in compliance with the legislation relating to the occupation of the public domain”. The refusal of the rental or transfer request must be justified, just as the rental or transfer contract must be communicated in its entirety to the ANRT. Other requirements imposed by the new law require that revenues and expenses relating to this session be traced in separate accounts of the alternative infrastructure operator and require that the rental must not infringe the rights of way of others operators of public telecommunications networks. For the moment, the terms of interconnection and access are not yet detailed and must be the subject of an implementing decree, with a right that has been granted to the ANRT to resolve disputes. . In terms of respect for competition, the agency will have to apply the provisions relating to freedom of prices and competition for anti-competitive practices as well as concentration operations in the sector. An infractions committee was established. The agency also carries out the necessary investigations to apply the new provisions. The main highlight is that the ANRT informs the Competition Council of the decisions taken following the investigations carried out by the agency’s sworn agents. As a reminder, the Infringements Committee can issue penalties and fines in cases of anti-competitive practices, as well as appeals brought against the agency’s decisions “are formed, instructed and judged in accordance with the legislation relating to the freedom of price and competition”, as indicated in article 7 of the law. In addition to these measures, Law 121-12 indicates that public network operators are required to route and exchange national internet traffic via their networks “through an internet exchange point created on the national territory”. A second implementing decree is expected to set the conditions for management and operation of the internet exchange point. The licensing regime has also been codified with new specifications which will be established and must above all set the financial compensation required from operators. 

Telecoms 1

Telecoms: Morocco occupies a prominent position in North Africa

Telecoms in Morocco is among the first in North Africa. The Moroccan telecommunications industry is the most attractive in the North Africa region, indicates Fitch Solutions in a new analysis devoted to the sector. Morocco thus moves from 9th to 7th place in the Middle East and North Africa region with a score of 45.1 and a level of risk considered low. For this reason, Morocco occupies an eminent position in the field of telecommunications in North Africa The Kingdom is ahead of the Gulf countries (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman). For Fitch Solutions, the mobile telephony market should continue its good dynamics “in the medium and long term”, operators being focused on the development of 4G services and the attraction of postpaid subscribers. C2M meets the needs of equipment manufacturers and operators to carry out the deployment of telecom equipment throughout Morocco. Morocco, Iraq and Iran experienced the greatest improvements in their telecoms scores with 2.4, 1.3 and 2.1 points respectively, the study highlights. Read more: Telecoms: Details of the new law

VOIP phone

What is Voice over IP (VoIP)?

Voice over IP, short for Voice over Internet Protocol, is also known as VoIP. Voice over IP refers to the broadcasting of the voice stream over Internet networks, instead of traditional PSTN telephone networks. The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for the management of data networks then after its success, the protocol was adapted to voice management, by transforming and transmitting information into an IP data packet. VoIP is now available on many smartphones, computers and tablets. Voice over IP (VoIP) can facilitate tasks and provide services that would be difficult or expensive to implement using the traditional PSTN network: More than one phone call can be transmitted on the same broadband phone line. In this way, VoIP can make it easier to add phone lines to the business, without the need for additional hardware phone lines. Features that are usually charged for by telecom companies, such as call forwarding, caller ID or auto dialing, are simple with VoIP technology. Unified communications are secure with VoIP technology because it allows integration with other services available on the Internet such as video chat, instant messaging, etc. This and many other benefits of VoIP have businesses adopting  VoIP-based phone systems  at a staggering pace.

Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet in Morocco: Pitfalls to avoid, How to choose your subscription

Satellite Internet in Morocco is a  new high-speed  satellite  Internet solution in Morocco  to meet the growing needs of Moroccan individuals and professionals. The solution offers  an unrivaled Internet experience  in terms of  connection quality  thanks to satellite. For all those excluded from broadband (xDSL end of line, forgotten about 4G, etc.), satellite internet access represents a possible alternative. On the other hand, it is not always easy to navigate the jungle of offers – to say the least – and conditions. Before taking the plunge, here are the points to know. In Morocco, an overwhelming majority of residents benefit from Internet access via xDSL, optical fiber or cable, but not everyone can benefit from it in good conditions. While waiting for 2022 or better days, satellite appears to be a solution to take into account to obtain “good speed”. At the last census, at the end of 2017, less than 100,000 subscribers subscribed to it, very often because it was the only solution. Because this technology is not without imposing some limits: current offers do not exceed 30 Mb/s (theoretical maximum), have quotas, have a high ping, require equipment and a clear view, etc. The opportunity for us to make a major comparison of what the different operators offer and the conditions they impose on their customers. But before that, let’s start with a few reminders on how this solution works. Two problems: very high latency, shared bandwidth Satellite subscriptions are all based on the same principle: the customer must install a dish at their home, which is then used to send and receive data via a satellite. For its part, the satellite connects to a ground transmitting station, itself connected to the Internet. In practice, when you want to access a site, your request is transmitted by your dish to the satellite, which sends it back to a ground station and the latter takes care of retrieving the page. The station then sends the data back to the satellite which transfers it to your dish so that it finally arrives on your computer… a journey of more than 140,000 km for each request (or approximately 3.5x the circumference of the Earth). One of the main problems of the satellite arises directly from this (very) long journey: very high latency. It takes a minimum of 240 ms for a signal to travel back and forth between the earth and the satellite. Indeed, those used for the Internet are geostationary (that is to say they are always at the same position in the sky) and are located at approximately 36,000 km altitude. 240 ms represents the time necessary for the light to travel the 72,000 km round trip.  The minimum latency is therefore around 500 ms (two round trips), but in practice the average is more around 700 ms depending on the different ISPs. While this generally doesn’t pose too much of a problem for surfing, it’s not the same for network gaming and other remote desktop solutions, which require low ping.  Moreover, satellite ISPs generally explain that they do not recommend their offers for uses such as network games. Another important point to take into consideration: satellite bandwidth is shared between all users and is not infinitely expandable. We are not only talking about subscriptions for individuals, but also for professionals and television services that use a satellite. Access providers therefore explain that the theoretical maximum speed can be lowered when the satellite is heavily used by all customers. The companies that manage satellites have also implemented a “   fair  use policy  ” in order to prevent that the speed may be limited in the event of high demand. The data is often limited, sometimes with “fair use” Thus, there are almost no unlimited offers, with one exception – SkyDSL – but at the cost of strict conditions and sometimes very difficult to understand (we will come back to this). As a result, the packages offered by ISPs for the general public generally vary between 2 and 100 GB (download and upload included). Some ISPs, however, suggest not counting your consumption at night (generally between 0 a.m. and 6 a.m.). This period can, for example, be used to download games or updates of several GB and thus consume a significant part of your package. If some operators cut the connection once your quota is reached, others opt for a different approach with “fair use” – that is to say a reduced speed – exactly like in mobile telephony. A majority sell recharge packs with additional GB. In short, you will have to pay according to your usage, which is generally not the case on landlines in France. Three satellites above our heads ISPs can currently only rely on three satellites covering all or part of mainland France. They act as distributors with commercial agreements with one or more satellite managers such as Eutelsat, SES and Avanti, which do not directly offer subscriptions to the general public. Launched in 2010, and operational since 2011, Eutelsat’s KaSat is the main satellite providing Internet in France. It offers a total bandwidth of more than 90 Gb/s. Individuals can obtain speeds of 22 Mb/s in reception and 6 Mb/s in transmission. But it is (almost) saturated. To the point that Eutelsat stopped the marketing of consumer offers for a year in a third of the country, before relaunching them. It widely covers the old continent and is accessible throughout mainland France and Corsica. For its part, SES launched the Astra 2F satellite in September 2012. It is not only dedicated to satellite Internet in Morocco and also offers television services. Speeds for individuals are 20 Mb/s for reception, but only 2 Mb/s for transmission. Here again, it covers all of mainland France.  Finally, one last operator launched at the end of 2016: Avanti, via its Hylas 2 satellite. This allows you to increase up to 30 Mb/s in download and only 2 Mb/s in upload, but it does not cover all France. Around a third of the metropolitan territory is eligible (mainly in the east). A coverage map is available  on the c2m website  (a subsidiary of Avanti), the only operator to market subscriptions via Hylas 2 in France. Regardless, satellite Internet providers generally


