11 tips for getting your business off to a good start

11 tips for getting your business off to a good start

1. Identify potential customers before launching

Before starting your business, take care to collect warm leads who say they want to be your company’s first customers. Gather a good number, even if it means making a waiting list. However, be careful. Don’t take their good word 100% unless the contract is already signed. Many people may change their minds during the process. Until the money is in your bank account, there is no guarantee it will actually be there.

2. Look for a good accountant

One of the biggest pain points for new entrepreneurs is finances. You must ensure bookkeeping, tax returns, etc. Ideally you manage to find a good accountant in your field of activity. This person will then be able to help you even more by giving you valuable advice. How to invoice, how to store, market conditions, it might even refer you to potential clients and tell you secrets you hadn’t even thought of. For example, did you know that the creation of a website can be reimbursed 100% during the tax declaration? If you don’t know, ask your accountant!

3. Do networking activities

The worst thing an entrepreneur can do is isolate themselves and be alone in a corner. You have to surround yourself with as many people as possible. Let as many people as possible know you. It’s the best way to spread the word, boost your business, and thus find your first customers.

4. Rub shoulders with your competitors

Do not think that your competitors represent the dark side of power and should be avoided at all costs. They can be of great help to you. For example, they can share their experiences with you, give you advice or even subcontract tasks! This can greatly help your cash flow.

5. Visit a help center dedicated to start-ups

If you are in Quebec, consider visiting the Local Development Center (CLD). They are authorized by the government to help you do business for free under the best conditions. For example, they can help you write business plans, conduct market research, financial forecasts, invite you to social events, trainings, etc. And it’s all free.

6. Have savings

  • Above all, don’t start a business without a penny in your pocket.
  • The first few months or years will be extremely difficult and you will most likely have many months without income.
  • Therefore, it is important to have a treasure to be able to resist during difficult times and above all invest in promotion to get your first customers.

7. Ask yourself the right questions

  • The life of an entrepreneur is far from rosy.
  • It’s usually very difficult. So, before starting a business, think about the right questions to best prepare yourself and make sure you have made the right decision.

8. Be present everywhere

  • One of the keys to success is increasing traffic to your business.
  • To do this, we must create a presence in all possible strategic locations.
  • Websites, social networks, press releases, directories, search engines, AdWords and other advertisements, etc.
  • However, be careful. Each new space you create will need to be constantly updated so as not to give a false impression of your business, giving the impression that you are no longer active and therefore lose a lot of business opportunities.
  • Managing each virtual or physical space takes time. It is therefore necessary to analyze it and ensure that it is relevant.

9. Invest in marketing

  • Advertise anytime, anywhere!
  • When finances are bad, cut back where you can, increase your marketing budget!
  • Promoting your business is vital.
  • If you don’t get enough new customers and cut your marketing budget, you reduce your chances of acquiring new customers.
  • On the contrary, you need to invest more in advertising to reach new customers to promote your business.

10. Look for partners

  • Ask yourself which industries complement yours and vice versa.
  • For example, if you organize conferences, press relations agencies, audiovisual companies are very likely to partner with you.
  • You can bring them visibility and customers, and so can they.
  • In addition, you will pool your network which will be extremely beneficial for your business.

11. Talk to those around you

  • Talk about your business, your products, your services, the people around you all the time.
  • For your family, your friends, your strangers, your partners, your businessmen, your clients, with as many people as possible.
  • By constantly talking about you, people around will know exactly what you do, that you are always active, so they will not hesitate to recommend you as much as possible.
  • Of course, talk about yourself as much as possible without disturbing those around you.
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