7 false thoughts about social media for self-employed people

7 false thoughts about social media for self-employed people

It’s up to you to decide which social networks you prefer to communicate about your small business and what is the best strategy to adopt to achieve your marketing objectives. Now is the time to enlighten yourself about the myths and false thoughts you may have on social media. So, here are the 7 false thoughts on social media for self-employed people

7 false thoughts to discard on social media

1. Facebook, you can find anything there

This is a preconceived thought of this social network. Of course you can find anything and everything there, but there are business pages, Facebook groups intended to promote a site or a brand or even help and advice groups between entrepreneurs. All of this can provide you with   significant support and visibility for your small business! Facebook can then be of great use to you.
Facebook is a place of exchange where interaction between businesses and customers  is easy. You can inform them directly, read articles that will be useful for your problem and benefit from sponsorship between small businesses to  gain visibility .

2. Social media is just for the week

Your person affiliated with marketing where you yourself only work during the week, from Monday to Friday, however Internet users are  active 7 days a week  ! You could have more success in your communication strategy if you used social networks and if you publish activities on weekends as well. We’re not telling you to work overtime, but you can  schedule  social media  posts automatically using software like Buffer  or  Swello .

3. Social media generates no net profit

In addition to the visibility gained on social media, you can create engagement with the people who follow you, i.e. your community! These media bring you prospects who seem to be interested. If you can convince them, they will become customers and therefore buy your products. Social media are therefore a good way to  make yourself known, gain customers, and by extension increase your turnover . Subsequently, these new customers will recommend your company, your product or your service. It is therefore a  virtuous circle  and you have to be patient with this type of promotion, but it bears fruit!


  • Companies that use  Twitter  have  twice as many prospects  on average as those that don’t use it,
  • Companies with more than 1000 followers on Twitter get  6 times more traffic  to their site,
  • 45% of marketers emphasize that  social media generate leads  with lower acquisition costs compared to other channels,
  • 62%  of businesses using Linkedin for marketing have acquired customers through this channel,
  • 52%  of businesses using Facebook for marketing have acquired customers through this network,
  • 44%  of businesses using Twitter for marketing have acquired customers through this medium.

We invite you to enrich your reading by continuing with this article to find out how to create and optimize your Linkedin page effectively.

4. I need someone young to take care of web marketing

First of all, there is no need to hire an extremely young person to take care of this marketing aspect. Your employee must have a  minimum of experience ,  knowledge  and  skills  in the field. Being registered on social networks since the age of 12 does not mean mastering its subtleties.
In addition, the target that the company wishes to reach is surely a  mature audience  that is receptive to the proposed offer. Someone older may be able to better understand customers’ expectations as well as their fears of social networks. Hire someone based on creative criteria, a relevant analytical mind and interpersonal skills.

5. Social media is just for young people

First of all, a quick summary of the  different generations  that you are likely to meet

  • Generation ​
  • Generation Y:  born between 1980 and 1995, person who grew up at the same time as the development of the Internet, questions what exists, revolutionizes the market, has nerve and is multitasking.
  • Generation Z:  born between 1995 and today, person permanently connected, technology is an extension of their personality, physical space is doomed to disappear. These people will have to question themselves because the school model and the reality of the market are diametrically opposed.

This is what the generations encountered on the market are succinctly described. You will therefore be more likely to think that Generation Z will be the ones who are the most active on the network, but that is a  preconceived thought  ! Here are some figures that will fool you:

  • 40%  of active users on Facebook are over  35 years old
  • 52% of Internet users aged 55-64 have joined a social network
  • 93%  of American adult Internet users are on Facebook

6. Google+ is useless

Among the 7 false thoughts on social media for self-employed people! Certainly it is not the most used social network, compared to Facebook. But its great strength for professionals is its  capacity in SEO , i.e.  natural referencing  on Google search pages! By publishing an article on  Google+ , if it is liked and shared it will be automatically referenced in Google searches according to its popularity and the keywords it contains. Contrary to this, articles published on Facebook do not increase your natural referencing, they only allow you better visibility.

7. Social media replaces a business blog

The blog should be the  central point of your  communication campaign . The blog attracts, converts and transforms your visitor traffic. Social media in no way replaces a website specific to your business. Social media allows you to have a visible community of fans and you must use them to continually make referrals to your  internet blog  !

You now know everything you need to know about social media and can make the most of this  extraordinary  , constantly evolving tool ! So, stay connected!

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