Natural SEO, Definition and How does it work?

WHAT IS NATURAL SEO? Natural referencing, or  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) , encompasses all the methods and techniques which aim to position the web pages of your website in the first natural results of search engines (notably Google, but also Bing, Yahoo and consorts).This is with the aim of improving the visibility of the pages in question, by applying a series of “rules” laid down by the search engines. WHY IS NATURAL SEO ESSENTIAL? Because there are more than 1 billion websites on the Internet and Google has indexed some 30,000 billion pages. When an Internet user launches a search on the Web, the only way to make a page visible to them is to optimize it by applying the rules of the search engine. You can have the most beautiful site in the world, but without referencing your website, it has every chance of remaining invisible. WHAT MAKES GOOGLE SEO THE FIRST LEVER FOR ACQUIRING DIGITAL TRAFFIC? Natural SEO allows you to attract qualified traffic to your web pages, likely to convert into prospects, then into customers. So optimizing your natural referencing allows you to capture the attention of those who are really interested in the type of services/products that you offer. This traffic generated by Google SEO is sustainable in the long term. Unlike a traditional advertising campaign, whose effects stop as soon as you stop pumping in money, SEO continues to attract traffic (and produce profits) even when you are no longer optimizing it. WHAT DISTINGUISHES NATURAL SEO FROM PAID SEO? As its name indicates, the objective of natural referencing is to position pages in the so-called “natural” results, or “organic links”, of the SERPs (search engine results pages). This positioning is obtained without having to pay money to the search engine, unlike what happens with paid search engine optimization (SEA). This consists of buying keywords to place “sponsored links” at the top of the SERPs, for example by launching a Google AdWords campaign. WHY DO WE NEED GOOGLE NATURAL SEO? Because Google is the most used search engine in the world. Its market shares vary between 75 and 95% depending on the country: in France, more than 93% of the population of Internet users use this search engine as a priority. Working on your natural referencing therefore means giving yourself every chance of make its web pages visible to Internet users. HOW DOES THE GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE WORK? Google indexes billions of pages every day and ranks them so as to position them in its results. Before indexing, there is the “crawl”: the exploration of all web pages by Google robots. If the conditions are met, a page is indexed – kept in memory in the database. It will then be positioned in the results. This positioning is done according to the relevance of the pages with regard to the requests formulated by Internet users. For example, if someone searches for “  natural SEO agency  ” on Google, they will get in response the pages that best meet their query. To decide which pages are relevant, and which pages are not, Google has put places several hundred criteria: these are the criteria that Google natural referencing aims to apply. WHY DOES A NATURAL SEO STRATEGY TAKE TIME? With more than 200 optimization criteria, Google natural referencing requires know-how, experience… and time! A website referencing strategy only gives results in the long term: between the SEO audit , defining an action plan, setting it up, working on the pages, publishing content and net-linking, it takes on average 6 months to start obtaining positive effects. But subsequently, these effects last over time. In short, natural referencing is like a diesel engine: long to start, but effective over time! HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE SEO? Optimizing the SEO of your website involves using a large number of levers (more than 200) which correspond to the criteria set up by Google. In order to help webmasters get started, the search engine provides a  SEO Guide natural Google  – but don’t expect to find the secrets of successful optimization there! These are mainly working bases. WHAT IS NATURAL ON-SITE SEO? On-site natural referencing brings together all the elements relating to the web pages themselves: HTML tags (title, meta description, Hn title levels, alt attribute for images, etc.) Rich snippets URL structure Loading times The internal network Robots.txt and sitemap files Keyword relevance The placement of keywords in content and their density The semantic field around keywords The quality and originality of the content The mobile friendly – ​​Responsive aspect These elements more or less impact the natural referencing of a page, but they contribute at least to its good indexing and/or to the improvement of its visibility. WHAT IS NATURAL OFF-SITE SEO? Off-site natural referencing called Net-linking concerns elements external to web pages: The popularity of the site Netlinking and backlinks (links that point to your pages from other sites) The competitive benchmark Social links The driving force behind Google off-page natural referencing is quality: a page that Internet users like will more easily obtain inbound links and see its popularity increase; 10 backlinks from a few influential sites are more important than 100 backlinks from sites with a bad reputation, etc. HOW TO CHOOSE THE KEYWORDS FOR YOUR GOOGLE SEO? The choice of keywords depends on your sector of activity and your needs. Keywords are selected based on their popularity (the number of times they have been requested by Internet users) and their competitiveness. it is difficult to position yourself on generic keywords in certain sectors (for example “SEO agency”), natural referencing on “long tail” keywords can prove to be easier – and generate more qualified traffic. There are many tools for choosing your keywords, including  the Google Keyword Planner tool . WHY IS IT INTERESTING TO USE THE “LONG TAIL” IN NATURAL SEO? The “long tail” defines key expressions of more than 4 or 5 words. It allows you to position yourself on more precise and more qualifying queries, for example “natural SEO agency located in Paris” rather than “SEO agency”. These more specific keywords are less

pointing system

Everything you need to know about pointing

Installation of pointing system For a company, it is important to be able to control the working time, presence and effective occupation of employees. The time clock is a first step in the right direction, but, as is already the case with the most sophisticated time clocks, it must be coupled with working time management software to maximize all its possibilities. The time clock records the basic data of your staff (arrival, departure, recovery, etc.), using an individual badge or reading anthropometric data (iris, fingerprint, hand geometry, etc.). This data is transmitted to a central computer (via network, internet or USB key) and analyzed by the computer, using time and attendance management software. If the benefits derived from a work clocking system are obvious to the employer and essentially translate into: Simplification of work for the departments concerned. Accessibility and reliability of information. Time saving. Help with the decision. Do you want to set up a pointing system but you don’t know which one to choose? How much does it cost to install one and why do it? IDevent can help you assess the needs of your business and recommend the implementation of a timekeeping system adapted to your structure, the most cost-effective and efficient to track hours, establish the schedule and evaluate employee time in order to to optimize the efficiency and profitability of the workforce that works for you. Thanks to our identification system, no one can “clock in” for someone else, and no more cards to be distributed, tracked and replaced. You will be able to monitor regular and overtime hours, produce end-of-period reports and automatically export data to an internal or external payroll management system.

