What is invoicing software used for?

What is invoicing software used for?

Now, many micro-businesses use software not designed for this purpose (mainly Word, Excel, OpenOffice) to manage quotes and invoices. Nowadays there is a very interesting method that allows you to automatically generate these documents and automatically perform accounting calculations without causing errors for each statement: invoicing software.

The different functionalities

Invoicing software can be used for purposes other than issuing invoices. With the help of customer management, accounting support, contract management and other tools, he can participate in the management of the business. Most software on the market provides a module that allows you to perform accounting and update it directly based on invoices issued. In this way, there is no longer any risk of making a mistake when making monthly or quarterly declarations (if you are a micro-entrepreneur).


Let’s focus on 3 modules that are often connected to each other: Customer Management: This tool allows you to list customers and include their contact details, notes, etc. Invoice management: With this tool you can create invoices directly associated with customers. Accounting: Last link in the chain, this tool uses edited invoices to generate accounting. Therefore, the biggest advantage is the centralization of data, which can provide connectivity between each module and save time when searching for specific information and in the organization.

How much does it cost ?

There are many software programs available on the market: some are  free , others  require payment .

There is no “best”, it is the ergonomics of each one that will change. You can therefore try them to find the one that best suits your  activity .

For paid software, they are most often provided with a  monthly subscription , around ten euros per month. Which, in the end, is quite insignificant compared to the  gain  that it will bring you later.  So you can go there with your eyes closed!

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