Data entry

Data entry: definition and why outsource it?

Data entry is used to centralize data owned by your business, most often in a computer system. This can be a very time-consuming and tedious task, especially as your business grows and you find yourself with more and more data collected, especially in the case of computer data entry. This is why it may be wise to opt for offshore outsourcing of this data entry to an external service provider to allow you to save time on this task which can take up a lot of resources. C2M GUARANTEE RELIABLE AND FAST DATA INPUT C2M can therefore take care of your data entry tasks. Our expertise allows us to support you in the processing and archiving of all your data. The data entry work is followed by careful proofreading before validation. The recording is made in the format of your choice. Whatever the original document and support, an analysis will allow us to develop the procedure best suited to the desired result. The goal is to optimize the processing of encrypted or textual information. Our employees are selected based on criteria of rigor, perfect command of the language and their sense of organization. Our data entry operators are qualified to carry out your data entry, support you and listen to you throughout the operations. We guarantee complete confidentiality regarding the data entrusted to us. We can offer you fully personalized services: creation or modification of files, entry of accounting or management control data, stock records, administrative management, declarations, computer entry of information on your customers and prospects in a CRM, entry of databases for your communication campaigns… We will choose the type of software that best suits your project and guarantee perfect compatibility with the computer or handwritten tools you use internally. CREATE ADDED VALUE FOR YOUR BUSINESS The collection of data can be carried out from the documents and media that you provide to us but also by direct collection from directories or published works (catalogues, books, reports). We can process information on all types of paper or digital media: response coupons, newsletters, competitions, forms, contact sheets. By outsourcing data entry, you relieve your business of tasks that require specialized skills to be profitable. You increase the value of information by optimizing the collection, processing, enrichment and perfect integration of your company’s vital data. Outsourcing your data entry to C2M means: Better exploit the data that helps you understand your customers and prospects; Save time on a time-consuming task; Choose an expert service provider in this field who offers you personalized support according to your media, documents and formats. Read more : Archives of Morocco is struggling to get started

Archives du Maroc

Archives of Morocco struggling to get started

Classified among the strategic establishments of the State and endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, the  Archives of Morocco (ADM) were created in 2007 by law 69-99 relating to archives. The institution is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, and its director is appointed directly by the King. ADM is responsible, in view of the law, for “safeguarding the national archival heritage and ensuring the constitution, conservation, organization and communication of public archives. » These archives refer to all administrative documents, whatever their date, form and material support. It could theoretically be a written paper, a photo, or even a video. But more precisely, there are 3 types of public archives: Current archives:  these are administrative documents commonly used for a specific period. Their conservation is carried out by the organizations which produced or received them. Intermediate archives:  documents that are no longer considered current archives. Their conservation and management are ensured by the organizations that produced them. Definitive archives:  At the end of the conservation period for the intermediate archives, they are sorted to determine the documents of  scientific, statistical or historical interest . These documents are classified as definitive archives. These are the definitive archives which are preserved by Archives du Maroc. The State, local authorities and public companies and establishments must transmit their final archives to ADM. The latter is required to collect them, inventory them, classify them  and make them available to the public . Open access archives Today, administrations have a legal obligation to make the information they have available freely. This information is largely archived. Moreover, the implementation of Law 31-13 relating to the right of access to information depends largely on the accessibility of archives. Citizens can today go to the headquarters of the Archives of Morocco  and  consult the public archives free of charge . They can even produce reproductions or extracts at their own expense. However, the archives that can be consulted must be at least 30 years old , except for documents which, by their nature, are intended to be addressed to the public. However, certain archives only become accessible after the expiration of a period of  60 years, or even 100 years  in certain cases. These are archives relating to national defense issues, state security or information on individuals. Temporary and non-compliant premises Aside from legal restrictions, there are practical obstacles that limit access to archives. In 2017, the Court of Auditors noted a delay in the collection and creation of definitive public archives. This mission, added the court, constitutes “the main reason for being” of the Archives of Morocco. The court reported that the volume of archives available in ADM premises does not exceed 2,600 linear meters (ml), while the size of the national archives is estimated at hundreds of thousands. From 2017 to today, the volume of definitive archives kept by Archives du Maroc does not seem to change. This delay is mainly due to ADM’s inability to receive all these archives. Indeed, the current premises (a wing of the old BNRM building) are temporary and do not meet the standards of a national archiving center. For example, the premises do not have any repository to keep the final archives. In 2015, the government allocated 4.5 hectares of land in Technopolis to the institution to build premises meeting all archiving standards. But until now, no construction program has been validated. Poor management of archives by administrations The unsuitability of ADM premises is not the only obstacle to the development of public archives. Remember that the sorting and transfer of final archives must be carried out by the administrations which originated them. However, a 2018 ADM study revealed that  33% of Moroccan administrations do not have any administrative structure dedicated to archives . In these administrations, the archives are either managed by a non-specialized administrative structure or are not managed by any structure (the case of the Ministries of Agriculture or Health, for example). Added to this is the fact that 14% of administrations do not even have a repository to keep their archives. The ADM study also showed the low rate of digitization of public archives. Only  38% of Moroccan administrations have developed programs to digitize  their archives. However, a 2015 decree requires each administration to create an Archives Committee. This committee must keep current and intermediate archives and sort the final archives. In 2018, a circular from the Head of Government called on administrations to accelerate the process of creating these committees. For its part, ADM provided administrations with a reference guide for the management of public archives.


What is a communications agency?

The mission of the communication agency is to guide & support an advertiser (company, community, association, etc.) in its commercial approach by means of a communication strategy which aims to promote the image of the advertiser with its target audiences: customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, etc. It is a company that orchestrates internal and/or external communication on behalf of its clients. Internal communication : It aims to unite staff with the company’s objectives, for example: the website, an intranet, monthly magazines, a company newspaper, etc. External communication : It aims to promote the image of the company to the targeted audience, for example: the website, social networks, business cards, a commercial brochure, etc. The clients of a communications agency can be businesses, communities, liberals or even associations. The clients of a communications agency are not always advertisers. Global communications agencies manage the entire budget and communications needs of their clients. A communications agency listens to its clients, it begins by integrating a series of parameters: the sector of activity, the objectives, the competition, the budget, etc. Once all these parameters have been analyzed, it proposes a communication strategy. After a few discussions and validation from the client, the communications agency sets up a communications plan. Next comes the dissemination of the message(s) and the measurement of the performance of the communication action. The different communication agencies “Communication Agency”  has become an expression used for all agencies working in all areas of communication, advertising and marketing. There are two main families of communication agencies: Global communication agencies  They advise their clients in all their communication, they work in both advertising and direct marketing. France has two global communications agencies of international scope with Publicis and Havas. Communication agencies with expertise in one or more areas Communication has many activities and specialties, some agencies have specialized in specific areas. Global agencies often use specialized communications agencies. The following terms are also used and typed into Google to find communication agencies: communications company, communications company, Advertising agency, advertising agency or pub agency, communications company, communications agency, communications agency, communication box, multimedia agency,… Specialized communications agencies Communication brings together a wide variety of activities and certain agencies specialize in: Advertising:  the advertising agency advises advertisers and carries out visual and/or auditory advertising campaigns on their behalf. The media:  the media agency advises advertisers on media planning choices, it plays an agent role in the procedures for purchasing advertising space. The Web:  a  web agency  specializes in creating and updating websites. It brings together skills in development and graphic art. Its role is to offer you a web solution adapted to your project. Digital agencies, for their part, cover all the communication needs of a company on the Internet. Print:  a print agency specializes in communication distributed on paper: business cards, leaflets, flyers, commercial brochures, etc. Marketing:  a marketing agency defines all the actions aimed at studying and influencing the needs and behaviors of consumers. There are many techniques: web marketing, remarketing, content marketing, inbound marketing, permission marketing, etc. Press relations and public relations:  the press relations agency takes care of its client’s press relations. Public relations brings together methods and techniques used by interest groups such as states, political parties, unions, businesses, etc. Events:   the events agency specializes in the design and organization of events intended for professionals and individuals. (weddings, trade shows, fairs, previews, etc.) The missions of communication agencies A communications agency supports and advises its client to promote their image to targeted audiences: Customers and prospects, Partners and suppliers. The main missions of the communications agency are: To support your client in implementing their communication strategy to enhance their image and develop their notoriety, To implement communication actions aimed at the targeted audience, To offer effective communication supports and techniques in a minimum of time. Why use a communications agency? A communications agency brings you its expertise in the different communication professions, it also brings you: Analysis of your external and internal communication, Developing your communication strategy, The design and implementation of your communication plan, Management and monitoring of production  (visual design, layout, integration, development, publication, promotion, etc.), A communications agency listens to its client with the aim of offering them solutions based on their needs and their budget. She understands her marketing issues   and advises and supports her client on all aspects of their communication. To conclude, using a communications agency allows you to: Benefit from expert communication advice with a guaranteed result, Benefit from support and monitoring of your communication actions, Save time and therefore money. If you need to communicate, discover the activities and achievements of our  agency .


The latest marketing trends 2024

The world of marketing is evolving at high speed and is constantly marked by the arrival of new technological advances. Google is a perfect example because it is behind many changes to try to maintain high quality in search results. The change in Internet user and consumer behavior are other factors influencing our marketing strategies. It is more essential than ever to monitor these developments because they are at the origin of the marketing trends of 2019. In this regard, here is our top 10 marketing trends to follow closely. Trend #1: chatbots Chatbots are software powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and programmed to respond to consumers. Their goal is to facilitate the connection between the brand and consumers across all messaging platforms. They help build customer loyalty through instant conversations and real-time responses. Trend #2: augmented reality By augmented reality we mean a technology that allows 2D or 3D elements to be added to an existing image. Snapchat’s lens selfies have   enabled its democratization. By allowing virtual makeup and ornaments to be applied to the user’s face, selfie lenses served to familiarize the public with this technology. There are also  Instagram Stories . And as Jonathan Chan notes: “Stories are part of the real-time marketing trend, this format allows you to create authenticity and also offers a dimension to telling stories (storytelling) because it follows a certain linearity. » Thus, augmented reality is a source of experience for the consumer. Trend #3: voice search Among marketing trends, voice search is one of the 2018 marketing trends to remember. It is estimated that by 2020, 50% of searches will be voice-based. Whether on your cell phone or on your personal assistant, such as Google Home, Siri, Cortana… which suggests that the requests will lengthen. Brand SEO strategies will be impacted by this change. As Talk Walker states: “The key words will become sentences and especially questions. And the results of queries on search engines will no longer be a list of websites to visit, but rather a precise answer which must satisfy the Internet user almost instantly. » Trend #4: shoppable media Behind this term hides the possibilities offered by many platforms for richer content. And this brings the option to consumers to purchase the product directly. So a Buy button can appear on a published image, for example on Instagram. This makes it possible to capture the attention of Internet users as close as possible to their navigation and their centers of interest. This is why “More and more numerous and influential voices are being raised in the tech ecosystem to denounce, or even combat, attention design (captology)… Another possible scenario, the entry into resistance of users” , Sophie Ismaël tells us on this subject. Trend #5: Fake news It seems that the Fake news trend will develop in 2018. Here are  5 types identified by experts  : The fake news that buzzes on the web about a brand: it could damage its reputation. Fake news mistakenly relayed by a company on its various sites. Fake news which follows the misinterpretation of an advertisement: a detail which would not have been identified in the advertisement and which triggers a rumor. The place of publication of a communication which may be frowned upon or misinterpreted. And also, the internal decision of a brand which will have been taken based on fake news. Trend #6: the announced death of the organic reach of Facebook pages What is it about ? Organic reach represents the total number of people who saw your posts through unpaid distribution. We have noticed that since 2014, the organic reach of posts has continued to decrease on Facebook. 2 reasons for this: the multiplication of posts which drowns your content among many others, and the change in algorithm in 2015, which consists of placing posts according to preferences and not their publication date. Competition on content will have to be even fiercer and sponsored to be seen. Trend #7: Real-Time Marketing “Above all, real time offers businesses the opportunity to better connect with consumers and their communities. It’s about sparking online conversation and offering  an increasingly gratifying and emotional “live” experience. This is what Hervé Monier says about Real-Time Marketing. This requires brands to be responsive to current events in order to develop emotional proximity with their consumers. At the risk of making decisions too quickly and causing bad buzz or fake news. Trend #8: video content “Facebook will become one of the main players in the video market, and one of YouTube’s main competitors. The Facebook Watch functionality, open today to certain content creators, will be offered to all people and pages during 2018,” underlines expert Michael Stelzner. It is therefore a safe bet that YouTube will have a serious competitor. This will certainly amplify video content opportunities. Trend #9: influencer marketing The fact that video dominates the digital world is probably no longer a surprise to you. But you have to remember that the use of this format continues to increase, and it is not going to stop any time soon. The emotions conveyed or even the fact of being able to broadcast a video live on social networks make it a preferred communication channel for  promoting your brand  and engaging your community. If video is not part of your marketing strategy you should make it a priority for 2019. Trend #9: Creativity will be a factor of success Following the major 2019 trends, whatever the field, is a good thing to be up to date in your strategy and capture your audience in the best possible way. But this should not take away any form of creativity from you. Boldness and experimentation should allow you to test new ways of reaching and engaging your target that your competitors have not yet considered.

Top Programming Languages to Master in 2024

Top Programming Languages to Master in 2024

Here’s an overview: Introduction to Top Programming Languages In the fast-paced world of technology, staying current with top programming languages is essential for any aspiring or seasoned developer. The programming landscape is constantly evolving, with new languages emerging and existing ones gaining popularity. Understanding the top programming languages can help professionals make informed decisions about where to invest their time and effort to stay relevant and competitive in the industry. When considering which programming languages to master, it is crucial to take into account factors such as industry demand, versatility, ease of learning, and future growth potential. Each programming language has its strengths and weaknesses, as well as specific applications and domains where it excels. By familiarizing themselves with a diverse set of programming languages, developers can broaden their skill set and increase their employability in a competitive job market. This article provides an overview of the top programming languages to master in 2024, highlighting key features, use cases, and trends associated with each language. Whether you are a software engineer, web developer, data scientist, or aspiring programmer, having a solid foundation in multiple programming languages can open up a world of opportunities and ensure that you are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of tomorrow’s technology landscape. Stay tuned as we delve into the specifics of each top programming language, exploring what sets them apart and why they are worth mastering in 2024 and beyond. Python Python continues to be a powerhouse in the programming world for its versatility and readability. The language’s popularity is evident in various industries, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and automation. Reasons to Master Python in 2024: Versatility: Python can be used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, and more, making it a valuable skill to have. Community Support: With a vast and active community, Python users benefit from a wealth of resources, libraries, and frameworks. Ease of Learning: Python’s simple syntax and readability make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. High Demand: Python developers are in high demand across industries, ensuring a promising job market for those proficient in the language. Python Features to Focus on: Data Science Libraries: Master popular libraries like pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn for data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning. Web Development: Explore frameworks like Django and Flask to build robust web applications efficiently. Automation Skills: Utilize libraries such as Selenium and BeautifulSoup for automation and web scraping tasks. Artificial Intelligence: Deepen understanding of AI concepts using libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch for developing neural networks. Future Outlook: Python’s widespread adoption and continuous development make it a safe bet for the future. Keeping up with the latest advancements in Python, such as the upcoming releases and enhancements, will further solidify one’s expertise in the language. In conclusion, mastering Python in 2024 will open up numerous opportunities in a variety of fields, from data science to web development, ensuring a fruitful and fulfilling career path for aspiring programmers. JavaScript JavaScript remains a fundamental language for web development due to its ability to create interactive and dynamic web pages. Here are some key points about JavaScript in 2024: Versatility: JavaScript can be used for both front-end and back-end development, making it a versatile language for building full-stack applications. Frameworks and Libraries: Popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js continue to dominate the front-end development scene, while Node.js remains a top choice for server-side development. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs): JavaScript is crucial for developing PWAs, which offer a native app-like experience on the web, enhancing user engagement. Machine Learning: With the rise of JavaScript libraries like TensorFlow.js and Brain.js, developers can now implement machine learning models directly in the browser. Internet of Things (IoT): JavaScript’s lightweight nature makes it ideal for IoT development, enabling devices to communicate and interact with each other seamlessly. Serverless Architecture: JavaScript’s compatibility with serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions simplifies the deployment and scaling of applications. TypeScript Integration: The adoption of TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, continues to grow, enhancing code quality and developer productivity. In 2024, mastering JavaScript is essential for developers looking to excel in web development, application building, and emerging technologies like machine learning and IoT. Java Java remains a powerhouse in the programming world, holding its ground as one of the most popular languages due to its versatility and compatibility across various platforms. Here are some key points about Java: Widespread Adoption: Java is extensively used in enterprise-level applications, web development, mobile app development (Android apps), and big data technologies such as Hadoop and Apache Storm. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Java’s OOP principles make it easy to structure code, leading to better organization, reusability, and maintenance. Platform-Independence: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy allows developers to build applications that can run on any device with the Java Virtual Machine. Robust Standard Library: Java boasts a rich set of libraries and frameworks that simplify development tasks and accelerate the coding process. Scalability and Performance: Java’s scalability makes it suitable for building large, complex systems, while its efficient virtual machine ensures high performance. Community Support: With a vast community of developers, Java offers ample resources, forums, and documentation for troubleshooting and continuous learning. Job Opportunities: Proficiency in Java opens up a wide range of career opportunities, from software development to system architecture. In 2024, mastering Java can position individuals for success in various sectors of the tech industry, making it a valuable skill for both beginners and experienced developers. C++ C++ remains a fundamental language for software development, reflecting its status as a versatile and high-performance programming language. Here are some reasons why mastering C++ in 2024 could be highly beneficial: Efficiency: C++ allows for low-level manipulation of data and memory, making it a preferred choice for developing system software and applications where performance is a critical factor. Wide Application: C++ is extensively used in industries like finance, gaming, telecommunications, and operating systems. Learning C++ opens up opportunities in various sectors. Object-Oriented Programming: C++ supports object-oriented programming

Low cost simple UHF automatic parking management

Low cost simple UHF automatic parking management

Simple UHF automatic parking management.1. Access to automatic access, no need hand scan cards. 2. Convenient installation, low cost, no need software installation,no need to connect extra controller board (only connect NEW YORK, NY – Cornell Tech today announced four new professors who will join the campus’ distinguished faculty. With research and industry experience in fields such as machine learning, computational photography, and mobile health applications, these professors will build on Cornell Tech’s interdisciplinary and groundbreaking research. Today, Cornell Tech is home to more than 30 world-class faculty members advising nearly 70 PhD students. “With a breadth of expertise, our new faculty members will enrich Cornell Tech’s campus by driving groundbreaking research, mentoring students, and working with New York-based startups, companies, and nonprofits,” said Greg Morrisett, Jack and Rilla Neafsey Dean and Vice Provost of Cornell Tech. “Along with the rest of the Cornell Tech faculty, our new professors are at the forefront of solving some of the most complex and crucial problems of the digital age which is why we’re thrilled to welcome them to our multidisciplinary community on campus.” The new professors include: Tanzeem Choudhury, Ph.D., Professor joins Cornell Tech from Cornell University where she was an Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science. She is the director of the People-Aware Computing group, which works on inventing the future of technology-assisted wellbeing. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the Media Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Rochester. Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor joins the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech from the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering where she received a Ph.D. She develops computing technologies across various domains including mobile health, user interfaces, and the Internet of Things, such as a sleep apnea detection application that has been deployed worldwide. Alexander “Sasha” Rush, Ph.D., Associate Professor joins Cornell Tech from Harvard University, where he was an Associate Professor in Computer Science focused on data-driven methods for understanding natural language. His recent research has centered on the intersection of deep learning and structured prediction, concentrating on text generation and document-level understanding. Before Harvard, Sasha was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) in New York. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his B.A. in Computer Science at Harvard University. Christoph Studer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor joins Cornell Tech from Cornell University where he was an Assistant Professor focusing on the joint design of algorithms and integrated circuits. Dr. Studer’s research group is developing novel technologies for future multi-antenna wireless communication systems. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Guided by both academic excellence and practical impact, Cornell Tech’s purpose-driven research program spurs relevant and valuable progress in five areas: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Social Computing, Security & Privacy, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Data & Modeling, and Law & Policy. Cornell Tech’s faculty is publishing groundbreaking research — for instance, Nicola Dell created technologies countering domestic abuse through mobile apps; Ari Juels analyzed manipulation on cryptocurrency exchanges; and Nathan Kallus studied how algorithms determining credit and loan decisions produce racist consequences. About Cornell Tech Cornell Tech brings together faculty, business leaders, tech entrepreneurs and students in a catalytic environment to produce visionary results grounded in significant needs that will reinvent the way we live in the digital age. The Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute embodies the academic partnership between the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Cornell University on the Cornell Tech campus. Cornell Tech’s Roosevelt Island campus opened fall 2017. When fully completed, the campus will include two million square feet of state-of-the-art buildings, over two acres of open space, and will be home to more than 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff.

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RFID books management

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Running race timing system

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RFID Warehouse Inventory Management

RFID Warehouse Inventory Management

The use of RFID related hardware and software technology, realization of generating and printing RFID tags, warehouse receiving/delivery/warehouse and inventory process physical move data quickly and accurately, further

man in black shirt sits behind desk with computers

How to Hire a Web Developer for Your Business

Here’s an overview: How To Hire A Developer For A Project? Define Your Project Needs: Clearly outline the scope of your project, including the technology stack required, project timeline, and specific deliverables. Create a Detailed Job Description: Craft a comprehensive job description that includes technical skills, experience level, and any specific qualifications or certifications required. Utilize Online Job Platforms: Post your job opening on reputable online job platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Upwork to reach a wider pool of applicants. Review Portfolios and Resumes: Evaluate candidates based on their portfolios, resumes, and past projects to ensure they have the necessary skills and experience. Conduct Technical Interviews: Conduct technical interviews to assess the candidate’s problem-solving skills, coding abilities, and how well they would fit within your team. Check References: Reach out to previous clients or employers to get insights into the developer’s work ethic, professionalism, and overall performance. Consider Cultural Fit: Assess whether the developer’s working style and personality align with your company culture to ensure a harmonious working relationship. Negotiate Terms and Rates: Discuss project timelines, payment terms, and rates with the developer to establish clear expectations and avoid potential conflicts down the line. Sign a Detailed Contract: Once you’ve selected a developer, outline the project scope, deliverables, timelines, and payment terms in a detailed contract to protect both parties’ interests. Provide Clear Communication: Maintain open lines of communication throughout the project to address any issues, provide feedback, and ensure the project stays on track. Offer Feedback and Support: Provide constructive feedback to the developer during the project to help them improve and deliver the best results for your business. Maintain a Positive Working Relationship: Foster a positive working relationship with the developer to encourage collaboration, creativity, and long-term success. Monitor Progress and Quality: Regularly review the project’s progress and quality to ensure it aligns with your expectations and make adjustments as needed. Provide Opportunities for Growth: Offer opportunities for professional growth and development to keep your developer motivated and engaged in their work. Why hire a web developer for your business? A web developer can create a professional and customized website tailored to your business needs. Hiring a web developer ensures that your website is user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Web developers have the technical expertise to handle complex coding and programming tasks efficiently. By hiring a web developer, you can save time and focus on other aspects of your business. A skilled web developer can help improve your website’s performance and functionality, leading to a better user experience. Web developers can ensure that your website is mobile-responsive, reaching a wider audience. Hiring a web developer can help strengthen your online presence and credibility as a business. A web developer can provide ongoing support and maintenance for your website, keeping it up-to-date and secure. By working with a web developer, you can stay ahead of the competition with innovative design and features. Investing in a professional web developer can yield a higher return on investment in the long run. What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Professional Web Developer Expertise: Professional web developers have the knowledge and skills to create a high-quality website that meets your business needs. Customization: They can tailor the website to your specific requirements, ensuring a unique and personalized online presence. Quality Assurance: Professional web developers follow industry best practices and standards to deliver a website that is functional and reliable. Time-Saving: Hiring a professional developer saves time as they can work efficiently and effectively to complete the project in a timely manner. Technical Support: Professional developers provide ongoing technical support and maintenance to keep your website running smoothly. SEO Optimization: They can optimize your website for search engines, improving your online visibility and driving more traffic to your site. Responsive Design: Professional developers can create a website that is responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. Security: They implement security measures to protect your website from cyber threats and ensure the safety of your data and user information. Scalability: Professional developers design websites that are scalable, allowing for future growth and expansion of your online presence. Web Development Process: An Overview The web development process typically starts with gathering requirements from the client to understand their goals and objectives. Once the requirements are gathered, the web developer will create a project plan outlining the tasks, timeline, and resources needed. Design phase involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the layout and structure of the website. Development phase begins with coding the website using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Testing is a crucial step where the developer ensures the website functions properly across different browsers and devices. Deployment involves launching the website to a live server to make it accessible to users. Maintenance is an ongoing process where the developer updates, fixes bugs, and enhances the website to keep it running smoothly. Web development involves a systematic approach to creating a functional and visually appealing website that meets the client’s requirements. Whether hiring a freelance web developer or a web development agency, understanding the web development process can help business owners make informed decisions and collaborate effectively with their chosen developer. How to Find and Evaluate Hire Developers To find developers for your project, consider using popular job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor to post your job opening. Utilize freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Toptal to hire developers on a project basis. Attend technology meetups, conferences, or networking events to connect with talented developers in person. Consider reaching out to coding bootcamps or universities with strong computer science programs to find potential candidates. It is important to thoroughly evaluate developers before making a hiring decision. Here are some tips: Review Portfolios: Ask for samples of their work or previous projects to get a sense of their skills and style. Conduct Technical Assessments: Consider giving developers a coding test or technical challenge to evaluate their problem-solving abilities. Check References: Reach out to previous clients


Latest trends in Web Development in the United States 2024

Table of Contents Introduction to Web Development Trends in the United States In 2024, the landscape of web development in the United States is experiencing significant shifts driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Some key trends to watch out for include: Progressive Web Applications (PWAs): PWAs are gaining popularity for providing a seamless user experience across various devices, combining the best features of web and mobile applications. Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of smart assistants like Siri and Alexa, optimizing websites for voice search is becoming essential to cater to users’ changing search behavior. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI is playing a crucial role in web development, from chatbots enhancing customer interactions to personalized content recommendations based on user behavior. Responsive Web Design: Ensuring that websites are mobile-friendly and responsive to different screen sizes is paramount for user engagement and search engine rankings. Cybersecurity Measures: As cyber threats continue to evolve, implementing robust security measures to protect user data and maintain trust is a top priority for web developers. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: Incorporating AR and VR technologies into websites for enhanced user experiences and product visualization is becoming more prevalent. These trends are shaping the future of web development in the United States, driving innovation and pushing boundaries to create more interactive, secure, and personalized online experiences for users. Importance of Staying Updated with Web Development Trends Staying updated with web development trends is crucial for professionals in the field, as the industry is constantly evolving to meet user demands and technological advancements. Here are the key reasons why staying abreast of these trends is vital: Competitive Edge: By keeping up with the latest trends, web developers can stay ahead of the competition. Clients are always looking for innovative and cutting-edge solutions, and being up-to-date with trends can set developers apart. Enhanced Skill Set: Learning about new technologies and techniques in web development can help professionals expand their skill set. This not only improves their capabilities but also opens up new opportunities for career growth. Improved User Experience: Following trends allows developers to implement features that enhance user experience. User-centric design elements, such as responsive layouts and intuitive navigation, can be incorporated to create websites that are both engaging and functional. Efficiency and Productivity: Embracing new trends often leads to more efficient workflows and improved productivity. Automation tools, frameworks, and best practices can streamline development processes, saving time and resources. Future-proofing Projects: Anticipating and adopting upcoming trends ensures that projects are built to withstand the test of time. By integrating the latest technologies, developers can create websites that remain relevant and effective in the long run. In conclusion, staying updated with web development trends is not just beneficial but essential for those in the industry. It enables professionals to deliver high-quality, innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of clients and users. Top 6 Web Development Trends to Look Out for in 2024 1. Artificial Intelligence Integration: AI is set to transform web development by providing personalized user experiences, chatbots for customer support, and enhanced data analysis to optimize websites. 2. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs): PWAs combine the best features of websites and mobile applications, offering fast loading speeds, offline functionality, and push notifications, making them a popular choice for businesses looking to improve user engagement. 3. Voice Search Optimization: The rise of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant has highlighted the importance of optimizing websites for voice search. Web developers are focusing on creating voice-friendly interfaces and content to cater to this growing trend. 4. Blockchain Technology in Web Development: Blockchain technology is being integrated into web development to enhance security, enable transparent transactions, and create decentralized websites and applications. This trend is expected to continue to grow in 2024. 5. Motion UI Design: Dynamic and interactive user interfaces are gaining popularity, with web developers incorporating motion graphics, animations, and transitions to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of websites. Motion UI design is set to be a key trend in web development in 2024. Trend 1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Web Development Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the field of web development in the United States. Companies are increasingly integrating AI and ML technologies into their websites to enhance user experience, streamline processes, and personalize content. Automated Content Generation: AI-powered tools can now generate content dynamically based on user preferences and behavior, leading to more personalized interactions on websites. Enhanced User Experience: Machine learning algorithms analyze user patterns and behaviors to predict user actions, enabling websites to provide a more tailored experience to each visitor. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are being used on websites to provide instant customer support, answer queries, and guide users through their online journey. Predictive Analytics: Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict user behavior, enabling websites to make real-time personalized recommendations to visitors. AI and ML are transforming traditional web development practices, making websites smarter, more intuitive, and efficient. Companies that embrace these technologies gain a competitive edge by providing a more engaging and personalized experience to their users. Trend 2: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Their Impact on User Experience Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have gained significant traction in web development due to their ability to combine the best features of web and mobile applications. Key points to consider about PWAs and their impact on user experience in 2024 are: Enhanced User Experience: PWAs provide a seamless experience by offering fast loading times, offline functionality, and push notifications, leading to higher user engagement and satisfaction. Improved Performance: With PWAs, users can enjoy a faster and more responsive interface, contributing to a smoother navigation experience and increased time spent on websites. Cost-Effectiveness: Developing a PWA can be more cost-effective than building separate web and mobile applications, making it an appealing option for businesses looking to maximize their resources. Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs work across various devices and platforms, eliminating the need to develop separate applications for iOS and

Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development [An Ultimate Guide of 2024]

Here’s an overview: What Is Custom Software Development? Custom software development refers to the process of creating tailored software solutions that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs and requirements of a particular business or organization. Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom applications are bespoke products that are developed from scratch to address specific challenges or opportunities within a company. Tailored Solutions: Custom software development involves working closely with clients to understand their business processes, goals, and challenges. Developers then create software solutions that are customized to fit these unique requirements perfectly. Scalability and Flexibility: One of the key advantages of custom software is its scalability. Companies can easily expand and modify custom applications as their needs evolve, providing greater flexibility compared to off-the-shelf solutions. Enhanced Security: Custom software development allows for the implementation of advanced security features that are tailored to the specific needs of the business. This can help protect sensitive data and minimize the risk of cyber threats. Improved Efficiency: By streamlining processes and automating tasks, custom software solutions can help businesses operate more efficiently. Tailored applications can eliminate manual work, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity. Competitive Edge: Custom software can give businesses a competitive edge by providing unique features and functionalities that are not available in off-the-shelf solutions. This can help differentiate a company in the market and attract more customers. Overall, custom software development offers organizations the opportunity to create innovative, efficient, and secure software solutions that are precisely tailored to their needs. By investing in custom applications, businesses can optimize their operations, improve customer experiences, and drive growth in today’s competitive market. The Benefits of Custom Software Development Tailored Solutions: Custom software development offers tailored solutions that are designed to meet specific business requirements, ensuring a perfect fit for your organization. Scalability: Custom applications can easily scale as your business grows, allowing for seamless expansion without encountering limitations often faced with off-the-shelf software. Enhanced Security: Custom software can be built with advanced security features, reducing the risk of cyber threats and ensuring that sensitive business data is protected. Integration Capabilities: Custom applications can be seamlessly integrated with existing systems and technologies within your organization, promoting efficiency and streamlining business processes. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: While initial development costs may be higher, custom software often proves to be more cost-effective in the long run as it eliminates the need for expensive licenses, upgrades, and recurring fees associated with off-the-shelf solutions. Competitive Advantage: By having software specifically tailored to your business needs, you gain a competitive edge in the market by leveraging technology to optimize operations and deliver enhanced customer experiences. Greater Control: Custom software development gives you full control over the features, functionality, and maintenance of the software, allowing for customization and flexibility as your business evolves. Support and Maintenance: With custom software, you can benefit from dedicated support and maintenance services, ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed, and the software is kept up to date with the latest technologies and trends. Custom software development offers a wide range of benefits that can empower businesses to optimize operations, enhance security, and drive growth in today’s competitive landscape. Does my company need custom software? In determining whether your company requires custom software, several factors need to be considered: Unique Business Needs: If your business operations have specific requirements that cannot be met by off-the-shelf software, custom software might be necessary to streamline processes efficiently. Competitive Advantage: Custom software can provide a competitive edge by offering tailored solutions that cater to your business’s unique strengths. Scalability: Off-the-shelf software may not scale effectively as your company grows. Custom software can be designed to expand alongside your business without compromising performance. Integration Requirements: If your company needs software that seamlessly integrates with existing systems or devices, custom software can be tailored to meet these integration needs. Data Security: Custom software can offer enhanced security measures that align with your company’s specific data protection requirements, ensuring sensitive information is safeguarded effectively. Cost Considerations: While custom software typically involves a higher upfront cost, it can lead to long-term cost savings by eliminating the need for multiple software subscriptions or licenses. Ultimately, the decision to invest in custom software should be based on a thorough evaluation of your company’s individual needs and long-term objectives. Custom software can be a valuable asset in optimizing operations, enhancing productivity, and driving business growth in a competitive market landscape. What are the pros and cons of Custom Software Development? Pros: Tailored Solutions: Custom software development offers tailor-made solutions that specifically address the unique needs of a business. Scalability: Custom applications can be easily scaled and modified according to the changing requirements of a business. Competitive Advantage: Custom software can give a company a competitive edge by providing unique features not found in off-the-shelf solutions. Integration Capabilities: Custom software can seamlessly integrate with existing systems and software used by the business. Security: Custom software allows for greater control over security features, reducing the risk of potential vulnerabilities. Long-term Cost Savings: Although the initial cost may be higher, custom software can lead to cost savings in the long run by improving efficiency and productivity. Cons: Higher Initial Cost: Custom software development typically involves a higher upfront cost compared to off-the-shelf solutions. Longer Development Time: Building custom software from scratch can take longer to develop and implement compared to ready-made software. Maintenance and Support: Custom software may require ongoing maintenance and support, which can add to the overall cost of ownership. Technology Dependence: Custom software may be more dependent on specific technologies or programming languages, making it potentially harder to maintain or upgrade in the future. Skill Dependency: Developing custom software requires a skilled team of developers, which may be challenging to assemble or retain. What is the process for developing Software? **1. Requirement Gathering:** The first step in custom application development is gathering and analyzing requirements from stakeholders to understand the objectives of the software project. **2. Planning:** Once the requirements are clear, a detailed project plan is created outlining


What is Agile Software Development: Boosting Productivity

Here’s an overview: What is Agile Software Development? Agile software development is a methodology focused on iterative development, where cross-functional teams collaborate to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently. Here are some key aspects of Agile software development: Iterative Approach: Agile breaks the software development process into small increments, allowing for frequent reassessment and adaptation. Collaboration: Agile encourages constant communication and collaboration between team members, stakeholders, and customers throughout the development process. Adaptability: Agile is flexible and prioritizes responding to change over following a strict plan. Teams are encouraged to adapt to new information and adjust their approach accordingly. Customer-Centric: Agile places a strong emphasis on delivering value to the customer through early and continuous delivery of working software. Continuous Improvement: Agile teams regularly reflect on their processes and outcomes to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to enhance productivity and quality. Transparency: Agile promotes transparency through tools like daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and retrospectives, enabling stakeholders to track progress and provide feedback. Empowerment: Agile empowers team members to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and collaborate effectively to achieve project goals. In summary, Agile software development offers a more dynamic and customer-focused approach to software development, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement to boost productivity and deliver high-quality software. Principles of Agile Software Development Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation: Agile values customer collaboration throughout the development process. The idea is to involve customers in every stage to ensure the final product meets their needs and requirements. Responding to Change over Following a Plan: Agile embraces change by prioritizing responding to changes in requirements over sticking to a rigid plan. This allows teams to remain flexible and adapt quickly to evolving project needs. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools: Agile focuses on the importance of effective communication and collaboration among team members. It values the contributions of individuals and emphasizes interactions over solely relying on processes and tools. Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation: Agile emphasizes the delivery of working software as the primary measure of progress. While documentation is essential, the focus is on producing a functional product rather than exhaustive paperwork. Embracing Change: Agile recognizes that change is inevitable in software development. Rather than resisting change, Agile teams welcome it, leveraging it to deliver better products efficiently. Regular Reflection and Adjustment: Agile encourages teams to regularly reflect on their processes and performance to identify areas of improvement. By continuously adjusting their methods, teams can optimize productivity and product quality. These principles guide Agile software development practices, fostering collaboration, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach to product development and delivery. Agile Methodologies and Frameworks Agile methodologies and frameworks are the backbone of successful Agile software development. These methodologies guide the team through iterative processes, promoting flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Here are some popular Agile methodologies and frameworks: Scrum: One of the most widely used Agile frameworks, Scrum involves breaking down the work into small iterations called sprints. The team collaborates daily and holds regular meetings to track progress and adapt to changes quickly. Kanban: Kanban visualizes the workflow on a Kanban board with columns representing different stages of work. Teams pull work items through the stages, focusing on limiting work in progress and optimizing flow efficiency. Extreme Programming (XP): XP focuses on engineering practices such as test-driven development, pair programming, and continuous integration to ensure high-quality software delivery. Lean: Lean principles aim to eliminate waste, optimize resources, and deliver value to customers quickly. It emphasizes continuous improvement, customer collaboration, and respect for people. Crystal: Crystal methodologies come in different flavors based on team size, project priorities, and criticality. They prioritize communication, simplicity, and reflection to adapt to project needs effectively. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM): DSDM provides a framework with principles and practices for iterative and incremental project delivery. It focuses on business value, active user involvement, and frequent delivery. These Agile methodologies and frameworks offer guidance and structure to Agile teams, helping them stay focused, adapt to changes, and deliver high-quality products efficiently. By selecting the right methodology that aligns with the project requirements, teams can boost productivity and achieve successful outcomes in Agile software development. How does Agile save you money? “cprime.com“ Scrum: An Overview Scrum is a popular framework used in Agile software development to manage complex projects. Here is an overview of Scrum: Roles: In Scrum, the team consists of three primary roles: the Product Owner who represents the stakeholders, the Scrum Master who ensures the Scrum process is followed, and the Development Team responsible for delivering the product increment. Artifacts: Scrum defines specific artifacts to facilitate communication and transparency within the team. These include the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. Sprints: Sprints are time-boxed iterations, usually lasting between one to four weeks, during which specific work is completed and ready for review. Meetings: Scrum prescribes several meetings to keep the team aligned and informed. The Daily Stand-up, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective are essential gatherings in the Scrum framework. Flexibility: One of the key principles of Scrum is its adaptability. It allows for flexibility in changing requirements, ensuring that the product adapts to market needs swiftly. Continuous Improvement: Scrum promotes a culture of continuous improvement through regular reflection and adjustment. By reviewing processes at the end of each sprint, Scrum teams strive to optimize productivity and product quality. Scrum is widely adopted by software development teams for its focus on collaboration, transparency, and adaptability. Understanding the foundational elements of Scrum is crucial for implementing Agile principles effectively in project management. Roles in Agile Software Development In Agile software development, there are several key roles that contribute to the success of a project. These roles are essential for maintaining the iterative and collaborative nature of Agile methodologies. Here are some of the primary roles in Agile software development: Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the features of the product. They act as the voice of the customer and ensure that the development team is working on the most valuable tasks. Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is the